Quick Rundown
>government fucks social security
>issues loans to (((cronies)))
>nation-wide chimpout happens
>the army's being mobilized
>people are stacking on provisions and water everywhere
>the police are stealing people's provisions
>Contras are rearming themselves
>high chance (((they)))'re behind this shitshow
>mass gassing seems imminent
Last Thread Watch the Shitshow here:


Also, any Idea how to take out a huge Chavez monument?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Timeline of the bullshit

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At this point the people is just trying to fuck the government

Check mail brother

W/ sound in link.

Attached: 840aBTOaVQFE_Yji.webm (480x360, 2.34M)

its always interesting to watch people fight the government. Never happens in cucked Western countries. Bump for more riots

7th for CONTRAFUs

Attached: Contra_commandas_1987.jpg (1147x794, 291K)

On it

I wonder what the fucker would say

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Bumping for great justice

'black pipe shotgun diy'
for research purposes

Time to see if Iran is buying missiles I guess.

How long will this go on? And how long till the West intervenes?

but of course

Honestly we need a charismatic figure ASAP

also called a zip gun if you are youtubing it

Jow Forums is loaded. you could easily get $1m+ from them.

we still need more public outcry about the human rights violations...then a chemical attack, and we're good to go i guess

add a couple of Trucks of Peace too while ur at it

Is there any international organization that can help Nicaragua? Not sure if your country is part of any of them.

I know the ONU is full of sketchy fucks with their blue helmets and most of the time they turn their heads the other way but aren't they suppose to help countries while all this shut happens?


there is this guy who might be larping but he uploaded a video to a journalist fb page.

Amilta is the Commander in Chief of the police. The one you see with the sad face.

>masked man says he's the son of the high ranked police officer.
>claims amilta's face (pic related) is a sadness face.
>claims amilta money-laundered 1 million USD
>Claims LaPrensa(Newspaper) releases that the police captured 2.3 Millions but actually it was 3.3 millions.
>This is known internally by the high ranks of the police.
>this has caused Amilta many problems.
>Says that Daniel has actually kidnapped Amilta in a place with no computers, cellphone and can only leave to go eat and sleep to her house.
>Claims Amilta will be kicked out of the police silently and then vanished from the public sphere.
>Amilta cant say anything because they have her by the balls with the money laundring stuff.
>Says Daniel is actually afraid and we have to keep fighting

This makes kidnda sense. We never disliked amilta. It was until she started acting weird that the police became the repressive force it is now.

Corruption is a hell of a drug

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>aren't they suppose to help countries while all this shut happens?
no they are complete and utter faggots

We need a George soros for chrissakes

Any recomendation for asking someone to fund us?

Listen to Hans Bergstein, he knows the drill

Set up an organization ,have a mission plan. People feel more comfortable donating to groups rather than individuals

Someone with national ties. I have family with big money we all have Nicaragua in our immediate bloodline. I guess I can ask to borrow some money so we can instil our own nepostist regime

Hmmmm not quite sure, kinda makes sense I mean look at the old lady.
Ortega is actually shitting his pants, obviously, does this means we may be able to get a coup with the army?

wouldnt surprise me

lot of hihg ranking national police got their positions for being "veterans" of the 1979 war or veterans of the contra war

a lot of those cops are inept.


How is the US tied into this or the lead up?
I read about the resistance in the 80s, but it's a bit confusing Somoza was backed by the US and most of the world but overthrown.

Not much. This is pretty isolated within the government's own corruption

>Set up an organization
Come to think of it we havent even gotten a name, the insurrection right now is a bunch of angry people, we're going to need our chad, and most importantly a name for the group

Thanks, that's good.

The US isnt tied yet, they havent commented anything besides a Senator speaking on twitter about speeding up Nica Act.

Ortega was claiming that the "imperialist US" was financing these "minories" but its obviously bs

I haven't seen anything indicating US interventionism being invovlved.

Somoza lost support from the American gov during the Carter administration. When Reagan won, the US gov started supporting the counter revolution.

So it's army + police + Sandinista guerrillas vs a couple banana farmers with old rifles? No one else? No faction in the police, military (navy? Airforce?), foreign backing, guerrillas, nothing?

Give me a rundown of all armed military, paramilitary and guerrilla forces in the country and their allegiance. Do you only have one police force or several? Are Cubans confirmed in the country?

>be south american shithole
>trust the (((government)))) with your money
>WTF someone stole muh money!!!

what exactly did these retards think was going to happen?

In the last thread I mentioned basic weapons from curtain rods to trash can shields

If you want armor, I recommend layering clothing. However, wearing a lot of jackets is too hot, and also restricts movement. You need one long, yet light top, such as a long tee shirt, or your grandmother's night gown, however, armor on top can be layered sleevelss tops, such as muscle (not tanks) tees, vests, denim vests, or anything with the sleeves torn off. Layer as much of those as you can. These may not protect against modern weapons, but they'll damn well prevent the wind getting knocked out of you, but most of all, give confidence.

Pic related. Layer like 10 of these on top of a long tee, like armor over a tunic style.

Attached: sleeveless.jpg (900x900, 105K)

makes sense for me as Amilta has only been a Public figure with no real power inside the police for the past 4, 5 years ? She pocketed 1 million usd for her so they have her by the balls and if shit goes south they will use her as a guinea pig.

I totally agree. 80% of the high ranks of the police force are incompetents.
Do you think people would like a journalist like Carlos Fernando Or a trump like business man Carlos Pellas.

>south american
user i

reminder that we barely have guns, we only have glorified potato cannons, some weapons the farmers brought and a couple AKs and Shotguns some guys managed to take from the police
also people were raiding gun stores but I have no confirmation of what they actually got

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This is not gonna work on the 35c+ (95f +) Nicaraguan summer. People will sophocate in a matter of minutes specially if you're running and hidding from shots.

Thanks dude, this oughta protect against the JS shit

6 years ago or so, I asked Carlos Fernando himself in a grocery store why he didn't run for political office. Says he wasn't interested. I don't think the traditional well-to-do families like getting in the spotlight anymore.

Jow Forums is mostly crypto money. on there are only ways to cashout thru mexico, costa rica, or panama. unless nica supports paypal?. so you would need friends in costa rica to take the money and either buy what you need and give it to you or transfer costa rican money into nicaraguan.

make it a game of who will suffocate first - the civilians wearing 15 tshirts or the cops in riot gear

Paypal supports Nicaragua actually

Go with something referencing old traditions.

Anons. We can literally meme start a guerilla faction through the internet

Start building them

That's why I said keep your arms exposed. You'd get too hot. You just keep your chest covered. You can also use things that have buttons on the front so you can open them up.

My immediate family has roots in Nicaragua, its mixed feelings seeing all this. I can almost feel the revolutionary spirit of my people but at the same time the violence is devastating to me.

I'm pretty proud to see my grandfathers countrymen take such a bold stand against commie fucks

If only they had given their government more control they would have lived happily ever after!

Attached: ''Progressives''.jpg (1338x974, 505K)

arm sleeves can be found in sport stores. and layered sleeveless cotton tees should breathe well enough.

Attached: pro-arm-sleeve.jpg (840x840, 47K)

>Anons. We can literally meme start a guerilla faction through the internet
This is actually the biggest advantage we have over the 80s

>AKs and Shotguns some guys managed to take from the police

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Return the favor it would seem...

Guys, see pic related just showd up on my fb page.

Apparenly a police officer just layed uniform down and joined the protests

People I know that have paypal use USA based debit cards to withdraw from ATMs.
who do present then ? one of the burned faces from the MRS / PLI ? La gorda anti canal ? A Mayor from a "non corrupt city"?

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Let's brainstorm here

Union Nationalista?

We need to decide on a name then start making propaganda posters to spam the net


Share me your email or other contact info. If things get worse and you're serious about organizing things, I can help with social connections and resources.

this has been though
25 confirmed deaths(surely there are more
67 injured(these numbers are obviously higher now)
43 missing persons

This is ridiculous, fuckers shot a 15 yo in the throath and the hospital refused to take him in beacuse they were ordered not to take in injured from the protests

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This is quality shit

can paypal cash directly to nica bank?

>Anitcom: Anti communists, although it's used in the US so idk.
>Contra, Recargados.
>MAS: Movimiento Anti Sandinista
off the top of my head

The guy with the motorcycle helmet is a regular police office. Riot police are the one in black with body armour and shields.
Well, those mofos standed like 2 hours in the sun at noon while we throwed them rocks.
Do we ? excellent news then

Sleeves are optional. The reason why I mentioned something such as one basic tee at the bottom layer is merely to prevent scrapes, dirt, etc. so you can lay down, get dirty, etc. Armor (Sleevelss) is merely for the chest so a bean bag, a baton, or whatever doesn't kick the breath out of you, and to give confidence, much like training wheels on a bike for kids.

In the last thread, your best bet for defense are shields and spears. Machetes if someone gets in close. A bat if they're armored and need to knock them around.

If you're REALLY concerned about a helmet, pic related. I know third-world countries have these all over.

Attached: classic scooter helmet.jpg (800x800, 84K)

Some policemen joined the marchs not many though

Been hearing reports that antimunity officers that didnt obey we're sent to jail and replaced with JS members in disguise, cant verify it though

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Reconquista Segundo

>Do we ? excellent news then
Yes, that's how I've been able to make online purcheases

No, Dont use the word Nacionalista, its not seen correctly here. People will see it as if you were a facha.

Partido Estudiantil something something.

MAS sounds kinda good

As far as I know

what about Union Nacional Nicaragüense? some shit like that

>People will see it as if you were a facha.

What is this?

There's people that hid their AKs at the end of the civil war. But i think they're waiting to see how bad things will get before confronting the police and army on the streets with full force.

Pueblo Sagrado

It needs to insipre people in name alone.

I have recruited a fellow who is willing to help make propaganda posters to share.


Slang for national police.

>I have recruited a fellow who is willing to help make propaganda posters to share.
Fucking based Wizard

>layering clothing
there are many ways to try and stop bullets, but just clothing isn't a very good one.
books, ceramic, steel plate, layers of material glued together, those kinds of things will actually save lives.

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Pues lo perfecto seria Union Fascista Nicaraguense pero eso es mucho para los normies.

>I have recruited a fellow who is willing to help make propaganda posters to share.
I'm liking the way this is going
It's about time Jow Forums helped topple a government

I never mentioned anything about stopping bullets. Merely padding to take beatings from people hitting you with things.

Mind you all, everything I mentioned is purely defensive, not to start shit.

tiene que sonar bonito(has to be pretty)
something that involves liberty.
Hijos de la Libertad Nicaragüense ?

Thats a cop. As said in the last thread, cops wear the yellow vests and have blue shirts. He's a motorcycle cop watch the other videos

>Pueblo Sagrado
I like the idea of involving religion, it can go a long way with the people. Remind them of hoe demonic the government can be. Hell all you need is a martyr to make their blood boil.

Los Jaguares would be a cool youth wing name

too bad its a fucking argy rugby team

Fuck I didnt see that, well doesnt matter at this point, some already stole guns from them

Ok, you mean purchasing. I can also setup my CC with paypay and buy on Ebay.

we're talking people sending you money via paypal to your nica debit card and then you withdraw that money on the ATM.
Hell, you can even call Partido Revolucionario Estudiantil y Campesino (PREC). its catchy and incluse and has the word revolution which so many people like overhere

Good luck Niggaragwah

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>Tanoa and Altis police forces apprehend a newbie to the LIFE server.

"FRENOS EL PELÓN: Rapido y seguro, rectificación en general..."

Would be fucking based if Jow Forums helped take down a communist government,the ultimate meme lol

Is it safe to say it's happening?


I don't know, I'm seeing many things that seem suspicious. I'm not totally sold on this insurrection: people is screaming on facebook like the police and the Sandinista Youth is massacring college students and protesters but I have only been hearing mortars (not shotguns or anyhting). And one group of college students uploaded a video saying they were fine and were not being attacked (there were fake reports of a brutal ambush).

I think it is actually only the riot police with tear gas, college students with rocks. The rest is gangsters (probably), Sandinista Youth defending the government (with some abuse, sure), jokers creating chaos, and media fabrication (or even some weird conspiracy from whoever is financing all this shit).

There are reports of killings by the police and Sandinista Youth, though. But they could be fake. There are some horrific videos and photos, but they all could be, well, a "play-act" or real assassinations with a different agenda.

How long until more quality videos similar to this?

We're taking down a government boyo
Lend a hand for the war effort

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It seems like it so far. people are fucking angry
They started to burn these stupid government symbols

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"If only you'd listen to me"

We're at "you asked for this". give it 1 or 2 more days.

jesus christ I hate this pic, Why does it have to have a fag flag on it ?

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Reform could be a key word

Movimiento Reformista
Juventud Reformista