The German word for DEBT is the same as for GUILT

Why do Anglos like debt so much? Here in Germany, many Germans rather cut off two fingers than take out a loan. There are only two types or “debt” which are accepted by Germans, one is mortgages on houses (because we don’t call them debt, but HYPOTHEK, essentially “mortgage” which is technically wrong to say, as the mortgage is just the collateral part of the debt) and the other is car leases (which are technically not debt under certain contract conditions).

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having debt means you are someones bitch that owns your ass, so naturally anglos love that.

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Well, technically, you do not actually own the house unless the whole Hypo is paid (20-30 years).

Most English words for debt are the same as those for slavery.
German sucks. Anglo best.

Agreed. I would say about half of Americians I've interacted with understand debt enough not to get in over their heads. And I'm hanging around white people all the time, I'm sure it's worse for mutts.

Now look up household debt
Youre welcome, basEdboy

I wonder this myself even my mother once told me "never pay what you can not afford"

“Credit cards” in Germany work like debit cards in the US. Yes, Germany literally has no credit card system where the customer would pay interest on credit card “debt”.

Guilt, from O.E. gylt "crime, sin, fault, fine, debt", derived from O.E. gieldan "to pay for, debt". The mistaken use for "sense of guilt" is first recorded in 1690. "Guilt by association" is first recorded in 1941. "Guilty" is from O.E. gyltig, from gylt.

also pic related

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Because the Anglo-Jew banking system relies on you paying that debt with interest. it is the system your Great Leader wanted to eliminate.

There are literal systems in place that require you to have good credit i.e. go into debt here. You’re financially penalized for being good with money and paying out of pocket

basically i have to get into debt so that, when i prove i can pay it, i am rewarded with the trust to take out even bigger loans. i can then buy a house

anglos look up to the aristocrats and monarchs, it's their version of keeping up with the joneses

Generally more people should behave like Germans with regards to work and money.
OTOH, it's kind of not possible for everybody to save and for nobody to borrow those savings.
Germans are sending their overhead of savings to other countries and their bank systems, so their complaints about them is contradictory.

‘‘Only something that continues to hurt stays in the memory,’’ Nietzsche observes in ‘‘On the Genealogy of Morality.’’ My student-loan debt doesn’t hurt, though it hasn’t seemed to have gotten any smaller over the past decade, and I’ve managed to forget it so thoroughly that I recently told someone that I’d never been in debt until I bought a house. Creditors of antiquity, Nietzsche writes, tried to encourage a debtor’s memory by taking as collateral his freedom, wife, life or even, as in Egypt, his afterlife. Legal documents outlined exactly how much of the body of the debtor that the creditor could cut off for unpaid debts. Consider the odd logic, Nietzsche suggests, of a system in which a creditor is repaid not with money or goods but with the pleasure of seeing the debtor’s body punished. ‘‘The pleasure,’’ he writes, ‘‘of having the right to exercise power over the powerless.’’

based germans, i'm like that too.
>There are only two types or “debt” which are accepted by Germans
i will never take those either

our economy runs on debt, that's why they want to incentivize it.

Schuld and Schulden are two very distinct words you illiterate fuck.

Please also note that the little plastic square americans use to spend money they don't have is called a credit-card and the act of creating debt is called taking out credit.
The card which is used to spend money which is actually in your bank-account is called a debit card. I'd have to check up on what the word debit actually means, but it sounds a lot more like the word "debt" than the word "credit" does and looking at the two, having a card which gives me credit sounds a lot more positive than a card which gives me debit.

a debit card just deducts the money from your bank instantly. as soon as you make a purchase the money is gone from your bank.

a credit card doesn't deduct the money until you choose to pay it (at the end of the month)

one real benefit of the credit card is it's a layer of protection for the buyer. if you but from a company and that company fucks you over you have not actually payed from your account yet. you call the credit card company, describe the situation and the credit card company almost always sides with you. same concept if your card gets stolen and someone goes charging things to it. you have not actually payed for those things yet from your bank account. you call it in and the credit card company sides with you, you never lose a dime.

>rather cut off two fingers than take out a loan.
no wonder no one owns a house then

>Why do Anglos like debt so much?
Then why is NZ finances much better than yours

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you can save money and build it

debt is just a way of artificially propping up ones economy.

>keep whinning about giving other countries "free money"
>gets biggest GDP growth and debt decrease
>totally not 4th reich

germans truly are germs

doesn't explain why then NZ which is Anglo is smashing Germany in fiscal management

Why take a loan when you can take 3 jobs at once? Are you some sort of greek?


>many Germans rather cut off two fingers than take out a loan

I now realize why Germany was agitated into WW2

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No they are not, Mehmet.

Isn’t New Zealand basically a cucked Germany in the South seas?

Isn’t Poland the one with the biggest GDP growth in the EU post -2004?

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>a cucked Germany in the South seas?
Our Jewish PM literally refused to let up our refugees from 700 a year

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You’d know all about being someone’s bitch

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Germany is actually pretty lucky. The rest of the world has pretty much decided that you can't be trusted with a large military ( you know the whole WW thing) . Instead you have used your impressive skills on more economically rewarding ventures. But I will say this... your sausages are shit.. and sauerkraut.... why???I think the bad food may have been the reason Germans were so aggressive in the past.

>mfw the Russian word for debt ("дoлг") is the same as DUTY.

I hope the linguistic implications of this are "if you borrow some shit, it's your duty to pay it back" and not "OY VEY GOY IT'S YOUR DUTY AS FILTHY MAN-CATTLE TO BORROW MY SHEKELS AT FRIENDLY, PREMIUM RATES BECAUSE I AM YOUR GREATEST ALLY" ("and pay jizya while you're at it, kaffir")

The German attitude to debt is extremely healthy. I'd much rather have that system here than the (((system))) we do, which regards you as suspicious and untrustworthy if you don't take on significant amounts of debt

>The rest of the world has pretty much decided that you can't be trusted with a large military

We had 1.5 million active soldiers in the West and East in the 1980s, mate. That is as many active soldiers America has today. We were armee to the teeth with thousands of tanks and jet fighters and hundreds of US nukes mounted to the jets.

It was in 1990 when we negotiated with the Soviets... not the “world” when the Soviets demanded to cap our military to 375,000 max soldiers in exchange for we getting East Germany because the Soviets still believed in the cold war.

Putin has already said they are happy to drop this requirement any time in exchange for more friendship.

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nope, you are. Poland only managed to keep GDP growth during 2008 crisis, when every other european economy failed to keep growth

The whole anglo system is based on debt slavery. The worst thing is that its the only way to get anywhere in austfailure. If you want to have kids, you will need a home loan. If you want a decent rate on your home loan, you'll want to have paid off a car loan and credit card. The banks make up a massive part our stock market.


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The Anglo knows this but the Euromutts have an idea for Germans. See the picture.

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Are there any countries that use loans differently?
I always thought that nobody would be dumb enough to have debt except for houses and cars

Lmao at your sweet naïvety

>I always thought that nobody would be dumb enough to have debt except for houses and cars
never would i thought that someone with sacred trips could be that foolish

I'm buying a new car and I'm taking a credit for it while having saved enough money to actually being able to pay for it right away.
Am I still German?

if you can find a return for your savings that is higher than the cost of borrowing on credit

why on earth would you do that?

>a cucked Germany
the adjective cucked is unnecessary since the term Germany allready implies that
let me explain the sentence "isn't New Zeeland basically a Germany in the South seas" would mean the same thing

>German public debt falling faster than expected - (((Spiegel)))

I can see why. Everything is taxed in this country. Everything.

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the average american has over $6000 (((credit card debt))) alone

he asked since 2004.

since 2004 both our GDP per capita rised about 5000-6000$(yours actually a bit higher i think). you just have bigger population, so your capital GDP growth was 2 times bigger than ours.

doesn't matter you faggot, now pay WW2 guilts

+we have to take loans to make those structural funds work, so we've got more debt while you decreased yours....

He didn't mind selling our land to the Chinese though, and also bringing in record numbers of third world immigrants...

>record numbers of third world immigrants...
Middle Class Chinese and Indians are a lot better than what europe is getting

I don't want to sell my ETFs and interest rates are pretty low.

It´s because you mean if you are guilty you owe people something. Same concept in danish. Skyld (fault/guilt) skyldig (guilty), skylder (to owe someone something). "Du skylder mig en undskyldning". You owe me an apology for instance. It´s similar situation in german. If you are guilty of doing something bad to someone, you owe them something for having done bad to them. So there´s embedded morality in the germanic languages that way. Both to not take on monetary debt, and to treat people nicely. It´s essentially what it means.
But for the english they have separated the two things. Into debt and guilt, where debt mostly means monetary things. And guilty just means it is clear you have done something.

Might be better but why compare our country to Sweden or England? why not compare out country to Japan or South Korea.

Plus I believe he actually did increase the refugee quota for Syrians, also a bunch of Afghanastans

>why not compare out country to Japan or South Korea.
Because we are not asian

Their Jewish masters has taught them to borrow Money.

The entire money system today is based on normal people putting themselves into debt for the benefit of the Jews at the top of the pyramid.

>the eternal anglo can't understand this

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Poland's GDP growth got obliterated and thrown under the bs the second we joined EU. It was soaring before 2004, it has been pitiful since.

you do realise you grow faster when you are at the bottom right

>It was soaring before 2004, it has been pitiful since.
Not exactly true. Poland was growing in line with the EU for a few years before 2004, then in 2003 right before it joined, Polish growth took off and has been higher than the EU (actually overall the highest in the EU) ever since.

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Eh, just because you do good for yourself doesn´t mean you should be demanded to just dole out to other nations.
>doesn't matter you faggot, now pay WW2 guilts
But it literally did not happen user.
Possibly one of the biggest lies in world history that 6 million jews were gassed to death and cremated so they can´t find the evidence of the bodies. And certainly the ones guilty of perpetrating this lie over the last 50+ years owe the germans a whole lot of things.

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>Possibly one of the biggest lies in world history that 6 million jews were gassed to death
I think he means his country being invaded

>I think he means his country being invaded
Sure i can understand that. Yes they should then pay poland first and so on way before they spend money on these fucking refugees. I would actually be for that. But anyways the thing that germany is expected to pay for is basically not demanded of anybody else in a conflict. It´s kind of ridiculous especially considering germany got bombed to smithereens.

Anyways pic related further why the holochaust is bullshit.They had infrastructure to gas them in trains with poisonous gas at ludicrous speed, but it was never used for that at any point. Zyklon b was used for delousing in order to combat typhos, by fumigating with zyklon b aswell as fumigating/gassing clothing and posessions with zyklon b. Hence the gas chambers and the showers. At the end of the war when germany was on brink of invasion by the allies, there was a massive typhus outbreak in auswitz killing 17.000, aswell as food was not available so people were starving to death. so that´s the walking dead images you see that the allies recorded of very emaciated people walking around like zombies. or falling over dead bodies. But this happened in many other places aswell and is common to see during war. The typhus was endemic to eastern europe so when they got the polish jew communits in the camps they had to do such things. Because getting typhos or typhoid fever. Well you´re about to have a really bad day then.

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same shit here, even the words are the same, we really are just a vassal state

Our trade-surplus (1 trillion EUR) is guaranteeing the fincancal stability of the EU households from Greece to France. Our financial situation will be devastating once the crisis kicks in (and sooner or later the market will always correct itself). Then we have to bail out the EU and our fortune'll be gone.,5850707