Ask a Jew anything.
Ask a Jew anything
Why what?
Why don't you stop being a Jew?
Hi jew are you a rigthwing or a leftard?
if right wing there ist a good chancen that i like you
i ask you to die
When are you Jews gonna stop lying about that holocaust thing and give the Germans their money back?
nose with timestamp or gtfo
stop using a meme flag faggot.
We're not lying about that. You realize more non-Jews than Jews died in the Holocaust, right? 7.1 million versus 5.7 million.
How far away can you hear a dropped coin? Whats the most percentage you (you ed) a price down? How many gay cousins do you have?
Everyone knows you're lying. Stop pretending. You're not fooling anyone.
How do i befriend a jew or seduce a jewess? Trying to expand my circle of influence, maybe maybe not also grab some of them Ashkenazi brain genes
How does infant blood taste?
I wouldn't know. I'm not a vampire.
why do you intentionally make people hate you
Kikes litterally suck baby dicks at the weewee mutilation ritual.
What are the root causes of anti-semitism?
>Ask a Jew anything.
Which religion are you going to convert to if you are not willing to abide by the new Haavara agreement?
How many infant have you burned in pesach?
Why are jewish women such whores?
hi jew-bro
Io mountain kike , use your own flag.
Probably semites.
Yeh, I know that feel man, I'm half-kike but I dunno what else am I supposed to do? I didn't even know I'm 'not white' until recently. I can't un-redpill myself at this point, I hate the onions and niggers and jews in the media and israel and spics and muslims, so i just identify as white and hope for the best.
have you ever mistaken a bar of soap for one of your grandparents?
Come home, Jewish man
why are you even here ?
are you happy with the world domination ?
>accuses jewish women of being whores
mate ethnic russian women prostitute themselves en-masse for 10 shekels in tel aviv
your women are cumsockets for semite cock
did you know that european jews are almost entirely semitic middle eastern on the paternal line and almost entirely european on the maternal line?
this means we spent the past 2000 years breeding with your women
now, say after me; Izrail - Kruto!
Or even better,
post nose or gtfo.
Im a jew and i think the holocaust is the foundational myth of modern times....I dont think anyone was gassed at Auschwitz , and if you ever look into it you will agree with me..
Do you ever shout "fuck the goyim!" after every rep while your working out? also, do you ever smile and rub your hands together when you see the goyim turning in to tranny's and shit?
can i become a jew?
Reported for Volksverhetzung.
How dare you claim less than 6 million Jews died in the shoah?
Why did jews created Islam ?
... why ?
- Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602–661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish
- Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali
- Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish)
- This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists
I wish I could strangle your fucking throat and gouge your eyes out. I hope you know that.
Lol you're such a faggot.