I can understand that they are more violent, statistically.
But what the fuck do you idiots propose we do?
Kill them all?
Deport them all?
Enslave them all?
Castrate them all?
If we did that, we would be the violent ones, we would be the criminals.
It's obviously much better to treat them all like individuals, the ones that are good are rewarded and the rest are punished. There are good, productive, black people and they deserve to live.
What do with blacks?
only like 1% of blacks are good enough to be called humans, the rest are gang degenerate ebonic speaking 75 IQ subhumans
You didn't answer the question though.
What do you propose we do to them?
Also, you know that what you just wrote is total bullshit, quit lying to yourself. Even statistically, 28% of blacks end up in prison, that means 72% are good. Seventy fucking two percent, not one percent.
I'll make a phone call.
They're not more violent, if you compare black on black crime to white on white crime in similar environments, the numbers are almost exactly the same
Blacks were actually starting to assimilate for like a year in 1968, then Nixon came in and started the War on Drugs and ghettofied everything.
That good to hear, but can I get a source?
>If blacks commit crimes which a natural citizen would a 1 year of jail time, they would get deported.
>Ensure the blacks wouldn't lump together into Ghettos,making them assimilate into the white culture, over a couple generations.
>Nigs were peaceful when on drugs
Do you realise what you just said?
I said 1% are decent enough to be called human, I know plenty of blacks who arnt criminals on paper but are straight up nigger savages who are complete degenerates
>Ensure the blacks wouldn't lump together into Ghettos,making them assimilate into the white culture, over a couple generations.
How are you going to do that? You'll be called a giant racist faggot and be laughed at.
What do you propose we do to them, memeflag?
What do with men?
I can understand that they are more violent, statistically.
But what the fuck do you idiots propose we do?
Kill them all?
Deport them all?
Enslave them all?
Castrate them all?
If we did that, we would be the violent ones, we would be the criminals.
It's obviously much better to treat them all like individuals, the ones that are good are rewarded and the rest are punished. There are good, productive, male people and they deserve to live.
You think I didn't count on that?
>My plan is to offer a free-house to a Black that's worth exactly like what he had before, but in a white neighbourhoods and vice-versa
>Cheap assholes would accept as soon as they hear "free" and if they refuse, just show the offer to a different person.
And Bam, people would be moved without controversy.
Send them back to africa. And guard the borders. Then they cant complain about us oppressing them. Everything that happens to them is their fault.
I don't mind being violent, you should try it instead of concern trolling faggot..
i like this
That's a Pajeet kek
The solution would be ending immigration from niggers, but that would require literally discriminating against race by law, so we’re fucked.
>all of the above
when people say "that's impossible" what they mean is "i can't imagine having the willpower to do something that is hard and will make others feel bad". the anglo spirit is rising again. the world will belong to the white man once more. our empathy has been abused for too long. this monster is their creation, not ours.
Find a better Malcom X charscter to spout, "separation, not segregation." Allow hamsters to create a theocratic state, under a Christian religion of course; it would not solve every problem, but at least they will fuck off.
But, you know, we went to Africa, conquered everything, and set them back centuries. Somehow it's THEIR fault?
Have you ever heard of the Mali Empire?
What do ypu think about my assimilation plan?
Animals we could not domesticate. Even with God.
Worked most everywhere else.
Even fucking Native Americans succumbed to our Lord
Niggers like the jewelry shaped like the cross. Thats as religious as they get
>implying the law is always100 percent effective. Haha gtfo
send them back to afica everytime one commits a crime its back to afica for you
the ones left should be okay.
filer out the shit blanks IMO.
>Kill them all?
>Deport them all?
1 if they dont want 2
>If we did that, we would be the violent ones, we would be the criminals.
Violence to protect your people is fine you faggot
>It's obviously much better to treat them all like individual
what is obviously better about that? why is it better to let them kill your people?
they wont do the same for you by the way. assuming you arent a nigger theyll see you as an ebil yt and kill you once whites are a minority
Honestly, deportation to Africa with appropriate financial backing and investment into African countries - not aid, investment.
African niggers might get a few drops of white dna from new world niggers, it might be a net benefit for the continent, even. And if it's not a benefit, well, then nothing has changed for Africa, but the West just got a whole lot nice. Sounds bretty dope to me famalam
I'm not living next to niggers. You will just spread the crime from the ghetto, its a bad plan
>finds a way to blame whites. "'Centuries behind" hahaha allot more then that shlomo
>But, you know, we went to Africa, conquered everything, and set them back centuries. Somehow it's THEIR fault?
>Have you ever heard of the Mali Empire?
umm no.
1. when whites got to Africa? they were already under Arab domination for centuries. Europeans didn't get deep into bl;ack africa until like 19th century when anti malaria pills were invented.
2. The Mali Empire? They never produced anything and collapsed from their own stupidity.
I know you nogs really think everything is whitey's fault, but you got nothing of your own- not roads, not technology, not culture not written language.
Whitey conquesring Africa is the best thing ever happened to Africans
>Mali Empire did nothing
I see no technology, culture, advancement. Just bullyign a bunch of primitive villagers? Not special.
I don't know, but that is a dark skinned Indian.
You had colonies there and in Africa, you should know the difference.
my first thought
i bet for every black convicted, 5 get away with something, which would mean 112% of them are bad
Can you actually read? They were a flourishing empire that used gold dust as currency. Literally so rich they used gold.
Mali didn't collapse from white intervention. The empire fell apart long before European influence expanded in the continent, which wasn't until the latter half of the 19th century. All European activity on the continent before the scramble for Africa was limited to small coastal trading posts where locals would come do business with the Europeans and trade for foreign goods. The only exception is Southern Africa, where European came and establish permanent settlements and colonies.
Don't pretend you know anything about history. Please.
and that's all they had, you fucking idiot.
I know bling is important for you niggers, but it means nothing if you depend on others to feed you- which is why it crashed like the pile of shit it was.
Figure out a way to sterilize them. Maybe pay them a couple hundred to get it done.
Can’t reason with a nigger.
Let's be honest with these statistics:
They completely ignore wealth / income.
Are well educated blacks as violent as ghetto nogs? Obviously not. If we don't fight low education and poverty nothing will change.
All other ideas are memes..over here in germany the rightists blocked EVERY attempt at a working immigration policy just because they don't want germany being acknowledged as 'immigration country'.
That's nice on paper, but all the while uncontrolled immigration happened..for decades now.
Fuck delusional rightists, they can't even give answers to world 2.0.
Yeah, they lived on a bunch of gold. So what?
Tell me, what did a fuck ton of gold do to the Spanish Empire?
Oh no, I know whites didn't fuck them over. Arabs did. But to claim Africans never achieved anything is disingenuous.
Here is an Idea.
Make them balance water jugs on their heads and walk around with no shoes.
After they can successfully do that, they will be ready for their mass deportation.
Big beautiful shipping boats, loaded with containers and containers of ruthless savage nighers, trained and ready to live in Africa now that they can balance water jugs on their heads and walk around barefoot.
The boats would be rigged to blow up the engines less then a mile off the coast of 'Frica. The strong will survive. The weak will be eaten by locals for their magic.
Soon, after the strong survive they will all be walking around with jugs of water on their heads, truly an epic and honerable feat of African life and social dynamic.
Everyone is happy.
Ethnically, spiritually, mentally.
Blacks are made to lay under trees and steal their food from monkeys and lions.
Next are chinese.and middle easterners. We (the earths chosen people) can only handle so much maximum imbreeding. You guys are the worst at it after your darkened sub human pets.
Depends on the location and circumstances. For us white Americans, the Northwest Front is by far the best option IMO. The problem is, people on the internet, especially white nationalists, don't like to get offline and actually do something in the real world, to make a difference. So, we're stuck just using any willing white man and woman we have to create this new homeland.
Bigot fucks like you will be the first swinging from lampposts user.
Idk if bait or not but crime rates of rich niggers are still higher, IQ is still lower, twin study showed niggers are dumb regardless of environment, as did adoption study.
Niggers are unacceptable and will be removed
not "africans", nigger. Sub Saharan Africans. Niggers.
Who never achieved anythign compared to each and every fuckign race of people on the planet except for the Abos.
Not created anything. Noy built anything. Not discovered anything.
Do you realize what a fucking indictment against niggers is the fact they had a rich in gold huge empire and never managed to achieve anything with all that gold just waste it? That the most impressive building of the Mali empire was a mosque made from MUD?
That you can 't even take full credit for the Mali Empire since it was led by Arabs as in non niggers?
The richest black neighbourhood has more crime than the poorest white neighbourhood
so I highly doubt you
Okay, sure, Africa had some notable states. The more level-headed posters have no problem recognizing that. Here's the thing. In the 1600s, the Europeans started connecting the world through maritime trade. Different regions ended up providing different things to this new global flow of goods. Africa provided commodities. Not ideas, not philosophies, not religions, not innovations of warfare or industry, not high culture, not high art. Labor and commodities.
That's why we say Africa achieved nothing.
You gonna come get me from Germany boy. Haha you couldn't even reach my neck beta boy
>still higher, still lower
Let''s be logical:
Let's assume blacks are more violent.
How is the correlation to education?
Are well-off and well-educated as violent and are they committing as many crimes as poor blacks?
Of course not. Show me the studies, you can't.
Reality is: they commit way less crimes than poor blacks, we both know that.
And we both know why, so go play naive fuck elsewhere.
I'm just saying you don't do anybody whether white supremacists of blacks a favour by living in meme country.
Real world 2.0 demands real world answers, you just show off your underage autism.
>Okay, sure, Africa had some notable states. The more level-headed posters have no problem recognizing that. Here's the thing. In the 1600s, the Europeans started connecting the world through maritime trade. Different regions ended up providing different things to this new global flow of goods. Africa provided commodities. Not ideas, not philosophies, not religions, not innovations of warfare or industry, not high culture, not high art. Labor and commodities.
>That's why we say Africa achieved nothing.
define "notable"
Notable for what, existing for a while?
I'll give you teh Mali empire, but the rest are sad. Shaka Zulu's empire was literally 10 times smaller than Romania
>Reality is: they commit way less crimes than poor blacks, we both know that.
>And we both know why, so go play naive fuck elsewhere.
the problem is that rich well educated blacks stil commit more crime THAN POOR WHITES.
I dont know what you are trying to argue here. Rich blacks commit more crime than the absolute poorest whites. Why would I want niggers in my country at all?
Ethno states for all, why do people not get this?
If you kill every single nigger who will judge us? other white people? ok no worries but it doesn't matter because every nigger is GONE. They aren't coming back, ever. We destroy every last bit of genetic material on them, let some people cry for a few years and then we conquer the stars.
give them chicken and BET
If you do anything violent to black people, you'll end up reincarnating as a nigger.
The decent ones will work for money, the lazy ones drop like flies because of hunger, the violent ones(criminals, thugs & gangstas) should be shot on sight.
>for existing for a while?
Literally, yes. Notable because they're a confederacy of tribes living in mud huts. They're notable the same way that the Belgicae or the Aquitanae were before Caesar fucked them up. They're notable in that it should be noted that they existed. And that's about it.
We're on the same page, this is just a semantic issue.
>I'm just saying
You just said he was going to hang from a lamp post. Move into a black neighborhood, prove your theory or fuck right off. You faggots always come here wanting others to do shit while you do nothing. Prove it works by moving to the ghetto and civilizing the wild tyrone.
>Literally, yes. Notable because they're a confederacy of tribes living in mud huts. They're notable the same way that the Belgicae or the Aquitanae were before Caesar fucked them up. They're notable in that it should be noted that they existed. And that's about it.
>We're on the same page, this is just a semantic issue.
but my dude
The Celtic tribes you mentioned did some stuff.
Celts pretty much invented advanced metallurgy
They traded, some of them travelled. They built shit.
Nogs... no
This is 100% false
We just separate. If they get violent that's their fault, we will respond accordingly.
Wrong, we set up large incinerators.
We can setup cattle runs and herd them into cages which link to a conveyer system that takes them to the incinerator before return for more. The ash can be used in fireproof plasterboard and other building materials.
Yeah, I thought about the metallurgy aspect a bit too late. Being part of the greater Celtic nation gets the points too (or were the Belgicae Germanic?)
Chocktaw, Chikasaw, and Crow are better parallels, I think.
>Make them balance water jugs on their heads and walk around with no shoes.
>After they can successfully do that, they will be ready for their mass deportation.
Go round up this large group of computerized farm equipment and get then to represent their communities.
Bet you 100 that those communities convict them of being too white and don't follow.
Its beem tried a dozen times in America already bud. Blacks do not like smart blacks because they are seen as race traitors, and uncle toms.
Meanwhile treat race traitors and uncle toms like gods, Jesse jackson for example.
Black people will always be fucking retarded. Sure, a few polarizing few might slip through the cracks and create peanut butter or whatever. But come the fuck on, you live in nice rich tiny Germany, come live in a real deal American nigher ghetto and after that year tell me how much you love and understand these miscreants. How they are just a poor, umeducated people.
Stop trying to be the typical German Beta male, We get it you hate yourself. Stop virtue signaling to everyone fag
Deport them all to Postugal so civnatcucks like you can fellate yourselves over your moral superiority.
Non Europeans are deported to their countries of ancestral origin.
What is so hard to grasp about this? This was done post decolonisation and post WW2 & ww2 , vor can only liberales Abd Brown people do it?
Without men there is no civilization, dumbass. It's a stupid comparison which leftists like to use.
Jon Tron vindicated?
Behavior is afffected by genes and enviroment doesn't influence crimerates that much.
Get back to the plantation nigger.
>stands up out of bed, and bows
Thanks for recognizing me
Nothing pisses me off more than someone living in a 90% white country telling me I'm racist for not wanting to live amongst these animals. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but you will soon.
all of the above
Designate a big island, ‘wakanda’ and make some awesome brochures about how high tech and awesome it is, watch nigs flock there, ensure island has no means of escape.
the best that can be done by our generation is to limit their birth rate and migration from Africa and support economic/social development there to make them self-sufficient.
We need to keep them in Africa and keep their population from exploding this century.
Blacks need to increase their IQs - I propose sending Scandinavian sperm banks to gradually bleach the population until we can figure out functional designer babies.
Of course, a future global imperium (of whites, Chinese, Japanese, whatever runs the world in the year 3000) might just genocide all of the males and breed the women, while colonizing the continent.
Jesus christ. Instead I made a thread that got 404d because I predicted that Tyrones would start worshipping that movie like some type of niggerstyled scientology.
I was right hahahaha
since niggers value their muh dik so much. Cut it off. Forcible mtf maybe an estrogen injections to neuter their "hyper testosterone"
Then put them in dresses.
They all fucked off back to /leftypol/ we are just talking to ourselves now.
The mental image of millions of niggers standing in line waiting to attempt this balancing act (only to be immediately deported after doing so) made me fucking lel.
Let them have their welfare gibs, but only if they don't reproduce. That way they'll either stop breeding, work or leave.
Blacks belong to sunny parts of the Earth. Whites belong to the north and so on. Different skin colors didn't evolve for no reason.
And no, whites don't belog to Australia IMO.
Get fucked finn
>Yeah, I thought about the metallurgy aspect a bit too late. Being part of the greater Celtic nation gets the points too (or were the Belgicae Germanic?)
>Chocktaw, Chikasaw, and Crow are better parallels, I think
no, they were Celtic.
the comparison w/ Amerindians has some basis.
the best I can say about african niggers is "at least they aren't Abos"
Yeah, my mind just jumped to the first tribes I could think of, and I'm watching Rome at the moment, so, you know.
>Yeah, my mind just jumped to the first tribes I could think of, and I'm watching Rome at the moment, so, you know.
you are excused, after all you are American.
Banx based toothepaste bro
I believe arabs did that already. I think its the reason you dont see many blacks in arabic countries despite their centuries of slave trade.
At what percentage?
You want me to think in categories of mongrellus either or you retard?
Let's do the math.
If I found a way to reduce black crime by 50% but it still is 2 % higher than white crime should I scrap that idea?
Don't play dumb user, we both know the truth, get used to it, much more efficient in finding solutions.
Stop subsidizing their dysgenic behavior for one. Then we end up with less shit ones, and less overall as well. Also stop forcefully inserting them into places they do not belong (i.e affirmative action, diversity quotes, and some aspect of the civil rights act).
At that point, without the gibs, and the forced integration they may become uncomfortable enough to leave on their own. If not, we may need to reevaluate then, but as far as I can tell, it's only detrimental to plan that far in advance right now. Screaming kill all blacks is completely detrimental to the cause when there are far more reasonable ways, yet untried, to handle the situation.
Most of our blacks aren't even that bad
You are wrong about everything and unless you wise up it will continue to be that way.
Jow Forums is not an ethnostate so killing them all isn’t our way
being the masters of chaos, we must round them all up and put them in special military units and send them to other nations or civ to spread the niggitry and destroy them from the inside out
>At what percentage?
>You want me to think in categories of mongrellus either or you retard?
>Let's do the math.
>If I found a way to reduce black crime by 50% but it still is 2 % higher than white crime should I scrap that idea?
>Don't play dumb user, we both know the truth, get used to it, much more efficient in finding solutions.
there is no solution in coexistence short of mass castration/genetic engineering. Nogs gonna nog