Why are do many here muslim lovers and gay?

Why are do many here muslim lovers and gay?

How can you not support Israels right to defend itself against ISLAMIC INVADERS

Israeli girls are even white of nature

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: israeli women.png (555x728, 147K)

You realize all these pics of hot "IDF" girls is propaganda right?

Stop fucking posting that picture

Attached: SPED KIKE.jpg (307x416, 78K)

No it's not

Did you know that Israeli girls love western men that support them

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Idf girls never fought a battle ever. I have caught girls masturbating when they were supposed to be gaurding their posts. Women in militarily is joke. XDDDD benis

>he doesn't know

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Nice FAKE pictures you dumb fuck

Another Christcuck who deep inside hates the Jews but yet "loves" them because he thinks that if the Jews return and rebuilds the temple the proto-Communist bastard in the cross will put him in heaven.

I like Israeli propaganda but I can't stand Israel

Wait are you me that telling anime loving 56% face trap loving enclosed faggot kissless virgins basement dwellers roleplaying as nazis are against what is the only truly redpilled ethnostate?

Color me surprised nigger

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We will take your woman to breed, kike as in the days of old.
The more you shill, the more of you we will kill.
Plus, it keeps pushing normal people further to the right.
Keep it up

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you forgot the proxy faggot :^)

gas yourself schlomo

You kikes are still trying this tactic? Lol

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>Israeli girls are even white of nature
You're saying that as if it would be positive

tweet this to ben shapiro


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>havent masturbated on guard

You need to get on the next level dude.
I have done it on guard, on the guard desk, in the officers wc, in the bunk, in the armytruck and once masturbated but didnt finish when we were standing in line in the darkness.

Attached: 1111111.jpg (1564x1564, 256K)

much better
saved for double the ammo

the enemy of my enemy

You can post it as many times if you want if you change a single pixel in each copy desu


Attached: americans.jpg (1374x1031, 120K)

Of course he knows, him and all the other hook nose rats siting next to him in computer room
>be israel
>spend millions of sheckles
>on computers, training, buildings
>have briefings and meetings and brainstorming sessions
>over saturate

>"fat loser neet"
>shill against for the lulz
>do it for free
>constantly blow jidf out

Attached: 1523678967436.png (800x1280, 123K)

>imagine hitting the jews with the same gaped israeli roastie over and over and over

Lmfao you got me

I did all that (except in formation)
And once on a tree during an op while wearing nvgs.

Did you know that Hamas shoot missiles at INNOCENT ISRAELI CIVILIANS ??!?!?!?

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What if I don't want to support Israel. If y'all are so great why do you even need our help. Pussies

Good, less Jews and Arabs

Israel is a white ethnic state with lots of qts

Did you know thats in response to israel bulldozing homes and killing kids

This bitch ams talkings about having 3 fingers in pussy while covered in jet fuel
No finnish faggot could even get her off by chowing down on stale fish pussy :DDD

You fucking parasites shouldnt be there at all, or anywhere

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Attached: hisodance.webm (322x510, 208K)

jews and muslims are NOT christian

Not interested.
unless both convert like right now.


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Why haven't you nuked Iran yet?

What ams difference between black family and canoes? Sometimes canoe tips :DDDDD

No queremos incinar la guerra con el pais con las mejores mujeres. Nasim Agdam did nothing wrong.

Yes, its called combat wanking, you know what im talking about. :)

you started sounding like a nigger suddenly.

Attached: SHieeet.jpg (398x494, 22K)

>Why are do many here

Great grammar you've got there, bro.

still gets the gas.

Attached: itstime.gif (360x250, 984K)

Fucking kike cock sucking norwegian faggot you always open this Thread kys faggot. Ffs SAGE

Just so you know, i fully support IDF and dem hot gruls over muslims.
I would pick even those faagotty orthodox jews over muslims any day.

Attached: Israel&Finland.jpg (400x320, 70K)

>tfw 1/8 jew
>tfw home country is being destroyed
>tfw hate myself for jews destroying the west
I just can't fucking stand jews. I hate them so fucking much.
I wish some allahu akbar came and blew us all up

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You call me nigger because you have no valid point. I will have you know that I am whiter than Finnsh Ski slope. Don't you have to take back Karelia from Russian horde or are you too busy being ruled by Swedish onions boys? When will you convet to Islam europoor?
Just kidding based frens.
Good night

lay of the weed, dude, its degenerating you faster than anything...

desu i used to feel the same until i realised the muslims wouldnt be a problem if it wasnt for the kikes

Supporting Israel? Please. Those guys are pathetic.

I mean just look at the current situation. Sandmonkeys are chimping out at the Gaza border, and what does Israel do? Shoot them at 1 (one!) measly dead sandnigger per day! That pathetic kill rate is not even enough to counteract the natural birth rate of these subhumans!

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You can say praise kek and detonate

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>being such a cuck you shill for kikes 24/7

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Kys mudslime

Take a good look (o) (o)

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This shit again? Slide thread.

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>Why are do many here

>jews being degenerate
Well I never

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BASED Poland

I'm going to Israel this summer. Anything I should do fellow whites? Should I impregnate as many women as possible?

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you gonna white phosphorus more children you hook nosed coward faggot

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>Picture at Birkenau
Fucking kek

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one on the left is in a literal fucking sack for potatoes

Well, i dont believe in conspiracy theories and i have internet access. So far only ones been causing me trouble personally are muslims.

i even know jewish family and they keep low profile and to themselves.

All this bullshit about jews controlling everything is just stupid. Yeah, they want gold and money and power, but if you think they wont go against each other when goldpiles appear, you are just dumb.

They are greedy people too. Just watch the documents about ghettos. Jews were pissing on other jews like no other.

Jews control lots of media, but if we start checking religions as a factor, how many media christians control? OOPS!

Jewish conspiracies to the trash.


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>what is a defensive smokescreen

>I have caught girls masturbating...
S-s-story time, user?

You've got to understand the Polish rationale for these places. I mean these places are dumps. There's nothing around. No work. Which is why the Nazis picked those spots for the camps in the first place.

Now normally nobody is interested in 80 year old barracks, so Poland would normally just let the camps rot. But they struck a deal with Israel: Israel makes it compulsory for high school students to visit the camps, and Poland rakes in admission fee Zlotys and keeps them in a reasonable shape. That's probably two jobs for Jagomir and Boguslow the caretakers.


Wtf i love propaganda now

Oh I know, Poland has no incentive to drop the fairy tales because Jews pay top dollar to watch themselves by victimized and humiliated

I found pic related on a pinterest dedicated to Nazis humiliating Jews. Their love of being degraded is pathological

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op's life = ah yes finally i'm on week-end, what could i do?
AH YES! Time to spend my day shilling on Jow Forums.

Same kike with Norway flag shilling for his kike brethren every day


the three on the left are identical to the merchant meme. fucking disgusting.

Attached: merchant.gif (501x504, 11K)

Fuck off with your horse-faced Jewish whores. Every Jew will be raped and slaughtered

defending yourself against untrained civilizations you have in open air concentration camps? Way to fucking go you fucking coward, you demonic motherfuckers need to be wiped off the map, kalki will come soon the third sargon

Attached: WarriorOfGod.jpg (1272x1752, 2.86M)

Cant really deny this

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I know what you're saying OP, but between jews and muslims you gotta ask yourself, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

Attached: JIDF-articles.jpg (3668x3284, 1.14M)

Bad goy >:( your too blunt in your argument.

Why should I care?

>Cant really deny this
Who said I did? I mean sandniggers store their weapons in schools and mosques. And they fire rockets that are so shoddy, some of them actually land among their own people.

This is the logic that nazis used with partisans in WW2 to justify murdering random civilians

>invades and tries to overthrow every government on earth.
Kys fat retard

Not involved here, but don't you guys need the fat retards (A) for billions of military aid and (B) for sweet tourist shekels to support your super expensive economy?

Do Israeli girls make you wear condoms?

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No they are turbo sluts

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>being this much of a cuck that you shill out your own women to the goy

Attached: pants.jpg (1024x768, 135K)

>Did you know that Hamas shoot missiles at INNOCENT ISRAELI CIVILIANS ??!?!?!?
Holy shit this is fantastic bait. I salute you. Israel does the same.


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Does she have epilepsy?

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Why does the average American look like that?

Israel will have my total (moral, not material) support, when every last Jew is contained inside its borders.