Why is literally all of Latin America a shithole devoid of rule of law and rampant with poverty?

Why is literally all of Latin America a shithole devoid of rule of law and rampant with poverty?

Attached: 550px-Latin_America_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (550x550, 95K)

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>USA isn't included in your description of shithole devoid of law and rampant with corruption.
>Amerimutt delusion.
Also, I think Chile is okay.

So are most american cities

Most American cities have rule of law.

La criatura

Attached: 1524254970558.jpg (750x500, 74K)

Because it wasn't settled by the white man. Just a couple of Spaniards came and left when they'd stolen all the gold.

kek murder and crime rates say otherwise

Short answer, mexico.

I’m moving to Uruguay before I’m 30. I don’t even care any more.

>we have laws and our corruption is high level like your government
>britbong education
guess that explains why mexicans try to steal everything

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