Why is literally all of Latin America a shithole devoid of rule of law and rampant with poverty?
Why is literally all of Latin America a shithole devoid of rule of law and rampant with poverty?
Thomas Clark
Jacob Gray
>USA isn't included in your description of shithole devoid of law and rampant with corruption.
>Amerimutt delusion.
Also, I think Chile is okay.
Brody Moore
So are most american cities
Bentley Parker
Most American cities have rule of law.
Justin Butler
La criatura
Samuel Walker
Because it wasn't settled by the white man. Just a couple of Spaniards came and left when they'd stolen all the gold.
Julian Reyes
kek murder and crime rates say otherwise
Gavin Lopez
Short answer, mexico.
Kayden Wright
I’m moving to Uruguay before I’m 30. I don’t even care any more.
Hudson Rodriguez
>we have laws and our corruption is high level like your government
>britbong education
guess that explains why mexicans try to steal everything