National pride is forbidden here so we are proud of the EU instead. Europe needs to atone for Germany’s dark past. Europe does not belong to whites: it belongs to the world.
German here. There is nothing wrong with the EU
Other urls found in this thread:
European women belong to African men
t. UK poster
Don`t worry, we real Europeans will put you back to your place since mutts wont be saving your ass like in 1941 and 1917.
The vikings need to have a reunion tour
I actually like Finland though. Can't we be friends?
> take away a country sovereignty
> can make countries own laws and democratic elections worthless and just say their invalid
> flooding european with millions of migrants
> lobbing
> say you allowed to travel freely in EU yet many people like activist who are EU citiziens aren't allowed because of their polical opinion
> destroy countries identity and make it just another place to generate Money...
Finland isn’t even a country. You couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag.
Damn it, I hopped for little bit that I was in the wrong. I guess there is no alternative for getting rid of the eternal anglo.
where do you think whites go when they are a minority?
If a black person is a minority in for example germany, they can just go to africa where there are billion of people just like him
If a asian person is a minority in for example germany, they can just go to asia where there are billion of people just like him
where can a White person go when they are a minority?
They can go to hell. Fuck Drumpf, fuck the inselaffe and fuck white people!
Seriously doubt anyone will move to EE other than the immigrants that had enough of western Europe and want to go back to their homelands. When there's no place to seek refuge is when the fun begins.
I love the EU but christianity is clearly dead.
I worship pussy and bums now.
so who do you think invents all this cool stuff you are using?
Your smartphone, your car, your house
almost 100% chance all created by whites
name an single relevant black invention other than black hip hop
Interracial gang bangs.
You aren't German. Show your flag
Based Finn exposing the real force behind memeflags.
German language?
One should know that the Yankee race is truly the most superior race of men to have ever lived. None other than the Yankee could have molded such a society, one that harnesses potential to new heights. Wherefore are our United States the destination for those who seek to fulfill their craft and ambition? When such a nation possesses in it the fortitude and ability to craft itself into the biggest of powerbrokers, that nation makes herself a target. The Yankee had made himself the primest of targets— to those predators who wish to blood-let him of his will. These demons of rootless origin whisper a sweet poison into Yankish ears. The lies told by such avaricious vampires go as such: “None is the Yankee”, “Lost is your history, your struggle”, “Succumb yourself to sirens; the feeling is divine”. Liars weave their lies into the fabric of truth, thereby weakening the conscious spirit of those who fall under their spell. Our spirit, the spirit of the Yankee people, has been deliberately subverted and misguided so to weaken our resolve. The coveted gem of the ocean, fair Columbia lie abused and discarded. It is the duty of all her sons to take up arms with the fiery zealotry of a preacher. In her defense, and for her restoration the rootless and their cohorts will feel the divine judgement that awaits them. They guise themselves as lambs speaking nothing but sugary benevolence. But identify him for what he is— and watch his horns emerge, his scales protrude, as he spits a fearsome flame which makes the mightiest of men tremble at the mere sight. If we are to overcome such a two-faced dragon, then we need men with hearts of gold and wills of iron to stand before them— unfettered and unafraid. Let this be the Yankee’s creed: “NEVER SHALL WE GIVE IN, FOREVER ARE WE UNITED AND FREE”
The internet, space travel, the forst computer, etc...
they can‘t be serious...
> german language
was created by people from what we today call saxony( part of east germany ) and northern germany. There were almost 0 or 0 blacks
Shitposting, seeing someone taking these idiots seriously triggers me to extent.
here in germany we really have people who think the pre europeana were all black idk if there was someone on this board who thinks this ao i answered
Are you certain of that?
>Africa for Africans
>China for the Chinese
>Israel for Jews
>Saudi Arabia for Arabs
>Europe for all
Really makes you think
based Soumi
best ally as always
iceland and greenland!
There are Chinese in Africa, Africans in Israel, Europeans in the Middle East...
So basically you're full of shit m8.
>as if it's a religion
Jesus Christ mate.
I am as German as sauerkraut and communism
You are one retarded fucking bong, aren't you?
China is mostly Chinese, Israel is mostly Jewish, etc. Of course there aren't 0 minorities living there, but it is understood that they are immigrants living in a foreign country and there is no such thing as a black Chink.
Meanwhile your capital is going to be majority non-white within a few years and your politicians are drilling into your head that the sandnigger down the street is just as British as someone who has been on that island for centuries.
It has shit financial management, shit culture, and shit law.
Theres no point in them bothering to have a standing army. Canada doesnt even pretend to have a military and the EU would be fiscally wise to do the same.
>China is mostly Chinese, Israel is mostly Jewish
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Isreals is more than 20% Arab muslim. That's more than any European country.
You're just a retard who gets his political education from Jow Forums.
Stop talking shit, the Germanic language was spoken by all Germancics but later evolved to Swedish and Dutch. German is still pretty near it.
Taking whom seriously?
Stop talking so much shit you fucking turkslav. Nobody thinks like this.
UK/EU flag posters.
>more than 20% Arab Muslim
Probably because they're colonizing the Middle East faggot.
Israel has an explicit policy of return for Jews, it has regulations for Jews, etc.
On top of that they work very hard to remove any Arab from their country and get more Jews to come live in Israel.
That's a long stretch for a bad joke.
This sounds like what the Eastern Bloc tried to achieve...
Why does all of Europe have to atone for what retarded krauts did? Fuck off with that shit, faggot.
None of this changes the fact that Israel is one of the most ethnically diverse nations on the planet. You couldn't have chosen a worse fucking example than Israel. Next time try using Japan although, I must warn you that it won't be long before Japan is forced to allow immigrants into their country to prop up their aging population.
Germanic languages were split into northern and "continental" Germanic. Through Denmark, Norway and Sweden have both been infused with continental Germanic. Iceland is the closest to traditional northern Germanic. You could say that German is one of the more natural Germanic languages, since Germany as a whole hasn't been conquered at all/ for long enough to change its language.
Spotted the nigger!
Ah ok
Have you even heard the language the Teutonic Order spoke or Plattdeutsch. It's very close to High German.
Came here to post this.
Oh, and look who we find on top of the far left!
Because I'm sure the Amerindians felt equal part of the society when Europeans began colonizing America. Same with the Africans. They all 1 diverse happy family.
Japan will probably accept immigrants, but they for sure won't be Arab muslims or Africans.
I speak platt.
wake up
>we real Europeans will put you back to your place
I hope so, but i dont believe it.
The lefties fucked up our last ditch effort to stop Europes impending destruction (the eu)
This. Fuck racists. Who cares if white people were first here.
Anyone can live in Europe if they want to.
> I'm sure the Amerindians felt equal part of the society when Europeans began colonizing America
Not sure what point you're trying to make here... You know that colonialism isn't the same as immigration right? The settlers literally murdered thousands of native Americans.
>Japan will probably accept immigrants, but they for sure won't be Arab muslims or Africans.
Why would they be? Japan is nowhere near Africa or the ME.
>I must warn you that it won't be long before Japan is forced to allow immigrants into their country to prop up their aging population.
Jewish controlled newspapers and magazines such as the economist have been saying this for years to justify their ridiculous open doors immigration policies in Europe but its never going to happen. Natural decrease in population is good for the economy, the environment, and social stability. Have you ever been to Tokyo? They have to prod people with sticks to fit inside train carriages. Underpopulation is NOT the problem. They’ll just invest in high tech care facilities, robotics, and automation to free up labour. Population growth=economic growth is yet another Jewish meme to justify white genocide
The EU is undemocratic and corrupt and inches closer to totalitarianism every day.
Yeah and those rape and terrorism rates spiking have nothing to do with it at all.
Says the fascist.
What? Terrorism has been dying down a lot since 2016, and the crime rates are because of Tory budget cuts...
It's funny because places in Scotland and Wales have higher crime rates than London, and they're almost 100% white.
>Natural decrease in population is good for the economy
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Have you ever been to Tokyo?
Yes, I've lived there.
>Underpopulation is NOT the problem.
Declining birth rates and an aging population absolutely are the problem. That's just an empirical fact.
>They’ll just invest in high tech care facilities, robotics, and automation to free up labour.
Maybe in the distant future but until then you need people to sweep streets and clean toilets.
>Population growth=economic growth is yet another Jewish meme to justify white genocide
This is so stupid that it's not even worthy of a response. Go back to school.
>the settlers literally murdered thousands of Indians
Yeah that's the point I'm trying to make here. That's what Israel has done since it was established. Not that I care, and I never claimed it was an ethnostate. Just keep the fucks away from me.
>why would they?
Why would Canada? It's nowhere near the Middle East but here we are.
>Yeah that's the point I'm trying to make here. That's what Israel has done since it was established. Not that I care, and I never claimed it was an ethnostate. Just keep the fucks away from me.
Isreal has a pretty fucked up an inhumane foreign policy. I agree.
>Why would Canada? It's nowhere near the Middle East but here we are.
Do you understand the difference between immigrants and refugees?
Omg this is such cancer, just look at the top of the star in the pic.
They don't even care if your a communist.
What a shitty standard, that you don't even need to share their tolerant view on standards to be one of them. Unless your white of course.
What did they mean by this
By design. Same old Jewish and Arab “unholy alliance”.
They did the same thing in the 12th century when they opened the gates of Toledo. Idiots. They would rather be tyrants in hell than servants in heaven. Low IQ Jews and Arabs cannot maintain or sustain a high functioning western democratic society. Europe will crash and burn and we’ll all be worse off for it. And Jews will finally be exposed for all the world to see as the liars and frauds that they are.
>Anyone can live in Europe if they want to.
>do you understand the difference between immigrants and refugees?
One you want me to feel sorry for? I don't. At all. They're savages.
>israels foreign policy is fucked up I agree
me too. Not that I would care if the entire western world didn't end up having to take these savages in.
i aint paying for germanys guilt
you just want to built a globalist empire,well we have the commonwealth and CANZUK
>One you want me to feel sorry for? I don't. At all. They're savages.
Your feelings about them are irrelevant. They're subject to different protections under international law.
>me too. Not that I would care if the entire western world didn't end up having to take these savages in.
You don't think the countless wars we've waged in the middle east have anything to do with it? Israelis are cunts but you can't blame everything on them.
and of course it's the usual pakistani subhuman
You’re wrong, fucktard. This meme of economic growth=population growth has already been debunked several times. It’s inherently flawed logic as it assumes population capacity is infinite (1) and that human capital can’t be replaced due to technological advancements (2). Also ignores the fact that most third world immigrants to western countries are on welfare and their displacement of resources by far outstrips their productive capacity (3). Case in point: Over 90% of German “refugees” still haven’t got jobs.
The plan is to collapse the European welfare state.
It’s all part of (((their))) agenda.
Watch this video and please proceed to neck yourself.
>international law
Remind me, how many of these refugees have been taken in by Japan, China, South Korea?
>countless wars we've waged
I wonder why we waged them lol
did not germans kill other christians? lul
Shlomo how are you going to atone for this?
>implying some uneducated working class retard on Jow Forums is going to explain to me how global economics work
Every single leading economist disagrees with you.
>linking a YouTube video
Holy fuck how dumb are you? Please go back to school. You're an embarrassment.
>Remind me, how many of these refugees have been taken in by Japan, China, South Korea?
Why does that matter?
>I wonder why we waged them lol
Because we were told that they were an existential threat to us. We were lied to.
Some places are still very white you know...
>until then you need people to sweep streets and clean toilets.
Has it ever occurred to you that the reason whites aren’t having lots of children in the first place is because we’re being absolutely swamped by third world immigrants and taxed to the hilt to pay for them? Why on earth would a population group choose to become an ethnic minority in their own country on purpose? Because we just can’t get enough “cultural enrichment”? Because we need more acid attacks and trucks of peace? No you schmuck, these immigrants are being forced upon us by a satanic elite that want to see white Christian culture destroyed due to a genetic and historical grievance.
>why does that matter?
Doesn't seem very international if the only countries forced to accept refugees are western white ones, but ok.
>because we were lied to
But was was the real reason? To destabilize the ME for what reason? War profiteers and our greatest ally to have an even stronger hold on the region.
>Russia has ~10% muslims
>only 80% ethnic russians
>very white
I dunno shlomo
>Has it ever occurred to you that the reason whites aren’t having lots of children in the first place is because we’re being absolutely swamped by third world immigrants and taxed to the hilt to pay for them?
Then why aren't the Japanese having any kids? They're not swamped with immigrants.
The fact is that when quality of life and education increases, people have fewer children. That's just the way it goes. Nothing to do with Jewish conspiracies.
>Doesn't seem very international if the only countries forced to accept refugees are western white ones, but ok.
Nobody's "forced" to accept anyone. Each country makes a choice.
The germutt dares to speak. Not for long.
>Every single leading (((economist))) disagrees with you.
That’s your problem, Pajeet. Fallacy of deferral to authority. The Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street journal, and the economist are all Jewish owned rags. The exonomist is actually partly owned by the Rothschild. Evelyn Rothschild is on its board of directors. Their phony financial instruments are designed to push an agenda, and purposely distorts the facts and data towards those ends. The whole notion that whites need to import 200 million Africans into Europe to support an “ageing population” and “stimulate the economy” never sounded in the least bit suspicious to you? In that case you can’t be helped.
The video I linked cites a Japanese study which thoroughly debunks your population growth=economic growth meme. Not that it needs to, as anyone with half a brain could see the federal reserve Ponzi scheme is inherently unsustainable. It’s going to be funny to watch all the minorities with a false sense of importance get BTFO when this shit inevitably collapses. Have fun in “multicultural London”!
>crime rates are because of Tory budget cuts...
No. I'd say this is due to niggers being emboldened by the end of "Stop and Search" because it is apparently waycitht.
> Scotland and Wales have higher crime rates than London
It is more probable that crimes in said ares are accurately being recorded, instead of being told that no-body will investigate them
what is the hamsa supposed to represent?
>nobody is forced to accept anyone. Each country makes a choice.
When was the refugee referendum? I'm all for one.
>Fallacy of deferral to authority.
Jesus Christ you're dumb.
That's not what "appeal to authority" means. The logical fallacy implies that you're appealing to an arbitrary authority figure whom you believe to be correct because he's in a position of authority. It's the equivalent of you're parents saying "because I said so" or "because I'm in charge".
Deferring to an expert is not an appeal to authority you massive uneducated cunt. Go back to school.
Part of my family, yeah