Is it morally wrong to enter a homosexual relationship if I have kids?
I had 3 kids with a woman I don't particularly like. I never loved her. The relationship was based on alcohol and lust. I fucked her without a rubber cause it felt better (the rest is history). 3 kids later and I love them to bits, they are my flesh and blood, I gave them life, but I am 31 years old and I'm not getting any younger. I have been talking to guys online and I really want to meet one of them (not for sex, but for dates). I feel bonds with guys that I have never felt with women.
I'm rambling now but my point is that should I just stay repressed and closeted for the sake of my kids (cause I'm willing to do that). Or would it be alright if I "come out" and actually be the person I want to be?
jesus christ this is the most depressing thing I have ever heard.
Cameron Walker
Dude, stay straight. Accept you've fucked up but make the most of it. Think of your kids and the trauma they would suffer of a broken home and a faggot lying dad. What you're complaining of is normal in marriage, well not necessarily the homo thing, but marriages lose their spark because of time, money, loss of looks, alcohol problems, in laws, all sorts of shit. Just people who deal with these issues find themselves in a better situation in the long run.
Tldr: the grass ain't always greener. In fact it pretty much never is
Thomas Butler
No. You should leave her and follow your dream. Be what you want.
Jacob Ramirez
Acting on your homosexual desires will lead you to hell.
James Roberts
Well, this. A jew tells you what to do, so the opposite is the right choice.
Gavin Roberts
You are fucked.. but be honest. Everything else is a lie and leads to even greater pain.
Op, yes. Go for it. And to make your kids even more miserable, you can also wear a dress and ask them to call you mommy. Want more ideas to destroy the lives of your loved ones ? Since its whats you are considering to do...
Liam Sanchez
Digits will decide that you are losing touch with your-real-self and to go for it. No digits, man up and quit that faggotry.
Anthony Taylor
Fucking bongs, yeah relationships with the opposite sex are different than those of the same sex duh. You can have a guy freind without being a shitholeing fag
Jason Gonzalez
>I wonder why people don't like me?
As for you OP, you're asking the literal last bastion of fag hatred left, I don't know what you expect to hear.
if you're white there's nothing wrong mate, it's okay.
Michael Smith
Mike is that you?
If it’s not I’ve kicked it with the guy you become. 100% weird but a super cool guy to kick it with when he’s not trying to act super gay to impress his gay friends and making me uncomfortable with gay shit. Also idk if you’re legit happy you’re leading a double life awayish from the kids or masking it knowing that they know you left their mom to get fucked in the ass constantly. That being said hopefully you’re truly happy cuz if you’re just going through the motions and aren’t 100% sure your happiness comes before your kids and they’re impacted negatively you might have to suck it up until their older or you could ruin your relationship with them
Henry Scott
I don't think it matters much, your children should have minimal association with a female whom isn't their birth mother, the exception being in death or clear negative influence from the mother, then a close female relative.
Keep your children as far away from your relationship with their non biological mother is as comfortably possible, girlfriend or boyfriend
Jose Perez
How old are your kids? If they're over 18, you go be as gay as you want. Otherwise, for the sake of them, the only cock in your pants should be yours. But don't lie to your wife, because if you're miserable, you're going to make her miserable, and she'll take it out on your kids or you.
Jaxon Rodriguez
After the shit I heard my mom say to my dad on a daily basis for 23 years, I wouldn't think less of him for it if he thought the same, OP.
Gabriel Brown
>Think of your kids and the trauma they would suffer of a broken home and a faggot lying dad
This. Also think about how they’d feel when your wife gets a new man and Jamal beats them on a daily basis. Is the potential suffering worth having your fudge packed by strange men?
Nicholas Reed
>if I have kids Unnecessary information, yes it's wrong.
Zachary Fisher
You want someone else to think of the problem from your perspective? Here's how I'd think about it: >think of kids 1 2 &3 >think of their values >would coming out as gay violate the values you want them to have/they currently have? >how would it impact them? >would it not be a problem? >would you want support from them? >what kind of homosexual relationship are you looking for? >if short terms, can you hide it? >if long term, would it matter if you hid it? These are the questions I'd ask myself. I'd think about their values, and how you'd want them to see you and how you'd want them to feel. If they can take it, then tell them. If they can't, then don't. But don't deny yourself if you can help it, if it's really what you want. If you haven't even had sex with another guy try it first before committing to such strong positions.
Good luck.
Dominic Myers
well my son you can choose to be a upstanding member of Jow Forums OR you can listen to the rat faced kike who wants to see your children gassed choose wisely
Leave the internet cold turkey for just one week. Don't look at porn or jerk off for a week either, See how you feel
Aiden Watson
>try sex with another guy t. the eternal american
Jackson Garcia
>my husband's boyfriend
Asher Garcia
Every slur and insult under the sun. I cant even begin to list them all.
Gabriel White
Homosexuals fuck children, so I'd say your in good company and on two fronts.
Also, fuck yourself, faggot. Find God and quit being a penis sucking degenerate.
Xavier Green
Exactly. Its gonna mess with the kids. If Op has a daughter by going fag he's setting her up for a teenage and early 20 existence of riding the cock carousel. As for boys, they'll really struggle with it. They'll think less of him and wioo be traumatized by visuals of their dad on his knees or giving his arse to other blokes. That in turn is going to make them wonder about their own sexuality.
Op, I'm wondering if you have real mates in your life? Maybe you're just missing out on decent mateship and confusing that with homoness. Coupled with a flat marriage I wouldn't need surprised if that's the real problem here.
Stop watching TV, don't go anywhere near /b/ or /hm/, get off facebook. Just be a dad, go to mitre10 with your boys next weekend. Throw a ball around with them. Take the dog for a walk. Treat your missus to a nice dinner out. I honestly don't think you're gay. I reckon you're just in a rut and have become susseptible to media influences about faggotry. What you might have been curious about before you now believe is your core identity. Come on mate, you know deep down that ain't true.
It will lead to HIV, followed by AIDs and then Hell. But the HIV comes first.
All that just because some faggot is curious about what a penis might taste like after it was up his ass.
Levi Kelly
Come out now. Go look at your area on Grindr, it's 90% lads in their late 50s and 60s who state they are married with kids so want to keep it private but are all looking to fuck the boy ass they missed out on. Really a product of their time.
If you're genuinely homosexual and want a relationship with a man I'd say come out now because it adds up. Your kids don't need to know until they are old enough to ask questions but even then you don't need to tell them anything, depends on how you want to raise them. If you're just lonely/sick of women then stop being weird.
Jordan Thomas
Levi Garcia
good advice
Thomas Cruz
That's actually a great meme desu.
Jason Gray
How fucked in the head are you brits? You can have a friend. You dont have to date them if you don't want to fuck them
Ok OP. You've kept quiet so far. Any thoughts so far on the advise you've been given?
Thomas Lopez
I'm actually in love with this guy so I don't know what to do. Never felt this way about anyone before. He's just perfect. We have so much in common and he makes me happy. I'm not even that interested in sex (and he isn't either), I'm not a pervert, I just want to be close to him. I am very physically attracted to him though. It's not platonic. There's more to it.
Samuel Stewart
OP cant type and wank his bf off at the same time
Alexander Lee
I hope you get AIDS OP
Elijah Robinson
you can be friends without buggaring each other you know
Adrian Perry
Damn. Sounds like you've let this take over your life. >he makes me happy This line stands out to me. This is how I know an attempt at a relationship will fail. Contrary to popular belief other people do not make us happy. It's impossible. We make ourselves happy. Holding someone up to make you happy inevitably ends in a mess because you put too much pressure on them. You need to work on yourself, you're letting other people take over and rule your life. I might have been wrong thinking you weren't really gay. But I deffo know if you're unhappy with your wife, you will just transfer that unhappiness to another person. Things might be fine and dandy to begin with, but it will degenerate because you let your partner dominate your relationship. Stand up for yourself with your wife. She will instinctively know something is up with you. Act like a man and treat her like a bitch, will make your home life easier.
Cameron Mitchell
> >Every slur and insult under the sun. I cant even begin to list them all. I think I'm your dad.
Jaxson Adams
just make sure you really really want to become a faggot and it's not some weird idea you got into your mind
Christopher Smith
this. A gay relationship can easily be as miserable as a straight one.
Connor Walker
To love is a choice. Those children will need you to treat their mom right in order to be able to have a template for what a healthy relationship is. Choose love as a verbal for them. Stop waiting for feelings to happen passively; you are a man. Let your decisions not your emotions rule.
In like 5 minutes we went from arguing about sexuality to arguing about ethnicity and race. Good job Jow Forums
Chase Thomas
Wow dude don’t listen to Jow Forums. You don’t have to explain “daddy’s roommate” until they’re older by which time it will not affect their lives in the slightest.
I have family friends where the dad left the Mom to be homo. Yeah the kids were upset and confused at first, they were 13 at the time. But today they are 2 very successful and we’ll adjusted nonjudgmental young adults with college degrees and careers and the Dad is finally happy and free to live the life he always wanted while still enjoying the love from his family.
Christopher Gutierrez
is it so fucking hard to keep your dick in pants and focus on brining your children.
Jesus how selfish you are, die of cancer please
Daniel Torres
>Is it morally wrong to enter a homosexual relationship
Liam Hernandez
>Have kids because fucked someone without a rubber >Should I start a lifestyle where the risk of disease is astronomically high
Is it immoral to take unneccessary risks when you have children to care for?
You're much safe to hire prostitutes.
>inb4 born this way Sexuality is malleable - think of it like alcohol addiction. Choice/willpower is involved, but habituation develops over time.
Has he really fucked up though? The mere fact that she's mother of his children should be enough for him to develop a relationship.
In my experience women will cling onto any positive narrative you spin for them. (Say she's unique because she's so good at [X behvaior that you want to encourge] even if she's awful at it.)
you're giving your kids a bad trip of a lifetime, I personally wouldn't do it but I'm not that desperate for attention to fuck men
Robert Clark
>In love with Do you recognize this person you're "in love with" is completely incapable of giving you children?
Fuck him in the ass if you must, but recognize it for what it is - a malfunction in your bonding/oxytocin system that is ultimately self-destructive, if not for opportunity cost.
You did your part op. Just make sure you have money to pay for the psychologists and psychiatrists that they'll obviously need after their mum gets dumped for a dude.
They'll definitely turn out fine.. ... ...
Ryder Kelly
OP, you'll never know for sure until you take that dick balls deep in your ass.
Anthony Ross
>undeserved hitlerdubs what a fucking faggot you are, OP do you even have any friends?
James Howard
>Is it morally wrong to enter a homosexual relationship yes, kys poofter cunt
Adam Foster
We do not exist to be happy. We exist to spend ourselves on other people, this is the closest thing we will know to peace. If you do this you will regret it the rest of your life, and if you don't do this you will regret it as well, hopefully not for the rest of your life, but until you can understand that there is no joy in pursuing your own happiness, especially at the expense of your children.
>Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves and the world was torn apart. The Cobras, my comrades who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. >Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. >Somehow I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, and the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along. I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? Is there such thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. >And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel's money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children but I still have a family.