Why does civic nationalism exist?

why does civic nationalism exist?

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Why does any kind of nationalism exist?

To draw in cheap labour.
It's all about money and the short term economy.

It exists because people want to LARP as nationalists, but then they realize that being a nationalist means standing only for your nation, so they do these mental gymnastics to include other nations into their nation.
It's all mental gymnastics. There is no difference between civic nationalism and globalism. Absolutely no difference.

It doesn't. Its just the newspeak way of saying you're totally apathetic about your country.
Or to put it another way, people feel slightly guilty about their apathy, so they invent a word that sounds principled but its actually just whatever.
The fact that some kike who plays ARK survival evolved 50 hours a day is actually having an effect on public discourse just shows you how absolutely zero of a fuck anyone gives about politics anymore.
Even the people who pretend to care don't give a fuck. That's civic nationalism. Civic nationalism is being a cuck but not giving a fuck.


It exists so "conservatives" can say "oh yes im a nationalist" and if accused as a racist "oh no im a civic nationalist, plz dont call me a racist".

Otherwise it just works as a gateway to introduce people to actual nationalism.

Either way, they are not our allias.

It's just jewish tricks, I haven't seen a single civic nationalist who isn't little more than a recently converted lefty atheist faggot. They are all controlled opposition, whether willingly or not

These people don't understand the core tenets of what a nation is. Not surprising since Marxist fuckery like globalism and multiculturalism is there for the very purpose of muddying the waters

That setting need more flammenwerfer


Capitalists are disgusting. I say it every day on Jow Forums but I'll say it again - global capitalism is as evil as communism. The exchange of goods and services for what they are worth is not the same as capitalism, that is in fact called mercantilism and is perfectly healthy. Capitalism waters down nations because it values nothing but profit, and communities and morality stand in the way of that.

Note that this is the same reason Hitler is so appealing to people to this day - his form of national socialism had something worth believing in, values worth following. This bastard atheist capitalism bullshit we have now has all but eroded anything worth following

Intellectual dishonesty, mostly.
Plus there's a lot of people who have too much money/votes/YouTube views at stake to go past regular nationalism into anything more extreme. These people are just traitors by another name who care more for their own individual greed than the welfare of their people.

So that Anglos can justify their non-whiteness.

regular nationalism is ethnic nationalism

I'd be willing to bet most of the guys wearing MAGA hats have never had a non-white friend and live in mostly white citied. Then they keep saying bullshit like "color doesn't matter, ideology does"


>This bastard atheist capitalism
You had me up until that. I'm an atheist. You think I enjoy seeing my country being eroded away by niggers?

an attempt to appease the paradigm shift and subdue those who point out race issues

You're part of the problem man. Your country used to be catholic but you got eroded by the Jews you took in. Amsterdam is filled with so many monuments to Judaism, while the populace is told to discard God

You're disgusting. When religion breaks down, the nation is lost. This is clear in all cases in Western societies, then it is replaced with trash like Marxism or globalist capitalism where there are no values and everyone is encouraged to shit all over each other

Wasn’t Anne Frank in Amsterdam or somewhere else in the Netherlands?

>impying christcucks aren't pathological altruists

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You're not entirely wrong but that still doesn't make God exist. Religion will keep breaking down because it's inaccurate.

Yes she was


Mercantilism was the system in which colonies were expected to produce goods specifically for the benefit of the home country. Are you retarded?

christianity is what caused this in the first place

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Those YouTubers are pushing people in the right direction. Sacrificing it all would be both financially and politically retarded as they'd lose all of their fans who would vote leftist.

Gotta get the nationalist vote but still continue with the destruction of the white race somehow, goy.

Yeah, that's where the Anne Frank museum is as well

The current "Catholics" are severely watered down and the current pope is no less than the Anti-Christ

The hubris, we didn't even know what Neptune looked like until a few decades ago, and only half a decade ago did we manage to send an object out of the solar system. Humanity knows so little and yet you foolishly claim you can disprove God? Disgusting arrogance

Colonies is the key word there. Mercantilism rewards might by feeding the strongest nations with weaker, conquered ones. No sane nation lets the colonies come to the motherland, they are there to enrich the Empire. Our biggest mistakes was allowing the wogs in with that fucking "windrush"

Christianity caused Western civilisation as we know it. With just intelligence but no unity, the hordes of Islam would have claimed Europe long ago. Now their unity stays while ours is gone and they exploit this by overtaking our nations and outbreeding us

Exactly, NatSoc is the only modern ideology that ever made sense to me. I would also accept an Emperor/King who was worth following

Civic Nationalists are cowards. The concept only exists because people are afraid of being called racist for having the gall for wanting their own lands for their own people.

>Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jews
>same values
>lol dis is civnat guys
>implying any Jew would be able to conform to the same civic values as their host nation
Retards in this thread.

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Those aren't civic nationalists they're neo-liberal globalists who want to give their country over to the european union, Sadiq is also an islamists who uses progressive values to justify modesty and blasphemy laws, while holding rallies with segregated crowds and attending segregated mosques.

Raheem Kassam isn't that bad.

>Humanity knows so little and yet you foolishly claim you can disprove God? Disgusting arrogance
You guys are the ones who are making all the claims. Atheists just deny them, that's not arrogant. You sound stupid as fuck honestly

Because it's very hard to tell a patriot of your country to fuck off just because one of his grandparents was of foreign descent or something similar.

That picture scares the shit out of me.
>Let's put as many conflicting ideas in one room and pretend we're all happy
Look I've got nothing against people with different people, but when it becomes as forced as that, nobody benefits.

No one actually addressed the question.
It's because people have a natural, instinctual desire to group up, and to stand behind those that are part of their group. Same as people cheer for their favorite sports team, even if it's half a bunch of Africans.

It's like being horny without ever bearing children. It's nice. It's fun. But without reason it's pointless and can be destructive.

Because some people are cucks
Ethnonationalism >> multiculturalism >> civic”nationalsm”

>i can not prove the existence of God, but i still have faith that he exists, and so i will do the best i can as per Christian teachings so i can benefit my people: friends, family and community

>waaaah u cant know, nothin exists ur dumb fuck faith its all pointless waaah


Attached: declaration-all-men-created-equal.jpg (400x200, 80K)

Beautiful. America needs to follow.

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Yeah, all men come from a pussy. But that's where the equality ends. And for another thing, how did the founding fathers define a Man? They didn't seem to have very kind words for the various subhumans of the world


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oh shit wrong image

Fuck off, Abdul

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so you can have another strawman to attack against

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That's bullshit, I'm white from an 85% white town and grew up with civic national pride.

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because race is a bullshit idea. All identity politics is bullshit. All that matters is personal freedom and an efficient economy through the FREE market.

Because some people like to fuck chinks.

You don't understand values.

That pic Always makes me horny
So many bulls to prep, lovely!

Because to deny Civic Nationalism is to accept you're a racist.
And some people aren't able to do that yet.

> We can run an efficient economy based on free market economics with a population of 60 IQ niggers

>because race is a bullshit idea. All identity politics is bullshit. All that matters is personal freedom and an efficient economy through the FREE market.

Dude, you might not care about race, but race cares about you.
You wouldn't be able to keep the personal freedoms and free market, it would just turn into a welfare based state as soon as you let in the nig nogs.

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>why does civic nationalism exist?
Ask the guy in the kippa in the bottom right corner. basically since kikes were a minority in other peoples nations for thousands of years since they did not have israel. They perpetuated this kind of nonsense about immigration and putting many different ethnicities into the same nation and civic nationalism. Now that they got israel however. Ofcourse it´s another matter.
>Why does any kind of nationalism exist?
t. immigrant who left his own people. Oppinion irellevant.

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central banks

hahahah ok?

Because USA

civic nationalism does not exist. those countries are illusions.
