What's Jow Forums's opinion on Thomas Sankara?

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of all the commie dictatorships his was the least of a pathetic failure, maybe because africa and literally anything would appear ok in comparison and still failed tho.


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Better tiered leader.

People say he was Communist, but was in fact nationalist/fascist.



It failed because he was betrayed and chopped to pieces, isn't it?

>Thomas Sankara
That was Patricke Lumumba


It failed because of neocolonialism.

His reign and death perfectly illustrate why Africa is and will remain a bottomless pit that will not develop so long as it has resources.

A colonial power governing the actual land is not even necessary, far too costly when you can just indoctrinate and arm some lunatics to keep power divided, labor cost as low as possible and zero development required to still get what you wanted in the first place.

And this why ISIS EXIST

Isis existed in order to topple Assad.
They have failed so now they are pulling Sadam 2.0 Electric bugaloo.

It is a pretty much a clear illustration that Africa is, indeed, being turned to shit by Colonialism, not by the natives.

Good example of a benevolent dictator.

Never thought that I’d take the leftie position on colonialism and third worldism.

looks like a nigger

Both of them were dismembered.

I never said it should be different, it's the cheapest way, the left doesn't see it, they believe in humanitarianism as it is portrayed (a virtuous noble sympathetic good), not as it is, a mechanism with which to maintain dependence and division to prevent independence, development and power consolidation.

Are you sure? He might be white.

Nah he might be a double nigger

Africa is quite good at exporting their problems to europe, so not giving them extra problems would make sense.

It's a matter of maintaining problems.
Europe should maintain its borders, it's not like their combined navies have anything better to do.

He deserves a free Starbucks beverage.

Having africa depopulate naturally through decreased birth rates is much cheaper than somehow trying to guard the border against five billion starving africans.

>Having africa depopulate naturally through decreased birth rates is much cheaper

Depends on what that entails.
If you mean letting the entire continent industrialize and develop while letting them pluck the fruits of their resources then no it wouldn't be cheaper, not even remotely close.
It would mean ceasing exploitation and resource prices going up enormously along with labor costs.

If by "naturally" you mean making the population infertile through mosquito and waterborn parasites and disease vectors to such a degree that they can not sustain their population then sure, it's cheaper but then we have no cheap labor force.

Letting them develop enough to drop the birth rate wouldn’t be that difficult, and of course it wouldn’t have to entail full industrialization, as seen for example in op. Africa does not actually export that much raw materials, so the increased production might actually reduce consumer costs in europe.

The contributions of african labor force on european economy are negligible. They mostly produce some raw materials like uranium, but that’s it.

just another shitty third world dictator

He's a hero

He sold the government fleet of Mercedes and Audi cars and replaced them with Renault 5's

He renamed the country the land of the upright men and strived for self reliance

Then we come to the next problem with this.

Decades of developmental aid do not lead to sustained development or improvement of infrastructure and quality of life, the projects fall into disrepair the second it is left to the population.
Be it farmland or water-wells, you have to do it for them, they will not do it themselves. At what point do we stop with this unproductive bullshit?

Not so with Sankara but then he got murdered by his friend on behalf of the French for a fancy car and a nice villa life as their puppet.

Put leaders like sankara into power and don’t assasinate them. Concentrate aid into family planning aimed to reduce birthrate. That was easy.