
Recently hung up Atomwaffen propaganda around a U.S. college campus. About 10 images in total.

How le triggered do you think the le basedboys and niggers are? Also, please post less melodramatic propaganda for further irl shitposting

Attached: atomwaffen.jpg (738x960, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Le basedboys* shieeet

I think you are a lefty/Semite using a popularly despised group to taint the cause.

Whatcha doin rabbi?

That's gay as fuck

oho hell nah nibba I just went with the most inflammatory group I could think of

they denied my app

nice dubz

you are wife thought it was cute and hilarious

Don’t bullshit yourself, you aren’t aryan.

same with u're mom

atomwaffen are degenerate as fuck, fucking satanic, blood drinking FBI honeypot faggots. Not volkish at all.

nice dubz

anyone gonna reply with something less gayretarded?

Checked. And you’re right I’m not aryan either kek



yeah they're pretty fucking gay if have to agree

couldn't find any propaganda more Le Edgy so hit me up with some if you can

btw, read this
enjoy jail

Not even japanese katana forgers can make swords this edgy

>abhorrent bait post featuring FBI honeypot group
Fuck off nigger

Attached: Fuck off back to Reddit.jpg (396x382, 41K)

that is actually more hurtful to the movement than helpful.
So nice going you fucking idiot.

Hail hortey

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oh hey there jews, setting up more strawmen atroturfs to push a race war?
Of course you are, that's all you can do


Anything that pushes the Overton window towards mass genocide of non-whites is okay with me. Good job OP!

a fucking

get killed you worthless mutilated dick yid

Satanism, edgy fucking anti christianity, blood crap = jew shit.

You have to remember that whatever we have here, from the liberitarians, the natsoc and the many other groups fucking despise anything that is not volkish in some way. The satanics, are the jews and they are a destabilizing vector.

If the atomwaffen wanted to do race war, and start a nuclear holocaust...sure they could do it, as long as its not in the traditions, and philosophies of the pedo jews. The moment they venture into this area they become an enemy of us and what good there is still left in this world.

The christians, even in their cuck form are a bigger ally to us than these fuckheads.

leaf lmao

Like other people have said you’re probably a fucking shill. Or you’re a new faggot hasn’t lurked long enough. Either way gtfo.

You have to be over 18 to post here.


Soibois detected! READ SIEGE, FAGGOTS!

>less gayretarded
youre using a meme flag, youre the fag tard nigger

yeah honestly i would unironically believe that a state's witness, informant, or straight up spook put that shit there, holding out a bit of consideration for someone tryna make people mad

i would probably write FED on it with sharpie or something

well link u're mom lad

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the college denied my app nigger

A nigger with a quarter my IQ made it in because nigger

You don't think I'm going to tarnish their rep on their visiting weekend? I live hours away I'm just a petty asshole.

I even used their supplies from their graphic design studio to print this shit.

Attached: 31124481_10156310399138633_6583631136109363200_n.jpg (479x551, 73K)

Mmmmmmmm bees

What's it like being one of the stupid white people?

ask you are mom I wouldn't know

White people get in to college without any problem all the time. You didn't. You have to accept you're one of the dumb ones

you do realize how pathetic you look going outside at night to hang gay edgy posters?
you do realize not a single person will get triggered by it, right? the best reaction you'll get is someone saying "wow retarded fucking nazis" and tear off the thing
you understand the point of propaganda is to convince people of something, not get some adrenaline rush to brag about it on Jow Forums and make your midnight fap more enjoyable?
kys nupol

>even satan does good deeds on the sabbath.

Attached: full_pillow.png (406x292, 144K)

Most people join white nationalism because they think they're the good guys.
Atomwaffen is the guys who think white nationalists are the bad guys but join anyway.

>252 IQ
Yeah okay cuck

please, no Muslims in my thread


nobody will probably care. People are way too desensitized from internet gore. Maybe some jewish newspaper/tv channel will write about it and sperg out, but not much more

Let me guess, you also think hungry migrants that can't speak the language will take your job. Stop being so stupid and none of this will ever concern you

I just want to make the (((news))) man I'm so bored

whiter than you, mutt

He's right though. How much do you care when you see those antiabortion aborted fetus propaganda posters? OR those slaughtered pig posters? You probably don't give a fuck, just like the rest of the world.

Dude Hungary isn't that big of a threat why would I be concerned about them?

What is this?

Would be cool if you got arrested for a hate crime for this. :^)


That is the *worst* propaganda I have seen in my life.

Yeah but I see those all the time.
This is /unique/ in the sense these people have never seen this kind of shit before

Just vanilla whites and wogs go here

A poster for the autistic, neo nazi (potential muslim) satan worshipping cult.

worthless cut dick boys acting as puppets for sabbatean-frankist jews, that's all these shitheads are, just like the OP and the rest of the jidf meme flags

>Don't bother joining this honeypot that already has merchandising and a printing company

>if shadman was a political movement, this is what it would look like


I cringe every time the amerimutts nazi LARPers use that word unironically

>ask you are mom
dude you fuckin dumb

they're fucking kikes, wake up nig

It's REALLY edgy

no u

And WHY THE FUCK would you want to make propaganda edgy?
The point of propaganda is *mass appeal*, you want to *propagate* and Idea, to make that work you have to be the opposite of edgy.

IE's probably got some more normie friendly posters available, but yeah, good shitposting. Can't wait to see the news break

Attached: american_NSM.jpg (922x482, 150K)

Has atomwaffen fixed their muslim problem?


the point of propaganda is to play at emotional connections to things

that's it


Whatever you do, don’t fight. It’s not like western civilization is being destroyed. Don’t fight back, because then you might change the world.

Instead, whine and complain on the internet.

But whatever you do, don’t fight. Don’t be a hero. Just let everything good, die.

Look at yourself first

whats an atomwaffe?

Hey Shlomo! Watcha doin?

This. I think the AdamWaffles have killed more of their own than they have other people, lmao. Idiots.

>IE's probably got some more normie friendly posters available
AmRen has a bunch if you're looking for normie-friendly.

Attached: White-Guilt-Maze.jpg (800x1056, 277K)

Aren't they FBI provocateurs?


>I-if you kill your enemies,they win!!

You can tell they are (((well funded))) by how much black ink they use

Read the thread you upside down retard I went to their graphic design studio and printed it out on their printers and paper

Thats a good way to view them, yea lol. I mean, a couple of years ago I too wanted the world to die in a giant fireball of death. Its quite normal to have such thoughts. The panicked ron paul meme faggotry is quite funny and its part of our own healthy diet of self expression. But this jew, blood crap is not. If you want the world to end, then do it in some volkish, dunno, kali yuga mythology kind of crap. Plenty of volkish lore that does not collide that much with our other umbrella ed subgroups that much...

I also hate how there are good metal bands that incorporate goat men, and satanism into their music when they are right wing. I even like their music. But christ. You can express dissatisfaction with society, and its jewry without resorting to demons, and degeneracy. M8l8th for example is one of these bands that has great music, and great expressions but quite horrible lore background.

Raubtier is better in all respects.

8ɯ ɥʇnoɯ ʎpooןq ɹnoʎ ɥɔʇɐʍ noʎ

yeah okay pagan faggot go suck odin's dick

>Don't bother joining this honeypot that already has merchandising and a printing company

Get a real job, faggot. You're glowing in the mother fucking dark

Go lick nigger feet christboi

here are some good examples of volkish displeasement

and here is one of the catchy but kinda degen one

Haven't seen a nigger in about two years when I visited okalahoma

I came specifically to make sure someone remembered to whatcha doin rabbi'd the thread.

You guys are fucking retarded, I am neither. The goat dude from paganism is quite degenerate (as they often go way overboard with it and go into jewish satanism). And the christian egalitarianism is also degenerate. The lesson of "good and evil" from christianities lore however is quite volkish and has a higher value than much of paganism.

wow and they already did it so you aren't contributing anything huh retard?

You havent seen your wifes bull in two years?

no u

ur gay

They are overtaken by satan worshipers.

no u x2

good one kike

yeah some of you keep saying that but show me the evidence and I'll buy into it

like this s o y boys

>using tape not wheatpaste
>posting anti-white shit
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/88

Attached: 420 raise it.jpg (936x1248, 250K)

Feds working on a Sunday. It's rare to see that kind of work ethic in a public sector employee

By you scratching your girlfriends asses til they bleed then posting about it on your faggot board.