He lost the popular vote

>he lost the popular vote

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>the majority of people vote for one candidate
>the other one wins

Nice ''''''''democracy''''''' you have there, burgers

The absolute state of meme flag education.

Nice Representative Republic.

it's not a democracy you fucking retard
It's a Republic

Agreed, it was her turn.

>it's not a democracy you fucking retard
That was his point you retard.

>he lost in yards gained
>he lost in free throw percentage
>he lost in perfect innings
>he lost big in California

Well, she basically gave to trump one of the most powerful left talking points, the workers rights and expected to win. That was quite darn stupid.
I really hope you guys don't give the nature protection talking points to trump on the next election or shit will be fucking weird.
"We're declaring a war on pollution and all it's allies!, which means we have to bomb china's industrial complex!"

>she lost millions rigging an election and still lost

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democracy is shit. we need a monarchy. and when the monarchy sucks you just start a revolution.

>she's going to prison

Attached: trump3.jpg (217x233, 6K)

>It isn't a democracy if Trump wins

>she actually lost the popular vote by 8m too

Attached: What Killary thinks of you.jpg (540x252, 28K)

United States of America, not One State of America. If you win the majority of states you win the election. Period.

>Spend millions buying votes
>Buy them in the wrong states

Poor Cankles

>largest share of population have so little faith in the system that they don't vote
>someone directly supported by under 30% of the country claims to represent the collective will of the people
all liberal democrats are retarded. It will be remembered as a dark-age ideology one day.


Obama lost the popular vote to Hillary in the 2008 primary. So, is his presidency invalid then?

Majority of her votes were illegal immigrants /thread

Actually you can win the presidency with 13 states I think.

The majority of "people" voted for Hillary. But spics and niggers are animals. So more actual people voted for Trump.

Her turn to hang,
for illegally killing a foreign leader, Gaddafi!

Attached: Hillary_Guilty.jpg (615x909, 73K)

Hillary is so Happy!

Attached: FLASHBACK--Watch-Hillary-Clinton-Laughs-About-Killing-Gaddafi-_VIDEO.jpg (1400x700, 56K)

She won a very special medal.

Attached: mm292participant1-2.jpg (480x550, 75K)

Greedy too!

Attached: #GreedyHillary.png (1420x946, 699K)

>Play chess
>Black side captures more peices
>White side captures the blacks king
>White side wins
>Black side chimps out "BUT I CAPTURED MORE PEICES!!!"

it's both a rfepresentative democracy and constitutional republic
the absolute state of mutt education

Attached: 0kiuyt5nynfy.png (225x300, 60K)

The black side always chimps out

as if our eu parlament is somehow different turkfag

(You)rs is the only (You) I need, leafriend :^)

Your right. Obama did lose the popular vote to Hillary in the primarys of 08

>7 million illegal votes
you sure about that, cunt?

Attached: roastie behind post.jpg (491x491, 68K)

Go start another world war and see if your mudslimes will fight for you.

Popular vote does not decide the winner. Those are the rules.

When Germany beat Brazil 7-1 in the 2014 World Cup semi-final, Brazil had 52% ball possession. Do you think Brazil won the game?

Attached: 7-1.png (884x970, 90K)

Electoral college beats popular vote.

That God USA is not a Democracy, it would suck. Can you imagine non-Whites deciding of the elections' turnout?

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so did obama, now fuck off retard

>election rules matter
>no going back
>gfto the internet

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Actually it was only a plurality. Neither Trump or Clinton got over 50% of the votes cast. I thought Krauts were supposed to be smart.

U.S. Constitution, Article II Section 1 # 2

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>Evil trips of truth.

She lost the popular votes after the recounts.

Attached: Obama-Laugh.jpg (3528x2449, 1.42M)

Says the krauttard while completely ignoring the EUSSR commission

>Kraut parliament elects the Chancellor, not the people
>Literally no term limits for Chancellor
>last chancellor ruled for 16 years
>Mother Merkel expected to stay in power even longer
>Not a dictatorship

Nice democracy you got there, Adolf.

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That is how a parliamentary system works you retard. You vote for a party, and the majority governs. Merkel is just the leader of the party.

Majority of Republican primary voters didn't want Trump.
Instead they embraced compassionate conservatism.
In the election, Trump didn't win the popular vote.
Therefore, Jeb is the legitimate president.

Attached: jeb.jpg (3000x2000, 414K)

63 million minus 6 million illegal spic votes puts her at 57 million.
Trump had 62 million votes from REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Suck a chode bugmen spics.

Attached: why_r_they_still_trying.png (503x497, 339K)

All white people would be in a mass grave right now if she won. Keep virtue signaling, though. Maybe your precious refugees will kill you last.

>she won the popular vote
>didn't cheat or break the law at all

Attached: clinton-rally-vs-trump-rally.jpg (644x882, 248K)

He won the presidency

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Its not a democracy faggot!
Nice empty head you got there.

Your tears bring me joy so cry more bitch

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Fuck his point was what we are trying to say. Keep up retard.

She basically gave Trump the win. Thats why they sre so salty.
They cope with pills and needles and gorge on filth. Fuck them and what they gotta say.

The left is done. Their moribund and limping along like shillary shitting herself and going limp as she was thrown like a sack of shit into an armored ambulance in disguise.

>She had dead people and illegals voting for her and she STILL lost
pathetic tbhfam

>Clinton would be president if we were a (((democracy)))

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He should look where he remembers having it last..
I lose my keys sometimes..

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Eat a dick

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