Why do they have (((that urge)))?


Why do they care what people think?
I mean they keep posting everywhere, trying to influence the minds, promote their point of views...
I mean, come the fuck on! why do you care about what we think?
Even on fucking Jow Forums they post, like... whats next? propaganda on porn sites?

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because each time they try to bring propaganda inhere it get's demolished bypeople that think for themselves. and ideas spread form here onwards. They can't fuck with /pol because it's educated by /sg

It's likely /sg/ doing shit like this, and getting "caught" deliberately.

Yes, but why they keep trying? even after failures...

>stop using memeflags

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lol why?
Am I suspicious?

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inb4 op is the shill from op's image

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lol naht, my flag is different.

hol up... who are (((you)))?

>whats next? propaganda on porn sites?

That's none of your Goncern.

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You ever wonder if Justin Trudeau, Venerated Prime Minister of Canada, has had rhinoplasty on his chin?

I mean just look how beefy it is.

Because what else would they fill their empty lives with? Not like there is anything wholesome left on this planet.

>propaganda on porn sites?

it was first

they care becouse they hate work and honesty. they are fully dependable parasite, and the very moment host organism starts defending itself from it, they are fucked.

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I knew it...

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I suspect that the Jews are purposely pushing the agenda that the Jews are pushing an agenda, that is a possible explanation as to how they could be so stupid as to samefag, they understand the concept of flags but not the concept of ID's? Don't you think their shill organisation warns them about ID's or the shill app tells them to watch out for ID's?

Perhaps they're trying to turn people against them, especially the posters on pol, to have a legal reason to shut the site down for 'antisemitism'.

Best thing to do is document every time they shill for proof of their propaganda lies they're spreading as well as absolutely not call for violence against them. Criticise their actions based on fact, find peaceful ways to disarm/remove from power.

Show your flag please.

I will, but only if you'll give me a good reason for me to do that.

Because I asked nicely and it interests me to know where you're from, if you're posting a topic which goes against posts which use memeflags as a mask then you should at least show yours.

>to have a legal reason to shut the site down for 'antisemitism'.

are you fucking serious?
I think that the average antisemitism level here is enough to close it all already.
The only reason they didn't close Jow Forums yet is because 99.9% people come here only to see porn.

>Because I asked nicely
I ask you nicely, can you please give me a high-quality deepthroat blowjob?

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Even if it's not to shut it down, if they brand it as antisemitic, it puts this label on it which causes society to disregard the message. By 4D shilling they're further fuelling the hatred here increasing antisemitism. It's not the first time the Jews and incited violence against themselves to then use to their advantage.

Therefore we must adhere to a strict non-violent sentiment, focus on disclosure, exposure and anti-propaganda facts.

If you show your flag and you're Swiss or near Switzerland or would come here, I will give you your blowjob if you ask nicely and comply.

Ok Ill visit Swiss soon, get your sweet lips prepared for some destruction!


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>Jews and incited violence against themselves to then use to their advantage

Got any Historical examples?

Ok sure come and find me when you get here.


They care what people think because WE HAVE ALL THE POWER. We have just forgotten how to play.

They know this.

Is Ukraine the like the other Israel as far as hated propaganda flags go?

>naivety the post
you should probably lurk more

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