Should junkies be denied healthcare?
Should junkies be denied healthcare?
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Why the fuck isn't MONEY the sole factor in treatment?
No, nobody should get free healthcare
Junkies should get life sentence in working camps with minimal living conditions
Junkies should be told that unless they lead us to all their dealers and fellow junkies, we'll kill them. Then we can kill all their dealers. Then we can kill the junkies. It'd be great.
You can't legalise drugs and then equally demand people pay for any damage inflicted by your vices
No, but they should be put in camps until they kick the habit. Also drug dealers should be shot in the streets by policemen.
Fuck them
Let natural selection take it's course
If they can pay for it, sure. Why shouldn't they? Now if we're talking about subsidized gubment ins then no.
If you pay junkies money to stay clean then most of them stay clean.
Addiction is all psychological. The physical dependency isn’t a big deal; it’s just like having the flu for a week.
You can get people to kick the habit if they are no longer in any kind of pain.
kys kike
They should be offered free euthanasia
it doesn't work that way, in the case of USA, the one who takes responsibility to punish junkies ( government/law maker/police) is also implied in all their actions a way or another, don't forget he gets the highest profit of that business.
Whites are disproportionately affected by the opioid epidemic. So, no.
If nonwhites were removed from the system our addicts could be treated with adequate resources at minimal cost to society
Great rebuttal Mohammad, you're wife is probably ready for you to clean achmeds cum from her swollen cunt now.
This is bull shit. Tons of people lose fortunes because they'd rather be high. Rock bottom isn't a fucking carrot.
Every person should be free to do with their body what they want. However, every person should also be able to do with (the fruits of) their labour what they want.
As long as nobody is coerced into treating them, or paying for their treatment, they shouldn't be denied healthcare.
kys kike
Addict whites deserve to die for being morons
Why should I care what someone wants to put into their body, as long as it's not costing anyone else anything to support them or their habit. It not my motherfucking problem. Now if you want to get your gibs while you engage in your destructive behavior that's where the problem comes in. Once again it's not my motherfucking problem that you need a 100k in medical treatment to keep from dying. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
because prohibition worked so great the last time it was tried in the US.
Junkies don't have that kind of money because they believe their drug of choice is their best medicine. Ex: stoners make up symptoms to justify their consumption of marijuana ("hurrdurr I got chronic back pain xD"), while real medicinal cannabis users aren't being dickheads about it and use it as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, whatever reason that may be. Alcoholics believe they cannot function without alcohol, same with caffeine and sugar addicts.
>i have no idea about basic human psychology and how addictions work
"""""Prohibition""""" where it wasn't even illegal to possess alcohol
Their inability to prioritise isn't our problem though.
Extermination is not the same thing as prohibition Achmed.
Junkies should be euthanized. After destroying their mental faculties, they have nothing left to contribute to a civilized society.
It is when healthcare is subsidized by the tax payer. Maybe we need an unhealthy lifestyle tax whereby if you want "free" healthcare you need to be subject to this tax that will be higher the more unhealthy your life style is.
No, people have ability to reform if they want to and public utilities exist to create general feeling of security even for the downtrodden.
Nah, taxes don't work. Just fix it with insurance premium discounts for abstinence, or 'fines' for unhealthy lifestyles.
OR maybe healthcare shouldnt be subsidized at all and then we can all just be responsible for paying our own way.
If they can't afford it
Horrible idea, particularly considering the cost-effectiveness.
t. Alcoholic smoker and coffee addict
Treating obesity related diseases costs much more than treating junkies, so we should first deny free healthcare for obese people.
But that would be just ridiculous, everybody who doesn't fit and healthy life doesn't get free healthcare so what's the point of providing the healthcare to everybody but the ones who need it
It’s much more cost effective to get the government out of the healthcare business entirely. The state always distorts prices and causes inflation. This is basic economics
It is not our problem if they can't pay, which they cannot. It does become a problem like it does in our country if there's subsidised healthcare.
>we can all be responsible for paying our own way
>Amerisharts have to pay $5000 for a broken arm
“We” shouldn’t be paying the medical costs of people who make horrific personal choices. Individual responsibility is the bedrock on which to build a society.
Not for those of us that end up paying two grand a month in taxes to support all of the low life trash that sponge off of us. Can’t speak for the rest of the world but the US constitution says the congress shall levy no unapportioned taxes. That means I shouldn’t be taxed to pay for something where I don't receive proportionate benefit. None of my family’s healthcare is subsidized. I would rather the dreggs of society just die rather than siphon means away from myself and my children.
Its the opposite. Bigger units do better in collective bargaining(that is basically what the insurance companies do regarding their customers) so the cheapest method is by monopolizing the insurance so that there is only one buyer, killing the possibility to compete prices against each other. This is why operational costs are lower in single-payer countries than USA for example.
Yeah, so the problem isn't with junkies, the problem is with socialised healthcare.
Round up all drug dealers and put them against a wall.
Even paying 5 grand for a broken arm is better than paying for some coal burning junkie hooker’s healthcare.
So taxes?
i want to punch that bitch in the face
>Round up all drug dealers and put them against a wall.
You gonna round up coffee dealers, alcohol dealers, tobacco dealers, pharmaceutical dealers and put them against the wall also?
Not quite the same thing cocksucker. Are you 12?
No, just a contractual agreement between two private parties, in which certain conditions are set for the behaviour of one or more of the parties.
>dont do any of those
>smoke weed
>get hell for it
>dont take away my oxycodone
>Implying they have a right to enslave doctors, nurses, and taxpayers
KYS commie
drugs are drugs nigger.
To be fair prohibition does work fairly well if the punishment is extreme enough.
>Kill off all genetically predisposed to engage in behavior
>Reduced network effects of black market
Example: Singapore
>get hell for it
I hate how some people think they have the right to tell other people what they should or shouldn't do with their own bodies. fuck them.
>Xanthines are the same thing as opiods
>Being this much of a Platonic brainlet
Hope you work for the government, you can't possibly survive in any other field.
Said the meme-faggot who haven't got enough balls to show where he's from. Kys Kike.
Caffeine and opiods are both psychoactive substances.
It's relieving for my hayfever and I can get a good night's sleep in this weather, but even when I speak truthfully about it, it's not enough and they're under the impression my life's going to fall apart now.
It's best to do what we do now - put them into jail and labor.
> No, everybody should get free healthcare
> Junkies should get life sentence in working camps with minimal living conditions
free health care, yes.
The only treatment that should be available to them is getting locked in a psych ward cell for no less than 1 year.
Same thing with fatties, they need their diet controlled and cant be trusted not to sneak food.
no but they should be denied special treatment that they might want or need because of being a junkie
Yes and furthermore they also should be put into a meat grinder and sold to mudslimes as “halal” food.
Only if they haven't been able to pay for the previous OD bill.
or: should the fat fucks be denied healthcare
or: should the people with a fucked up diet be denied healthcare
or: should smokers be denied healthcare
or: should people sitting for more than 4 hours a day be denied healthcare? (major health deficit)
lol that's precisely what's happening. number one killer is pretty much sugar and officejobs, and everyone gladly pays for it
Who is QT?
Yeah they should, they got into their mess by themselves, they were well aware of the problems it carries before getting into it and did it anyways.
Sadly it’s illegal to deny them healthcare here in my country so you’re forced to treat them.
Only if they're shitskins.
>be on painkillers for previous injury
>get in accident
>end up in ER
>they drug test
>fail for opioids
>denied treatment
only if we do this also on everyone who makes more than normal sport. Like exteme sports and stuff
why do i even have to pay for this faggot who is now in a wheelchair??!??
Yes. Same with the obese. Same with gay dudes that come to hospitals with 12 carrots in their ass.
>snort coke
>go to er
>fuck i'm dying lads
>we ubi noa
good idea nigel.
no just the muzzie cunts selling ice ya facken dog.
such as?
so if you need painkillers. and you get hooked . they should cancel the treatment?
>personal choices
yeah, its not that easy m8. people dont function isolated from their environment.
if your parents abuse you from an early age on chances are slim you can escape from that unscathed. plus many drug addicts are just people with psychiatric or sometimes even
just physical diseases that werent treated adequately.
for example many people drink alcohol as a sleep inducer or tranquilizer or antidepressant while medicine has drugs that are far better in that and with less side effects.
and opioid addicts often were victims of doctors prescribing them opioids that are intended for anesthesia and not everyday analgesia.
whos the trap?
Gina Valentina
Yeah it's a health problem
I've had a really bad sinus infection the last week and I get these awful coughing fits (pants of shit) in the middle of the night. I have a bunch of oxycodone that I hate taking, but they will make my throat stop hurting and slow my breathing down to stop the coughing fit.
I couldn't imagine taking them recreationally. They make me dizzy and nauseous. I feel like I am going to throw up the whole time until I fall asleep, but then I am knocked out when I do. I couldn't imagine heroin being any better, I don't get the appeal at all
Eventually, give them treatment for their addiction, tests like every month and a fail to stay clean does revoke your access to healthcare.
Seems fair, same should go for fat people.
How high is this man?
They are here.
We have (sorta) universal health care, and there's all sorts of rules.
Junkies got mad as fuck when we limited the handing out of drugs and limited the ability to visit a GP to ten times a year.
If there was no consumers then the dealers would go away on their own. The users are the problem. Dealers are just making a buck.
If you deny junkies you should deny fat people because they are just as unhealthy
Kill yourself junkie
junkies and tweakers should be euthanized
do you seriously not get the difference between a voluntary contract and taxes? thats sad coming from an american. the risk for the insurance is higher with junkies obviously they have to pay more if they want that insurance. also they themselves carry the additional costs of their unhealthy lifestyle. and they earn the benefit of saving money on insurance by coming clean. financing this with tax money removes incentive to quit and responsibilty for your own life. its a horrible idea.