Cannabis addiction?

A friend says he is addicted to weed.
He's getting drug counselling and welfare benefits.

He wakes up and skins up, I said this is more habitual behaviour than addiction, its not like being a heroin junkie or an alcoholic.?

Is weed really that addictive?
Any here been addicted to weed?

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oy u got a license for that addiction

I don't know about weed, but welfare benefits surely are addictive.

It is psychologically addictive
Not physically

youre addicted to Jow Forums, arent you

It is addictive.

its interesting but its not my life.

There's two types of addictions and they're not mutually exclusive. There's a physical addiction and a psychological addiction. Something like alcohol is physically addictive but not psychologically addictive (usually), as in you'll get withdrawal symptoms if you drink enough but it's usually not habit forming and you won't get cravings or urges. Marijuana is psychologically addictive, which means there are no real withdrawal symptoms but it is habit forming and you'll really want to smoke weed if you try to quit.

FYI, drinking alcohol at exactly the same time every night at high enough levels (like downing 3/4 shots) will be psychologically addictive and smoking weed shitloads can create a strong enough mental change in that you'll get something similar to a physical addiction, in that the loss of euphoria will give you literal depression.

thanks man, good explanation.
my uncle was a proper alcoholic, saw him fall down with the DT's a few times.

Weed addiction seems really nothing after seeing that. Like "oh no I got to smoke a weak plant material"

I think it's kinda different for anybody. I personally quite smoking weed after about 15 years of daily consumption with no problems or side effects at all.

But I also have a friend who is "struggling" for years now and he doesn't seem to be able to quit. But to be honest, he is quite a neurotic person and I really believe that he only tells himself that he is addicted and he is giving himself a hard time for no real reason.

nope its not. only first two days are a bit of a struggle after gitting daily smoking.
what you crave after those two days is only the tobbacco. that shit is way more addicting than weed

I used to smoke a lot of weed and always wondered if I could stop --felt addicted. Then I got notice of an upcoming drug test for an assignment where I work, freaked out and had to quit cold turkey in order to be clean in time.

I had virtually no problem stopping and didn't really miss it while I wasn't smoking. I still smoke a little but nothing near what I used to.

>But I also have a friend who is "struggling" for years now and he doesn't seem to be able to quit. But to be honest, he is quite a neurotic person and I really believe that he only tells himself that he is addicted and he is giving himself a hard time for no real reason.

sounds very similar to the guy I know.
he has all these counsellors telling him to quit to go to therapy etc & I'm like its just weed, if you got to smoke it. do it in the evening!

Alcohol addiction is like being punished for not drinking, that in itself makes it hard to kick because it's fairly unpleasant. It's not exactly a euphoric drug, like it's relaxing and a nice mood change but it's not enough to truly change your mental state. Weed is like becoming a completely different person.

I was smoking a lot of weed every night, quitting that caused me some shit but it wasn't really a physical withdrawal. Even now, I dream about weed and I keep thinking about starting again. Only low intelligence people don't notice that weed honestly does help with creativity, it's a truly beautiful state of mind provided you sift through your thoughts and ideas later.

I wrote some amazing music on weed

I hate that last track so much I literally quit music. I can't do it. Music fucking sucks.

Op and his friend are both faggots

chase me.

>Takes one to know one
Nice digits

Your friend is depressed because he's British. It's perfectly normal.

dude you should upgrade those synths ASAP. The music would be probably great, but the synths sound horrible. What program where you using?

You don't understand, there's not just THC in pot, there's also CBT, that's the medical ingredient, it's a powerful anti-inflammatory. I'm not gonna get into medical details here but basically, every single ailment, illness, disease, whatever, cause inflammation and when you take care of inflammation first it solves already 75% of the problems.

Now for someone who's got chronic pain or whatever it's good, they gonna some their joint in the evening and they're gonna be fine, the body is going to take in the CBT and place it where needed but if you're perfectly fine and healthy that's where problems begin.

Your body still doesn't need the CBT yet it knows it's important so when you stop giving it CBT it goes nuts. You're shaking, your palms are sweaty, hard to focus, zero patience, zero appetites and it's practically impossible to sleep.

On top of this, you begin to feel your body again and you just feel generally uncomfortable all the time. Of course, you're not gonna die if you stop but you constantly crave the painkiller effect.


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Thanks Thomas, you know I just wanted to give an example.

Sound fonts and synth1, I wanted to use free stuff so I wouldn't get copy right issues.

Doesn't much matter what we're talking about here, least of all DUDE WEED. If you have an addictive personality or are otherwise weak-willed then strap in for some addiction senpai.

Also, tell your friend to stop being such a huge faggot. You too.

propellerheads reason would be at a discount today, I can highly recommend. I guess you can go pretty far with only free stuff, but it's pretty inconvenient and much harder.

Thanks for the suggestion, the original idea was focussing on composition, doing things like polyphony and counterpoint rather than spending too long on sound design.

It sounded like a good idea when I was a stoner, sober it just sounds dumb and masterbatory.

Was he a lazy person before this?

Best TV show ever
>pic related

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Can be addicted to literally anything if sufficiently retarded.

yes pretty much.

someone knows the score here.

I've known two people from my old school who ended up in psychiatric wards because of frequent marijuana use.

It's not quite the benign bit of fun the "counter-cultural" types claimed it was for the last 60 years.
Don't fuck with your brain, folks. It's the most precious thing you own.

Your friend has the kind of personality that can become 'addicted' to anything. He just doesn't have the power to say no to himself. Is he actually physically dependent on it? No.

I'm in the same boat, putting it down is difficult with sheer will alone, but if I'm in a situation where I can't get it, I get by just fine without it. Personalities like ours need direction, to become 'addicted' to something more constructive, like exercise.

australian man,when i quit weed i get servere nausea,also i sweat alot and can't eat anything for days,should i seek help to stop?

Weed is legal where I live. I can drive to a store and purchase it like beer. I smoked for more than ten years.
I wanted a better job, so I quit. Hard to sleep the first month, but that’s been it.

Its definitely addictive. I’ve seen it in myself and others. I’d say that its more addictive than alcohol in a lot of people’s cases, assuming the alcoholism hasn’t reached a certain threshold and surpasses it. Getting off of a heavy weed habit, you feel like absolute shit for at least a week. Barely eat or sleep, supremely irritable and agitated for no reason, and you feel like everything is 100% boring without it. Fuck weed and fuck you if you smoke it

Just pirate it desu. Everyone does it. Even srillex got caught using pirated plug-ins at a show. No one is going to sue you unless you actually get rich. Which in that case you will have money to defend yourself and will easily be able to settle outside of court.

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It'll take time for the brain to return to baseline and all the neurochemical levels to return to normal if he's had a heavy weed habit for a long while. Used to be a heavy stoner for ages until I saw that it was a huge waste of time that I could have been using to better myself (thanks, DMT!), and i'm happier without it nowadays. Definitely habit-forming.

No, it isn't really that addictive. I used to smoke weed daily (sometimes multiple times a day) and while I really enjoyed smoking and wanted to do it there are pretty much no physical symptoms after the first few days. You might get a little insomnia and some headaches, but a bottle of ibuprofen and some melatonin will get you through it.

I haven't smoked pot in like 9 months now and I feel no urge at all to do it. I stopped getting any sort of urges after like a week and a half. The stuff isn't addictive, it is just a lot of fun and ends up being your go to thing when you're bored. The real way to stop is just to start finding other shit to do. Truth be told? Star Trek really helped me stop. I went from smoking pot when I was "bored" to just watching Star Trek and it wokred out well for me.

>but it's usually not habit forming and you won't get cravings or urges

What do you think recovering alcoholics feel?

I'll just say in terms of physical symptoms of withdrawal, in addition to:
all of which vary depending on the person, night sweats and disturbing dreams are common as is weight loss.

But, you might have similar symptoms if you went off of a psychiatric med after long term use and didn't taper down properly. But, tapering down is nearly impossible for a lot of users, so the withdrawal can be very difficult for some people. It wont' kill you like alcohol withdrawal can, but I do think there's a gap in medical knowledge that it would be helpful to address. This is especially true considering that many users are self medicating and have conditions which may need to be treated in absence of the weed.

And another withdrawal symptom I've heard about is, and I know it sounds crazy, but for some there can be a short period of virulent anti-semitism which resolves into a lasting state of apathetic nihilism about the state of western democracy. No joke, i had a friend who.

Exactly this. Awesome post.

>t. addicted to Jow Forums

He's a fag I though I might be addicted but then I just stopped and it was fine.

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Marijuana is extremely addictive.

This isn't google retard, all these questions you ask can be found online already.

Weed doesnt generate a physical adiction to its chemichals like tobaco or alcohol can.
But its not that hard to get emotionally adicted to it. Weed kinda makes everything better, and most people that consumes it regularly end up learning to depend on it to face though times and situations.

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There is little to no physical dependence to weed.

Any "addiction" is a mental one. I actually went to a psychiatrist about my smoking habits (tobacco and weed) and he explained that I have this suedo-condition called "Idle-hands syndrome", basically if I am bored and have nothing to do, that is when I get the urge to smoke.

Picking up a time consuming hobby that you can engross yourself in is a good way to start the process of quitting.

The substance itself isnt addictive. There are no addictive properties found in weed. However. It is has Very strong habitual properties.

Bottom line, he is "addicted" to the feeling, not the product. If he stopped smoking weed for a day or so, he wouldnt have withdraw symptoms. Perhaps being a little irritable, but thats about it.

I am an avid smoker & have been ( literally ) for about 20 years. My biggest complaint is complacency. I basically have little to no motivation to take "life risks" whether that be further education, a new job, a new relationship, etc.

When I am motivated to do something, my drive to achieve is still strong. It is getting to that motivated point to actually Start doing something that I have found is the issue. For me at least, but I have a few fellow stoners & this seems to be the same for them.

Would love to hear others comments on the topic.

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Weed cant cause physical withdrawal symptoms like heroine can, but I would still say it's addictive.

Marijuana is addictive in a psychological sense. Those who use it regularly and quit will experience loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, grogginess and irritability. All these symptoms are in your head and not physical, but this doesn't mean they are any less difficult to deal with. Withdraw symptoms last up to 2 weeks but the full effects of the symptoms varies depending on how long you smoked for and how much. Some experience symptoms for up to 3 months (in extreme cases).

I am currently on day 4 of quitting and even though I have no temptations for smoking again, I do feel abnormally depressed and all around anger towards pretty much everything/everyone around me.

Also, be forewarned.

THC has properties that dampen the vividness of dreams when you sleep.

After three or four days of quitting your dreams will go into hyperbeastmode for a week or so until your body adjust to not having the THC.

Yes if you smoke really good dope all the time you do get addicted, but it wears off after a week or two. If people are /x/tier and have weak minds I can see how it would effect them. I get physically sick if I don't smoke it I feel like barfing and I find nothing enjoyable, like reality feels dull to me.

>t. never once smoked the reefer

Addicted to weed? Kill him

It wrecks your GABA/glutamate systems, so you can definitely feel like absolute shit and it can take months to get back to normal

This I can confirm, I do not dream when I smoke weed, or I forget my dreams very quickly. When I am sober I get nightmares and cold sweats. Being sober really sucks balls, you are a grump, feel like barfing, cum super fast, colors, food, and vidya all sucks when you are sober, work sucks when you are sober.

Weed just makes your inevitable slow death and decay more enjoyable as you watch your loved ones slip into the grave one by one until you join them.


I forgot to mention that, I ceased to have dreams while smoking. My dreams are returning, but are still very foggy, I can't remember anything from them, but they are there. I can't wait to dream again!

>Weed just makes your inevitable slow death and decay more enjoyable as you watch your loved ones slip into the grave one by one until you join them.

Bring it in Canuckbro

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This is even worse.

I have been smoking weed every single day for about 2 years now and I feel addicted as in I can't fall asleep unless I take a toke.

It depends on what your goals are. My goals are to finish college and attempt to become a professor. I don't feel like I can do that while constantly under the effects. I want to learn to enjoy life with clarity of mind without a literal/figurative cloud over my head. I wish to learn.

Forgot to add, I think I like the numbing of my thoughts, that is what I try to go after each time I smoke. Smoking weed makes me forget the bad things.

Why not attempt to confront the bad things to make the life that you and others live better?

>Is weed really that addictive?
No. He's a liar.