>women sexier
>better music
>better gaming
>better companies that actually make profit and innovate
>better economy
>better food
>not so rigid society
>can actually immigrate there
>less corrupt
>once unjted with the north will be bigger and better than Japan
Why Korea more based than Japan?
>Korean society is less rigid than Japanese.
>>better gaming
>south korea
>less corrupt
Gooks are jap rape babies anyway
At least Japs know when to kys.
Manga is still better than Manwha
Can someone pls gib sauce on this?
other way around actually
gook rapes ainu and jap is result
Double double confirms
I don't know... We still get Korean immigrants, but virtually no Japanese... that says a Lot about the desirability of a place.
>women sexier
>better music
both are utter shit at music
>better gaming
korea has good vs fighting arcades
they also produce fine sticks for 3D fighters
rest is shit
>better companies that actually make profit and innovate
korean products are among the most sloppily desgined I've ever seen
and their software is notoriously sub-60 IQ fucktardry
>better economy
not rly
>better food
that's a fucking joke, right?
errything reeks of kimchi there
korean food is an abomination
>not so rigid society
>can actually immigrate there
in Japan too
>less corrupt
rly, korea is a fucking shithole
they bin shit stained toilet paper, ffs, like mere gayreeks or brazilianiggers
that only would already be a lot more than enough not to consider them a 1st world country
>Ousts corrupt president
>Corrupt prime minister still in office
>once unjted with the north will be bigger and better than Japan
네 다음 대통령 비서질장
Sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about. Japan is one of the, if not THE greatest country on Earth.
>Inheriting poor and starving people will make you better
For me its japanese people they integrate much better, koreans move here and sprout how awesome korea is, nigger why you here then??
Also every korean girl ive met is plasticed up to the shit, the guys get work done as well.
>why this slant-eye is better than this slant-eye
Are you sure not you've not mixed up Korea and China
I dunno why today i really need to be inside a cute korean girl