How do I save my country?

How do I save my country?

Any help is welcome.

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make viral propaganda

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Defeat the 20 classes and you're done:

Class 1: The Harpy feminist
Class 2: The Tattoo degenerate
Class 3: The junky/alcoholic
Class 4: The Marxist
Class 5: The faggot degenerate
Class 6: The Nigger/wigger
Class 7: ISIS members
Class 8: The Kike Banker/Journalist
Class 9: The $oyboy Manchild
Class 10: The NEET nihilist
Class 11: Degenerate Mediamachine/MTV
Class 12: Unclassified Enemy
Class 13: The Welfare Parasite
Class 14: The Professional Criminal
Class 15: Militant Psychopath Lonewolfs
Class 16: The Morbidly Obese Cynic
Class 17: The Christcucks
Class 18: The Antiscience industry
Class 19: The Crony capitalists
class 20: The Unclassified Enemy

Brexit can save you, but it has to actually happen.

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I can offer you an escape, user.

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because my country will be destroyed even quicker?

Vote for the tories, they will conserve the Paki cocks in all of your daughter's holes.

Its a British value

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Hastening the collapse is the only viable course of action at this point

commit a mass shooting or kill the royal family in the name of allah

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pull a v for vendetta.
seriously. it's probably the only way to save your shithole of a country

mass genocide

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Become politically active. Educate people how important it is to preserve cultural and pass it down to the next generation like your ancestors did. If Britain is to remain British it must keep being British and not some foreign uncultured horde of different people without a British heritage.

You should just die already. You dragged us into two world wars with Jewish tricks and ruined us. We could have just kept to ourselves, but noooo.

Seriously, get fucked.

If you are autistic you can join the police and serve your people enforcing butternife licence laws

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convert to islam then kill jewish politicians/bankers

do you reckon I could be let off prison time if I convert to islam?

Copy IRA. A vigilante paramilitary should set the goat fuckers straight. Also Junji Ito is god tier OP

Accelerate its demise. We are past the point of saving anything. The ground must be torched.

I want to say "stand and fight user!", but our grandfathers did just that and look at how fast it was all subverted and destroyed, why fight for something that will be debased and thrown away in 1 or 2 generations? I say let it all burn.

fight what though? unless you decide to go around burning mosques and going all vigilante

prepare your looks first, grow the beard, wear the white garmen (ihraam), make sure yell allahu ackbar, hadha lakhwti (this is for my brethren) when you kill them

Reintroduce catholicism to Britain, with processions, pilgrimage sites, holy images, confessions

How come we are so bad at coming up with ideas to solve this problem the west is facing?
We are the great inventors, the great innovators, the great problem solvers. Yet we can't seem to figure this one out.
Is it because this "movement" is filled with mostly young people? Is it because any "creative" type tends to lean left?

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>class 21; getting a girl to reproduce with

Oh, wait! that one is missing from your list. I wonder why...

its fucking over the general public is retarded and pensioners are dying off and will only spiral out of control as more of these libtard generations keeps voting left ... we're fucked

we have no religion, we hate ourselves, brexit will fail

give us ideas to fix this problem.

>Class 10: The NEET nihilist

I hate the hard work cult so much. With all the technology we have, life should be more sedentary. Plenty of jobs either have no real purpose, or could be done away with through having a more efficient system. It's mostly ego and debt slavery. A man is not a donkey!

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need to win a seat as an mp.

By making it worse

Those emotionally conditioned ignorants won't do anything until their comfortibility is at risk

Support David Icke.

Thats a start.
And you have friends across the pond who are glad to help

You have to throw away the soft comforts that you still have left, and kill or be killed.

That's the bottom line.

>Raise a right wing family
>Improve yourself, get your self as high up on the career ladder as possible
>Keep a good house

Besides getting in to politics the best thing you can do is live as a beacon, people will naturally begin to follow your lead.

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The onions, thats why

not to mention the open boarder immigration, declining birthrates of whites, the utter state of our education system, muslim rape gangs, out right discrimination of public and private sector against whites and also the absolute totalitarian censorship of free speech; silencing so any dissenting opinion is sure to be ridiculed superficially.
i think we're almost the point of no return when whites become a minority its over

I think practically the solution is has to be lots of white babies, win back free speech and win the culture war

but honestly its going to get a lot worse before it gets better

what about if someone did a guy fawkes and succeeded

I like this but it's only got two kinds of kikes and no neo-mason baby rapists.
>Class 13: The Welfare Parasite
>Class 14: The Professional Criminal
Those two aren't really that important and part of life forever. You're always going to have criminals (so make them pro-white like a noble Irish gang) and poor people/disabled.
>class 20: The Unclassified Enemy
>Class 12: Unclassified Enemy

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>I want to say "stand and fight user!", but our grandfathers did just that and look at how fast it was all subverted and destroyed, why fight for something that will be debased and thrown away in 1 or 2 generations? I say let it all burn.
You can't kill ideas. Fighting against the hordes of your own kind is useless.

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you can't. Once you are infected by islam you are done for.

Make some kids, raise them right.

The time of Bojo and Nige draws nearer.

>Stop the bleeding till then
>Be unrelenting

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The solution is forever the same :


20000 kids were raped, assaulted, murdered, branded and trafficked by Muslims. The average Brit done nothing, fuck all, zilch. Not one mosque, kebab shop or taxi business was burned to the ground.

Your average Brit is as okay with mass child rape as are the Muslims and the police.

Brits bow their heads and say nothing. The very epitome of cuck.

No. Go for their foot soldiers, the low hanging fruit - the police. Destroy these fuckers and the politicians have nothing. The UK police are the least commited to public safety in generation's. They are motivated only be their brainwashing and pension. Attack their 'cosyness' and they leave on droves. Remember these fuckers looked the other way whilst kids were getting raped. They deserves the worst that can happen. They are insects. They are a danger to our children. They are worthless.

how do you take down the police enough that the muslims are still afraid of them, but are useful enough to take over.

I wonder if the reaction would have been the same if the perpetrators had been huwhyte immigrants, i dunno say, dutch.
If dutch men had done this to British kids.

This is what ticks me off... i do not see any future for Uk...i mean if shit like that happened here, man i would see some crazy people doing some crazy things... you simply do not let those people live.

settle in a rural area, make babies, build strong communities with like-minded friends and families

the future belongs to those who show up.

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>be policeman
>stop a rape
>oi, why the intolerance? fucking Nazi
>get sent to prison, murdered by muslim gang
>another day of hope and glory in Britain

Anglos are strong individualists, which is why they can't get organized. You need to start thinking like a clan.

>Implying the royals have any power

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Divide and conquer, make immigrants fight other immigrants, make immigrants fight the police an those that brought them to your country. Use money if you have to, make it as inconvenient for anyone foreign to live in your neighborhood etc

As it stands, our movement is decentralised and disunited. If we’re ever gonna have a chance of prevailing, we’re going to need a centralised movement, with clear set goals, an ideology, and a leader.

This is why we’re so bad at coming up with concise plans to deal with our situation. We can easily identify the problems, and meme a little bit, but we really need to start focusing on solving those problems.

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pull back to eastern Europe and help remotely with viral propaganda and an ethno religion.

You cannot help via parties or anything like GEN ID, you will get sent to prison and killed by Muslims.


1: Get rid of the Royal family
2: Set up a new parliament
3: Murder non-european perpetrators
4: Encourage white brits to make more children among themselves

Country saved. Take example from Poland and oppose the EU council no matter how many complaint letters they send you. Make sure you vote for the party which will not be tolerant to any non-european immigrants/emmigrants. Immigrants from eastern Europe will help your cause if you support what they are doing in their countries too.

As an east European immigrant, I find this country to be absolutely lacking of ANY intolerance towards cultural infection. It's disgusting how the British people completely allow themselves to get cuckd by a certain ethnicity just because they deem it "racist" for opposing them.

Stand strong

The solution is easy, form a comparable ethno faith for Europeans where we are in covenant with god and not the Jews and our "Zion" is the entirety of Europe then sit back and shill for it 24/7, its really not hard. All what the Jews are doing to Palestine they are also doing to London, in time the browns will be replaced with Jews. All we have to do is counter it.

All we have to do is play the game, and beat them at it, we have numbers on our side.

But being faithful to god, having a large family and forming a parallel society is too much work for the average pol neckbeard. They would rather march on the streets and put stickers on bus stops.

>Get rid of the royal family
No. Just bring the Stuarts back, and reinstate absolute monarchism, and fuse the church and state.

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Follow our example, and revolt against your government. Worked okay for us, genetics, politics, and freedom aside.

Fuck, I keep forgetting I'm a leaf.

>All this obvious division and worry posting

Leftypol discord fags are worse than boomers.

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We have to revolt working within to our traditions though. Our government is so anti-traditional and anti-British that by destroying what little our ancient identity we have left would be exactly what they want.

We have to ditch the enlightenment and go back to our old traditions.
Republicanism would be a disaster for us. It would complete our descent into a globalist, international soulless state.

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I’m a bong btw

because it's not hard?

Terence McKenna predicted that with the rampant technological advancements. People would find themselves without a spiritual ground to stand on, and therefore look to the past for something to anchor onto. He called this the archaic revival. I find it interesting, particularly with the current situation that seems to demand another viewpoint than the christian "turn the other cheek". And the rise of interest in paganism.

Inb5 McKenna was a fucking drugged out hippie.

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I feel there's a slow revolt towards the royals on the cards anyway. when you put the wedding propaganda aside to make it look like they're something great. people are getting slowly more angry with the amount of money that goes on them.

Restore the Monarchy. Those Germans on the throne aren't doing the job - find some Chad and make him king. Clean the isles of filth, put women back in their place, and only then allow Parliament a small degree of power.

Find Excalibur OP
It’s the only way


Basically just defeat all humans at this point desu

i agree

If you have nothing to offer society, why should you even be permitted to live? You should just be killed, if all you do is drain resources other people are actually working to produce.