Should women be accepted in the military?

Should women be accepted in the military?

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As baby making platoons , ye.

No. The military isn't a social program.

In the sick system we have where joining an imperialist murder apparatus is the only way for some people to attend a state university, yes women should be admitted into the military.

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very good at cooking and cocking.

Yes, as comfort women

yes but only if they are as strong and capable than men (equality and all that , you know...).

Women have a very peculiar set of talents in work and at war. The military would be brazen idiots to ignore the specific talents of women, they would similarly dis-serve the country by not disciplining these women appropriately. It is a balance which is difficult to maintain and some advanced techniques may be necessary. Thankfully there are bits and pieces of the military industrial complex where this knowledge has not been lost to the (((postmodern))) organizational memes of today.
So in short yes, but women must be shown their place in the heirarchy, same as men.