
Why can't you people understand that when we say that we need to get rid of whiteness, we're not talking about getting rid of white people?

We're talking about getting rid of whiteness.
Do you seriously not understand the difference?

Attached: Cenk Uygur.jpg (608x656, 44K)

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Fuck off roach.

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Okay then, why should we get rid of whiteness, what's so wrong with it, if not white people?
And how is whiteness not intrinsically entwined with white people?

You don't have to believe that whites are superior to be white

In this context, whiteness it is being used as a shorthand for the privileges/power that people who appear ‘white' receive, because they are not subjected to the racism (systemic) faced by people of colour and Indigenous people.

We're not attempting genocide. We attempting to make society more equitable by taking away privilege that white people enjoy unfairly.

please tell me this is not a real thing that was said

dumb shitposter

>That’s what I originally thought all this “whiteness is bad” shit was about. That the Jews were just trying to stamp out white identity because of racism..
Except they are literally flooding Europe and the rest of the west with unlimited mass immigration from every non white country, so literally (((they))) ARE destroying white people. The “it’s not about getting rid of actual white people, just their racist superiority white identity” is simply, implausible deniability. More and more people are waking up to the reality of what’s going on.
Continuously telling whites, especially “straight white men” that’s they are evil pieces of shit has reached a tipping point. It’s not a fucking meme, it’s racist, sexist abuse and actually worse it’s psychological warfare on Europeans and people of European heritage. If a marriage partner was subjected to the amount of name calling and hatred that Jewish msm directs at white males, then the partner causing the abuse would be arrested and charged with spousal abuse. Look at the REAL effect of a disenfranchised and hated white male, an epidemic of suicides. It’s not a meme or a fucking joke. This shit has and is causing irreversible damage to all European countries and the wider angloshoere. Promoting self hate and our own cultural, ethnic and in the case of straight white men, literal suicide.

Why can't you people understand that when we say that we need to get rid of jewishness, we're not talking about getting rid of jewish "people"?

We're talking about getting rid of jewishness.
Do you seriously not understand the difference?

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