What do you think the world will look like in the future if the Jews win?

What do you think the world will look like in the future if the Jews win?

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They already have

The minute we got off the gold standard

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the jews already won.

now but worse

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It would just be a world without borders maybe?
One thing I'm sure of is that they want national identity to be replaced by what you buy, basically, consumerist and without any national pride, not to to far from what we're seeing now, they've already done that in Europe, and although it's been bit hard, they're winning.

Europe and America will be majority mixed race and completely controlled by state media, ministries of truth and social conditioning against free thought, nationalism, ethnic pride etc.
Large scale state sponsored bread and circuses, think the running man/hunger games style bloodsports where they use convicted 'racists'(the worst sin of the new society) or other blasphemers and so the public will condone the ritualised, state sponsored violence against them.
Sexualization of children at very young ages under the guise of'education' much like the 'erotic play' of Huxley's brave new world.
Constant proxy wars against the remnants of nations like Russia who are cast as 'evil racist nationalists and traditionalists' and met with public approval.
Corporaism and consumerism ramped up to eleven and the profits siphoned off to build up Israel in preparation for the coming of their messiah.

Which jews?

Imagine a tranny twerking on the steps of Western Civilization forever

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Like this

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>Constant proxy wars against the remnants of nations like Russia who are cast as 'evil racist nationalists and traditionalists' and met with public approval.

Israel has an excellent relation with Russia

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what the fuck you talkin about willis?

Pretty much this.

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For every one of those, there are 50 el abominacions like Robert Di niros sons.

That's why the wars will be by proxy.

This, a lot of Putin's friends (oligarchs) are from Jewish descent, is almost as if the soviet union never collapsed

Israel is literally attacking Russia's allies and trying to topple their governments.

South Florida


If the Jews "win" it will be the end of the world.
That is what the description of Revelation of St.John describes.

God nuked Sodom and Gomorrah, just for faggotry. What do you think is going to happen that completely totalitarian and completely inverted all-values.

The creator will stop the experiment and reboot.

Such a tolerant and loving God, isn't that right Johnny?

I got some news for you: the jews won 70 years ago

Tolerating degeneracy is not a good thing.

The Syria thing is somewhat curious. Israel recently reaffirmed its alliance with russia

Like USA but worse. Total degeneracy, no freedom and cucked by the jews beyond belief

Killing everyone, even good Christians seems pretty weird, doesn't it? Also, tolerance was one the main Jesus's teachings.

A Jew wrote Revelation
It's a fantasy about destroying Rome


That's because (((they))) want the land to build Greater Israel. Russia is really only allied with those countries to deal arms to them. Like every other war since the very start, the Jews play both sides.

Jews as ruling class front for the cabal
Muslims / Shitskins as their henchmen & brute masses
European / Asian female slaves for harem duty
European / Asian male slaves to make the tech work properly

Think of a Favela but copy and paste it all over the globe

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And all white people are good looking, right Nigel?

Coming from a brit is lol

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But they did already win and the future is now the present.

>Pick up the can, goyim

>even good Christians
Actually read the Bible before you purport to know what's inside.

I'm better looking than di niros kids, widespread mutt breeding will make native Brits seem like a elven like race of beautiful radiant gods.

Ask one of Trump's 8 grandkids

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>Think of a Favela but copy and paste it all over the globe

Are you dumb?

Look at any place jews live. Those are usually the desirable places.

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Jews live with other Jews in gated communities built on the wealth they've hoarded through nepotism and swindling. Goyim are not welcome.

Totalitarian dystopian one-world government which will be a mix of BNW (control through hedonism and degeneracy) and conventional despotism

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Actually Jesus was not that loving hippie that people think he was.

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>jews = interdimensional psychic vampires = combine advisors
half life 2 was truly ahead of it's time

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>that image

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Jews will scavenge the world, but intermix, quality of life will drop, and it will look like San Francisco. Japanese will be the only people to make it to space.

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wildlife and nature destroyed. Maximum pollution. Jews hate nature

you alright, white boi

Now change all the communist flags and symbols to Nazi ones, and see how everyone on Jow Forums would love that image.
You Finn-Cuck get are pretty much the same as lefties but you get triggered when u see a hammer and sickle.

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>What do you think the world will look like in the future if the Jews win?

The Jews already won, what we're trying to do is reclaim human civilisation back from them.

>if the Jews win
they aren't organized.

You mean the world we are currently living in? Multicultarism everywhere, every white country losing white population and increasing nonwhite population, secularization of Christian countries. They’ve won buddy.

They aren't going to allow gentiles to live with them.

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