Attached: DbU4BcBVQAATvDx.jpg-large.jpg (2048x1536, 563K)
Cop points gun at Antifa
Zachary Ross
Matthew Watson
Charles Rivera
Name this band
Asher Evans
why are those young people so ugly and out of shape
Jack Ross
Why is everyone short and frail there?
Mason Wilson
Jeremiah Thomas
well, isn't that illegal?
why don't the kkk march in hoods anymore if it's legal?
Hudson Gonzalez
Why does this person look like a mannequin?
Juan Hughes
Robert Morales
Onions Goy and the Boy Toys
Benjamin Russell
Fascism in the united states. This is what you wanted, bootlickers.
Juan Turner
Owen Young
the hell is that
Adrian Scott
Don't parents get braces for their children anymore?
Tyler Wood
Das Untermensch
Luke Bell
Josiah King
>doesn't spray and pray
Jason Ross
Is it a boy or girl?
Michael Campbell
He fat too
Elijah Green
>tfw you’re stuffing your fist in a tranny anus
Xavier James
they should have just shot em, no one would speak out for dead antifa pinko commie scum.
Joshua Morales
I can totally see the proletariat siding with these people
Levi Hughes
Rarely see cops enforce a city ordinance mask ban. That is a bit extreme unless Antifa were being violent just prior.
Also the KKK doesn't exist anymore. It's just FBI informants now. The Alt-Right doesn't exist either off the internet and only in troll form when it does appear.
Sasquatch! No wonder we can't find him.
Henry Watson
We need more of this.
Benjamin Miller
Pinkos and the Soiled Trousers
Julian Miller
Police: I can't see your face! My life is in danger! The right thing for me to do is pull a gun, point it at you, and threaten to kill you.
Civilian: Police are brave and heroic!
Civilian: Half a dozen teenaged niggers are accosting me in this subway car! They are threatening to kill me! My life is in danger! The right thing for me to do is pull a gun, point it at them, and threaten to kill them.
Police: You are a violent criminal and a racist! You're going to spend the rest of your life in prison you piece of shit!
This is why everyone should hate pigs with a passion that leads to dangling their corpses from lampposts.
Blake Wright
So much onions
Asher Martinez
>I broke the law and got arrested wtf!!!
antifa are the darksydephil of real life
Cameron Wilson
ok. cops are now in full load-out mode now?
Julian Davis
You cant say onions. Fuck this place. I'm going to infinitychan.
Adrian Mitchell
Jayden Allen
Antifa is disgusting
Leo Cook
Probably an undercover police officer
Nathaniel Hernandez
Don't the "bootlickers" want less government?
Aren't you socialists crying for more government?
OPs pic is "more government."
Carter Nelson
Im borrowing this.
Hunter Walker
And BLM is LowTierGod.
It all makes sense now.
Carson Rodriguez
And its beautiful!
Dylan Clark
this is fucked the fuck up
Daniel Jones
filters are worse there desu
Jeremiah Cox
Zachary Hughes
>Antifa gets busted for wearing masks
>via an old school law
>meant for busting Klu Klux Klan members
Colton Hall
what a fucking idiot
Ayden Thomas
In about 50 years, anyone known to be Antifa will be executed and ground up into compost.
Hunter Ward
OH the short bus stopped and let everyone off.
Tyler White
They have even more filters
Josiah Morales
>espouses violence
>wears masks
Logan Hughes
Antifa are violent leftist extremists.
Don't mind seeing their skulls get cracked in the slightest.
James Murphy
Zachary Nelson
Caleb Rivera
They're literally labeled domestic terrorists by the government. Good on them
Asher Bennett
Pretty bad argument
Jack Diaz
>looks like a Jack
>walks like a Jill
>smells like a John
Julian Sanchez
>its literal army
Elijah White
That is marijuana
Finally captured by police
Gavin Roberts
Jack Rivera
Do these faggots ever get tired of tailoring their tone and language to suit their political ends?
Easton Smith
It's not actually enforceable.
if the police did try to enforce it, it would be a huge payday for who ever they arrest over it.
Ethan Price
Meat makes poor compost,
instead you can use the meat to breed black soldier flys for chicken food
Matthew Carter
If you hit your late 20s and you're still falling for this shit, just kys.
Robert Walker
That’s a clip from CarniK Con you retard
Joshua Williams
>wanting to live in a dystopian novel
they're retards but the police already have too much power etc
they look like they're in fucking Baghdad
Anthony Hill
>law on the books
>”not enforceable”
The delusion.
Isaac Howard
Dominic Brooks
I love where this is going
Joshua Russell
That is what some would call La Creatura Del Bosque
Kayden Collins
With the american left you never know.
Id guess its a male going female since it has boobs but it could just be a fat fuck. Who knows?
Joseph Rodriguez
Kayden Carter
>le first amendment
There are a shit ton of laws that cannot be enforced still on the fucking books.
Sodomy is illegal (referring to the gays)
American Indians are not suppose to be in groups larger than 10
Brandon Flores
>It's not actually enforceable.
Do you not understand how the law works?
If it is on the statute books as black letter law, you can be done for it. The only thing that stops it is the police not bothering to enforce it. Here they are enforcing it.
>it would be a huge payday for who ever they arrest over it.
You don't get compensation for being arrested for a extant criminal offence.
Brody King
>'wish a nigga would'
Benjamin Gray
Tax payer dollars were wasted just so that the cops had to come out to babysit these useless retards.
Good job, Antifa. You're really making a difference.
Michael Cooper
Well good luck with using tax dollars for settlements on illegal to enforce laws
Carson Rodriguez
Your ball struck my foot..
Brandon Rogers
Or clearly is enforceable since it was just enforced. You don’t get to massage your ego by claiming things that happened didn’t happen simply because you think they CAN’T happen.
Luke Clark
It’s not a city law, it’s a state law. It was implemented to prevent the KKK from marching. There are 4 exceptions to the law, shit like Halloween or costumes for plays, but marching isn’t one of them.
Learn before you speak, faggot.
Brayden Reed
That is the beginning of a successful lawsuit and DOJ investigation then
Levi Cruz
Eli Ross
>lawsuit over being arrested for committing a crime
“Appeal” is the word you’re looking for.
Matthew Lopez
>on illegal to enforce laws
As a lawfag, I am laughing at you. Re-read your sentence and eventually you might work out the nonsense you are spouting.
Samuel Thomas
Sperg Against the Machine
Brody Peterson
welcome to America
Austin Phillips
Justin Stewart
Tyler Phillips
Pinko Floyd
Austin Edwards
Is that Richard Kiel AK Jaws?
Wyatt Murphy
>English law
We have this thingy called the 'Constitution" here we don't have "trial by combat" or anything like that.
Laws are not laws till they are successfully upheld in court
Ethan Ward
ok whats with the onions thing? I thought onions=bad and onions=good whats going on did I miss something
Asher Powell
they have layers
Kevin Rodriguez
is it happening?
Brody Mitchell
Nigger why do you think the law exists in the first place? It wa supgeld in court in the 40s and 50s with the KKK, it’s an old ass law. Your dumbass doesn’t deserve to be spoon fed Laws 101
Jaxson Price
Leftists with broken teeth always look better. I think they deserve a taste of the baton, and I feel nothing for them. Good little leftists, good little criminals.
Brandon Richardson
Shut the fuck up you bigot, everyone is equal and beautiful, it's fucking 2018 I cant even
Jaxson Murphy
>Rarely see cops enforce a city ordinance mask ban.
Yep, and it's pollen season. If it's respirator it's understandable, but if it's a bandana it's probably suspect.
Ethan Murphy
They're Antifa
Caleb Adams
"onions" was filtered to "onions"
mods are fags
Jackson Hall
i see
Matthew Cook
>oh my gawd the police are pointing guns at us! Literally Nazis!
>the police should be the only ones allowed to have guns!
Carson Kelly
Do you need a mask to express the opinion that Nazis are bad?
Jason Howard
It has not been enforced beyond political posturing .
If they actually charge someone for wearing a mask while protesting .
Easy settlement and disbarment for the prosecutor