QANON PART 2: boosted edition

>obviously this is a globalist psy op plot designed to keep us in the dark.
>they're climbing through Potus' window
>theyre snatching your vital organs
>trying to enslave us so you need to hide your kids, hide your wife
>buy a gun, buy a knife
>retweet the crumbs
>revlog for Trump
>and buy some metals 'cus they're enslaving everybody out here
>we don't have to look for no facts, we know this is true
>were gonna love Q
>theyre gonna chip you
>you can run and yell that, run and yell that, run and yell that new world, new world order

Why do retarded MAGA boomers trust in this Q guy? It makes me laugh that there are mature people right now on the internet trusting in some sperg trolling them with cryptic joke messages.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Q predicted this

Q user is Jerome corsi

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Disinformation is necessary.
the basic response when I point out the basic flaws in Q narratives.
Coincidentally Q said this in 1 of the posts so that's the response from the smart people you see .

I don't dispute it but, can you source this claim?

>maga boomers

Buzzword designed to manipulate people to dismiss in kind potentially relevant information

Fuck off shill

Figure out a new buzzword, this one is stale

>>theyre snatching your vital organs
>>trying to enslave us so you need to hide your kids, hide your wife

Q is mostly true.

This is also true for the most part. NeoLiberals are fucking awful humanoids. However, there is no need to "hide your wife". NeoLiberals aren't really interested in women beyond the purpose of producing children that they can rape. They also don't really like work so they do this a minimal number of times. The children are far more at risk to NeoLiberal behaviors.

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Hey Jap, remember getting nuked twice and then surrendering? The rest of the world remembers. The most cucked country on the planet. Go watch your child porn animations. The next jap I see I will violently attack because of your comment.

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I’m an English teacher you dipshit.

Getting nervous, kike?

Keep telling yourself that squinty-eyed nuke victim.

Are you the kike pervert or the fat white American

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based Japan

potentially relevant information like what?

That has to be you Niel. Still trying to win points by insulting people?

Like the binning of Knives and how britts can be reported for hate speech online.

Corsi is a fucking shill
He pushed the HRC video bullshit

Shills are out in full force today. Somehow it coincides with stealth recruitment threads as well.

They have been preparing for today for some reason.

please. I thought he was a channer, since when did this happen?

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Q is the internet version of Nostradamus. Some retarded larper that says cryptic shit, rather than using simple language.

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infinity chan

That's been going on a long ass time. They just compile his posts from infinity to that place for easy reading.

Fake and gay
> and fake

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> It makes me laugh that there are mature people right now on the internet trusting in some sperg trolling them with cryptic joke messages.

The funny thing is, that's been happening all along, except before the internet


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Who knows! Guess we will find out!

And then we use our brains, rather than a buzzword, to determine if something is veracious or not.

dont think for yourself

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No there's sense behind it. Have you ever redpilled anyone or tried?
What worked best for you:
A) Telling what's going on, from A-Z
B) Asking them questions which when considered will bring to the same conclusion you already have?

What happends when you overload someone with info trying to redpill them?

This place is full of stories of people "showing their power levels".

He's using a good strat.

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It probably is a psyop with the end goal of crippling any opposition to Trump in 2020.

I don't care as long as people get redpilled about the pedoelite. I think this is a way of securing support for Trump 2020.

Sex cults like XVCIM (or however the fuck it's spelled) are getting exposed. Prominent individuals/celebs are getting prosecuted. Obviously the tip of the iceberg is starting to melt. What if this eventually leads to more prominent sex rings/cults connected to politicians getting exposed? I have a feeling Q/open source investigations will peak towards the end of 2020 and law enforcement will go down hard on pedos and child trafficking networks thus securing the presidency for Trump. No one will ever vote Democratic again for a hundred years if Hillary and other pedovores get arrested for trafficking and other crimes.

I mean, even if Q is a psyop it doesn't change the fact that PedoGate is fucking real.

What do you goys think

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You nigs in discord?

quick rundown?

> Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.

> Q

believing in Q is almost as dumb as believing in the "american dream"

so its confirmed, the chan posting just validates his kin status. most likely a political opperation primarily as a subtle bondage to some host or allegence

corsi inserted himself to capitalize on it, whether a larp or not. book sales donchano.

i see 1 golden thread in the whole viral's waking up some folks.

pol did that in 2016. swallowing the qbenis because of law enforcement existing shouldn't be a thing.
if you support your cops then just say it

Agree with you there. There is a substantial political benefit for Trumps side in doing it this way. It’s like a marketing campaign. It also helps shift the narrative away from muh Russia.

>I mean, even if Q is a psyop it doesn't change the fact that PedoGate is fucking real.
or that he got the fucking boomers to question things.. Literally the only thing Jow Forums could never accomplish

Flag checks out.

On what boards does he usually post?

what, since when were they at risk from isis and ms13?

Do you guys think Hillary and other pedos and child traffickers will ever face justice?

Allison Mack's arrest sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood. Surely it sends a clear message to pedowood and politicians who think they're above the law.

shit forgot

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You forgot about the part where dinosaurs are fake and literal giants roam the earth but is covered up by the government. Boomers are clearly highly selective about the quotes they spread.

You’re predicting a little too hard
There are probably marginally more dems than repubs involved in both straight financial and human trafficking/pedo corruption.
But enough republicans involved that rooting it out will hurt both parties and have uncertain outcome in elections, i think.


Nah, Q's legit. Haters can suck a literal fat one.

They be climbin' in yo windows, snatchin' yo people up

You believe in it and fight for it
You don't believe in it so they can take it away from you without you giving a fuck

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National Socialist Q is based.

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the relentless division/contempt many propagate here imprisons you in a very narrow synthetic reality. division keeps tptb in power. if your experience w/"boomers" is negative, just what kind of company do you "choose" to keep? if you're not learning from a generation with markedly more experience, you're making shitty choices. daily i learn from 2 generations in either direction. get the fuck over it.

the greatest danger to not only humanity, but every living creature is this toxic emf we're being bathed in. it's a mind control grid to ensure compliance with a logan's run expiration date for all. if you think wifi, smart meters, cellphones etc. are safe, you're dumber than the boomers you hold in contempt.

wake the fuck up.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The predictions are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the prophecies will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There’s also fbianon's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The anons understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these predictions, to realise that they’re not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the revelations in Q’s existential tripcode, which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's american epic "The Art of the Deal". I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

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fake and gay

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Thank you, it's fresh oc. Tryin to spread it like cocoa butter

If they are actually caught 100% it would be a massive stain on not just American history, but for World history. As in, a thousand years from now people will be reading about HRC and Obama diddling and torturing kids. They will probably take it to the grave without ever admitting it though.

>Leftpol STILL on about boomers like it's something to even care about

Ahuh yeah you dont like pol we get it.

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Q is a larping boomer faggit who listens to too much Mark Levin. Levin is always talking about his Q clearance when he worked in Regan administration. When Q use to larp here I would bait and troll him all the time with questions that only a cleared person would know. He gave stupid answers or didn't answer at all. Q is a larp. The only up side is a bunch of normie boomer Fox Newz faggits have been sent down the rabbit hole. It would not surprise me if Baron or GOETUS himself was running the Q op.

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Q is older than Trump. When the 2012 heist was starting and all the new age ascension bullshit was flooding the web, Q popped up with his Cobra 2012 bullshit larp. Cobra 2012 and Q is the same person. The narrative is the same now, as it was in 2012, and it goes like this -

>hurr durr we almost won, the ascension is around the corner, meditate and channel some energies to mother earth hurr durr

the difference is instead of multidimensional ascending masters and evil Jesuits he talks about the deep state and Trump its fucking hilarious he doesn't call for mass meditation and channeling energies lol

portraying this mystery character does not make him some essential moral authority or whatever your suggesting, that's insane.


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This desu

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Interesting. Not too sure about this, but whatever. What I can say for sure, is Q cannot or will not answer basic questions to establish his bona fides. Thus, this faggit has ZERO credibility.

>logan's run
neva seen it m8


>attachment failed again

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I think this is true. Him and a couple of others. It's basic cold reading and confirming the biases of the target audience.

a movie about a "perfect" underground society where people are euthanized when they get to a certain age. Logan wasn't having any of it and went topside to find the world has repaired itself but the government didn't want to let the people know for fearing they'd lose control

They recycle a bunch of JBS bullshit too.