Colin Kaepernick Wins Amnesty International's Highest Honor
Colin Kaepernick Wins Amnesty International's Highest Honor
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>Nigger wins Nigger award.
Who cares?
>useless kneeling amerimutt wins award from Flood White Countries With Shitskins International
>Wins another meaningless award.
>Still without work.
Man they're really trying to milk him for all he's worth. I stopped giving a shit about him ages ago
Too bad he can't win a fucking job
You might not agree with this award.
But there is literally nothing wrong with Amnesty International.
(((Amnesty International)))
Fuck Amnesty. They'd destroy the white race if they could get away with it.
oh yes I love (((Amnesty International)))
Thank Goodness Now it is official Never Ever donate anything to Amnesty
>Amnesty International
Weren't they caught smuggling migrants into Italy?
He wins awards for slacking off on the job.
>Amnesty International was founded in London in July 1961 by English labour lawyer Peter Benenson.
>He was born in London as Peter James Henry Solomon, to a large Jewish family
Really makes you think
>A nigger quarterback that's so good he can take a knee before the game has even started.
this commie definitely needs another participation award (even though he chose not to participate)
haven't heard this name in ages. I think the last time was some man of the year award as well.
> it's a jew prize
every time, it's uncanny
Not that I'm aware of.
They mostly give legal aid to people who are locked up abroad.
Including many westerners who end up in some 3rd world prison for whatever reason.
Fucking kek
jew awards mean nothing
Amnesty international hasn't been relevant in 15 years.
All they do is light candles when it is time to kill convicts.
I love how these institutions are outing themselves so blatantly
Next those two starbucks niggers will get a noble peace prize
Doesn't say anything about ships
> nigger wins award from nigger organization for not working
Not surprised
literally who?
Amnesty International is totally independent, believe me goy!
Maybe they don't personally ferry shitskin invaders to the shores of Europe but they're heavily in support of it and fund and propagandize to have this shit continue which already tells me all I need to know about them.
There are probably hundreds of thousands of people more deserving
Jow Forums is always right.
They are one of the main accusers of the Syrian government being evil, so bad can they be?
>Wins some meaningless jew award
>still can't get signed by a team
yeah, you got us bad buddy...
>they're heavily in support of it and fund and propagandize to have this shit continue
[citation needed]
Good for him.
He still can’t be in the NFL.
And it only cost him a few hundred million dollars!
Who & what is that?
He actually was almost signed to the Baltimore Ravens. But then his gf posted this on Twitter the same day they were supposed to sign him.
I wonder how much he beat his gf that night, after this Tweet.
This kind of thing is why I don't give money to Amnesty International or any other (((NGOs)))
Did the honor comes with money?
Because that nigger need money.
(((kaeprnick))). that fucking beak.
kekn me hard with that. straya knows murican foosball, huh?
kek imagine thinking a millionaire nigger is oppressed in a world where slavery still exists
Ravens fan here.
She da real MVP.
we whites can never understand the unspoken verbal abuse he suffers.
(((Amnesty International)))
The support and propaganda for it is real fucking obvious in the dozens of articles they published and I have first-hand, though I guess anecdotal, experience with them going around houses trying to collect money for the Middle-Eastern refugees.