Let's have one of these

Let's have one of these.


Attached: politiscalesresult.png (502x731, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking commies

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Attached: Politiscale.png (1251x506, 176K)

Why does order matter? We're all variations of the same 3

>forgot image

Attached: 8v.png (800x1200, 221K)

Like clockwork

Attached: politiscales.png (800x1200, 248K)

I feel you my man

Attached: Screenshot_20180102-000438.png (2160x3840, 1.51M)

Attached: Screenshot_20180421-063645.png (720x1280, 257K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-22-16-38-17.png (720x1280, 262K)

Work. Liberty. Humanity.

Attached: Politiscales 4-2-18.png (800x1200, 200K)

i feel fabulous

Attached: IMG_20180422_164413.png (964x1466, 424K)

family, fatherland, revolution
pretty good slogan

Attached: 810aba3b4238b8827035114c8cc2a6a3.png (3619x1888, 943K)

Beat this pussies

Attached: Screenshot_20180422-095106.jpg (803x2128, 470K)

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Attached: image.png (640x960, 189K)

Trying to get close to >SWEDEN YES!
by answering in the most cucked way i can think

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Fuck off, faggot


Attached: politiscaleresults.jpg (2048x1152, 102K)

Some questions are strange, I think conservatism should be higher on mine but whatever.

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I'd use my country to burn yours, and seems I'd be getting away with it.


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Read siege

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I’m not seeing enough liassez faire and capitalism here. The west is fallen.

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How'd I do fellas?

Attached: didipass.png (522x669, 107K)

Attached: meh.png (800x1200, 219K)


Come at me!

Attached: ancap.png (669x993, 2.54M)

I wonder if you could manipulate the link and force illogical results like laissez-faire ecological communism

Attached: hand_turkey_by_funkybunnies-d4f7d5f.jpg (707x1024, 115K)

like this:







-conservative / punitive

-progressive / riabilitative



my nigga

Attached: poliscale.png (674x878, 175K)

Not sure I agree with the definition of "progressive" they're using here.
Just because I think space exploration, nuclear energy, and GMOs are useful technologies doesn't mean I want to start sucking black cock and handing out reparations.

Attached: index.png (800x1200, 193K)


work, fatherland, order. with just a blue flag
what does that mean

i did my best

Attached: download.png (800x1200, 244K)

Attached: Download.png (800x1200, 210K)

I'm the only non brainlet here.

Attached: politics.png (800x1200, 218K)

Haven't done this test in a while, a couple months ago I had 87% capitalism and barely 25% economy. Rate?

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The only correct answer

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Looks like you're quite NatSoc


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not bad.
my personal thought is that(at least in the context of having to pick 3 things), orders not as important, as if the other choices align properly and are upheld order will come naturally.

My thoughts are too complex

Attached: PolitiScales.png (1804x1662, 465K)

mien negroi

Attached: file.png (800x1200, 260K)


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How’d I do

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if you haven't earned these two badges you dont belong here.

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papal Italy?

What does the flag look like?

Why are there so many fucking commies here

Attached: Screenshot_20180422-141651.jpg (1105x1651, 414K)

The true ideology

Attached: ULTIMATECENTRIST.png (576x841, 145K)

Pro-bourgeois monarchy (which is the only system of governance instituted and blessed by God) is self-defeating.
>86% Capitalism
Pic related

Attached: SHUT THE FUCK UP LIBERAL.jpg (1024x579, 100K)

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got both

What next?

Attached: V0oO9jFeuFk.jpg (528x765, 61K)

Where does Jow Forums stand on the political spectrum of the future?

Attached: modernpoliticalcompass.png (1095x1118, 64K)

>Let's have one of these.
>117 questions
I just woke up after a 12 hour night shift, too many questions.

Fuck commies.

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>Fuck commies.

Attached: epic.jpg (539x450, 50K)

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Any list without Humanity as one of the top few concerns isn't worth reading. Humanity should be confided in.


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Oh noes

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too hell with all of that nonsense

image you here is only possible objectively correct answer

i kid you not

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thats 2 dimensions

im in a place outside of that plane

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did you have some point?

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I always have trouble doing these because it varies depending on what current state your country is in. So for example right not my country is overpopulated like crazy and I don't want a heavy tax system here that will certain people leech off the system, but on an ideal level I would love to have publicly funded systems with competent people running them and actually serving the national interest, not the international interest with a "come here get free shit" kind of message.

Do you recommend answering the questions based on what I truly want in a idealistic sense or what I kind of want in my country's current sense?

Needs more respect for private property, too NatSoc for my taste.
Probably an ideal British society but I don't appreciate the emphasis of industry at the expense of environment.
My brother.

Attached: canvas.png (800x1200, 231K)

>What does the flag look like?

Attached: IMG_20180422_205918.png (770x390, 28K)

Thats not hard to beat you stuipid commie...

Anyway, I liked one of the questions a lot.
I red it:
Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, sie sind die Einzigen die überall ihre Geschäfte betreiben können...

forgot pic, fug

Attached: Screenshot_20180422-205019.png (720x1280, 214K)

Im fairly close to your results and our flag shares the same aesthetic.
But what is your argument for that much conservatism?

How did I end up so communist? What the hell?

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rate basedboys

productivism revolution capitalism, I dont know what blue is


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the flag though...

Why u fags dont have any liberty?

you arent complex, you are a commie

Attached: index.png (800x1200, 208K)

not bad, what books did you read?


Attached: pobrane.png (800x1200, 222K)

You're all a bunch of commies

Attached: Screenshot_20180422-151213.png (1080x1920, 475K)

>you arent complex, you are a commie

Attached: average liberal.jpg (565x1086, 129K)