Let's have one of these.
Let's have one of these
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking commies
Why does order matter? We're all variations of the same 3
>forgot image
Like clockwork
I feel you my man
Work. Liberty. Humanity.
i feel fabulous
family, fatherland, revolution
pretty good slogan
Beat this pussies
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Trying to get close to >SWEDEN YES!
by answering in the most cucked way i can think
Fuck off, faggot
Some questions are strange, I think conservatism should be higher on mine but whatever.
I'd use my country to burn yours, and seems I'd be getting away with it.
Read siege
I’m not seeing enough liassez faire and capitalism here. The west is fallen.
How'd I do fellas?
Come at me!
I wonder if you could manipulate the link and force illogical results like laissez-faire ecological communism
like this:
-conservative / punitive
-progressive / riabilitative
my nigga
Not sure I agree with the definition of "progressive" they're using here.
Just because I think space exploration, nuclear energy, and GMOs are useful technologies doesn't mean I want to start sucking black cock and handing out reparations.
work, fatherland, order. with just a blue flag
what does that mean
i did my best
I'm the only non brainlet here.
Haven't done this test in a while, a couple months ago I had 87% capitalism and barely 25% economy. Rate?
The only correct answer
Looks like you're quite NatSoc
not bad.
my personal thought is that(at least in the context of having to pick 3 things), orders not as important, as if the other choices align properly and are upheld order will come naturally.
My thoughts are too complex
mien negroi
How’d I do
if you haven't earned these two badges you dont belong here.
papal Italy?
What does the flag look like?
Why are there so many fucking commies here
The true ideology
Pro-bourgeois monarchy (which is the only system of governance instituted and blessed by God) is self-defeating.
>86% Capitalism
Pic related
got both
What next?
Where does Jow Forums stand on the political spectrum of the future?
>Let's have one of these.
>117 questions
I just woke up after a 12 hour night shift, too many questions.
Fuck commies.
>Fuck commies.
Any list without Humanity as one of the top few concerns isn't worth reading. Humanity should be confided in.
Oh noes
too hell with all of that nonsense
image you here is only possible objectively correct answer
i kid you not
thats 2 dimensions
im in a place outside of that plane
did you have some point?
I always have trouble doing these because it varies depending on what current state your country is in. So for example right not my country is overpopulated like crazy and I don't want a heavy tax system here that will certain people leech off the system, but on an ideal level I would love to have publicly funded systems with competent people running them and actually serving the national interest, not the international interest with a "come here get free shit" kind of message.
Do you recommend answering the questions based on what I truly want in a idealistic sense or what I kind of want in my country's current sense?
Needs more respect for private property, too NatSoc for my taste.
Probably an ideal British society but I don't appreciate the emphasis of industry at the expense of environment.
My brother.
>What does the flag look like?
Thats not hard to beat you stuipid commie...
Anyway, I liked one of the questions a lot.
I red it:
Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, sie sind die Einzigen die überall ihre Geschäfte betreiben können...
forgot pic, fug
Im fairly close to your results and our flag shares the same aesthetic.
But what is your argument for that much conservatism?
How did I end up so communist? What the hell?
rate basedboys
productivism revolution capitalism, I dont know what blue is
the flag though...
Why u fags dont have any liberty?
you arent complex, you are a commie
not bad, what books did you read?
You're all a bunch of commies
>you arent complex, you are a commie