What's the general consesus on adult gamers Jow Forums asking for a friend of course
Thoughts on adult gamers? (Over 30)
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They should be gassed.
symptom, not a problem
sad pathetic and weak. indicator of mens childish mentality
i used to spend almost all of my free time gaming but it stopped being fun after i turned around 25. any feeling of achievement you get from progressing or becoming skilled feels pointless. None of the games I was great at are relevant or played any more.
completely fucking disgusting
if your life is so shameful that you don't have any real hobbies by 30, you might as well just upload your brain to the cloud and end it all.
You could have a garden, you could make furniture, you could write books, you could produce goods, you could climb mountains, you could save and travel, you could learn to paint or play an instrument...
no, no, no... better to play the fucking playstation and muh fortnite
I don't even know how normalfags do it, fucking scum.
in my experiences, most Jow Forumssters that're pushing 30+ who don't play games have some equally autistic and embarrassing hobby, desu.
S O Y. L E N T
Gamers in what way? Gamers as in shut in NEET with depression using gaming as a way to cope or normal family man who has taken on gaming as a kind of hobby?
Gaming has gotten a bad social rep because it's very similar to drinking in drugs for being a low effort entertainment that's very attractive to people with wrecked lives. Doesn't mean it itself is that bad but it's not going to be some safety symbol of life success.
Not a problem if they're playing with their children.
If they're childless though, then yes it's absolutely degenerate.
>You could have a garden, you could make furniture, you could write books, you could produce goods, you could climb mountains, you could save and travel, you could learn to paint or play an instrument...
Explain why any of these matter, not a gaymer, just challenging you to take your thinking to its logical conclusion
Relativist. I don't need to, if your brain can't fucking tell the difference between playing Mario in the City and climbing a 10000 foot peak, then you're a braindead new world order circumcised jew slave.
Boomers of this board, let me be very clear about something, you are guess here, you did not accomplish this, we recruited you for the war effort to elect the god emperor, you are, as you've been all your lives, useful idiots. We are the Generation Cloak & Dagger. We call airstrikes, summon egregore and destabilize geopolitics /justforfun/ because we are bored, know your place. You are surrounded by kids with ten times your mental capacity and in between two games of bitch slapping noobs online in our favorite Chinese cartoon simulator, we expose pedophiles rings and create a whole new religion out of memes.
Sit down. Be humble.
>in my experiences, most Jow Forumssters that're pushing 30+ who don't play games have some equally autistic and embarrassing hobby, desu
Also: Normies are fake and gay.
>introducing your children to the addictive gaming jew
There are good games pout there, everything is not nintendo labo and memes.
Should I stop watching movies and reading books if im over 30 too?
those skills feel more permanent and satisfying.(with the exception of climbing mountains, i don't understand that one)
the sense of reward you get from videogames simply diminishes over time and most people will require more tangible or difficult achievements in order to feel that same feeling of reward that videogames used to produce.
Who gives a shit live and let live as long as they're not forcing you to play games with them it unimportant.
More puritanical feminist bullshit and concern trolling.
You can do all of that shit and still play vidya, boomerfag
>what do you have to show for your life
>well i can move pixels around a screen pretty good
How about doing both you stupid faggot
>stop having fun
According to OP you should,
My guess is op is a feminist probably a roastie and defiantly a pos.
I bet you had a lot of friends growing up. You were a cool dude, I can tell.
Not everyone wants to socialize. If a 30+ person is asocial and doesn't care about society's shame, gaming can bring joy.
>videogames are the only way to have fun
spoken like a true crack addict
>play vidya with friends
>friend's passive-aggressive wife goes into his gaming room to dry her hair so we can't hear shit over her hair dryer
I'm 23.
name a good game? Civilization 5 was stimulating... Persona 5 and Final Fantasy are tasteful and of an artistic style. Otherwise, it's mostly third grade trash out there and military simulations.
This however it is a problem for a nation nut run by Jews.
Anyone referred to as a "gamer" is a degenerate waste of space. The term implies absence of other skills or a career path.
I rarely feel this at all in games nowadays myself.
you sound gay af
I'm not an ugly virgin loser who plays the nintendo, so.. make of that what you want
>You could have a garden, you could make furniture, you could write books, you could produce goods, you could climb mountains, you could save and travel, you could learn to paint or play an instrument...
I did all those things inside a video game cocksucker
The funny thing is I was never into gaming last console I had was a ps2 and I never played it played a bit of nintendo64
but i'm thinking of getting a ps4 just to have something a little different
faggot i've been on this fucking retarded website for ten years.
I like how the KILLZONE series explores the topics of genocide and racism in an adult way.
Im 34 and i always play some vidya with my wife's son after cleaning the dishes.
>I'm 23
You can do all of that shit and still play vidya, millenialfag
There is no difference between staring at a TV watching boring cable TV, or staring at a TV playing xbox.
Our parents watched TV all night after work, gaming is just modern day time killer. No different then people who watch netflix.
>muh military simulations suck
Your sense of taste is just cringe. These opinions would be forgivable if you were under 18, but you're almost 25 now.
I really hope you're not talking about FFXV. You should be embarrassed for liking that. Play something actually good like Witcher 3 FFS.
never said that
you can do all kind of stuff and still play vidya for shits and giggles til you drop dead
fuck off Pajeet
>1 post by this ID
I am a faggot
that just means you have no class
Video game players are tasteless plebes. Fucking Epsilon Semi Morons of the Brave New World
Swedes need to put down the controller and save their country. In my time in Sweden the average swede I met spent 20+ hours a week gaming. You even have those autistic 50,000 person LAN parties. You literally don't realise how bad you are with the console jew
Can you imagine getting mad that other people are playing videogames, of all fucking things?
It's moderation like everything else. I have a family and a good job and get to play maybe 1-2 games per year. Sometimes I don't play for months because life happens. I have other hobbies and sometimes they don't get attention for months at a time, either. If you're playing video games hours per day and 30+ that's probably not a good sign.
Anyone who identifies as a "gamer" should be killed
Simply playing video games as entertainment at any age is fine, but making it your lifestyle is one of the most degenerate things one can do
I didn't play much of it. I don't play video games. My younger brother played it and I thought it was fun for an hour. I liked FF13 a bit, and grew up playing FF7. But I never beat them. I wasn't fucking autistic.
>Still under 30
>Recently got way into Sim City games
>All but dropped every other game to play Sim City 4 and build a whole region
>Im getting old
Cities Skylines is a lot better, y'know...
What does either get you beyond dopamine?
>more permanent
once you die your skills die with you
>sense of reward
If it's personal why does it bother you if other people aren't getting as rewarding an experience as they could be.
Gotta go now but I'm a Christian, if there's no God or life after death existence is meaningless and we're all wrong. Pursue truth and the absolute or pursue nothing at all. Read the Gospel of John with notes on Greek translation.
Everyone thats shit on me for vidya has been the sort of person to sit through 3 hours of tv every night.
I learned to ignore the hypocrisy
>implying a career path is important when everything around is a social construct of a simulation
I'm 32, have a produce garden (blueberries, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes), play guitar, is currently teaching my daughter how to play drums, and still game with my buddies online who PCS'd years ago.
Retirement is fucking great. Stay mad, faggot
memories. one being a fucking simulation scripted by bugmen, the other being screaming on a mountaintop with your friends and having a great and fulfilling meal in the clouds
This, it is disgusting and degenerate. Anyone here who plays video games are no better than the bugman in op's pic
You realize you were not supposed to root for or sympathize with the Helghan.
>If it's personal why does it bother you if other people aren't getting as rewarding an experience as they could be.
it doesn't bother me. just explaining my rationale for not liking games any more. it's true you're gonna die anyway, so why not off yourself right now?
Actually, being unable to easily beat a game like Final Fantasy as a kid is probably more of a sign of autism than NOT beating it. Like you were too autistic to understand how the patterns work (iq) and defeat it without pulling your hair out in frustration, autismo.
Onions slaves
They are retarded. And this level of degeneration starts when you are over 20 not 30.
Why would I be mad? Your brain is so trained to the new world order that you sit in front of a television to play a game with yourself.
>Witcher 3
got blown out of the water by Kingdom Come deliverance.
for someone who never was really into vidya is it addictive is it like the chan once your here you can never leave
Or maybe, I was more worried about riding my bike and building log bridges across creeks and going to the beach and camping and hiking and doing normal kid things instead of sitting at home in front of a playstation.
I sometimes play city builders now and then, sim city 2000 is a guilty pleasure.
Fuck you if you think that makes me a pussy. I suppose solitaire is onionbaji too?
It's the same Euro memeflag that keeps spamming racemixing threads.
It's a slide maker.
Jow Forums is becoming too bloated
As long as they aren't shut ins and it doesn't effect their work life or cause problems for then then it's okay.
Playing video games is like watching tv or reading a book, it's a hobby.
simulation games like cities: skylines and civilization are a bit more forgivable than the ones where you click through the plotline of some half assed jew shit.
I beat ocarina of time when I was 8 how high IQ is that?
Witcher is trash son.
Casually playing games for entertainment from time to time: alright
Basing your entire lifestyle solely around gaming: bad
I doesn’t matters the age, you could be 13 or 30, but basing your entire life around gaming is bad for you.
If gaming, or any entertainment activity takes too much of your time and it’s detrimental to your work, studies, personal care and social life its not a “hobby” but an unhealthy obsession.
Also, anyone here in the Americas posting about how videogames are degenerate, its sunday morning and im sitting here before 9 AM with a cup of coffee bitching on this board, which to me seems way more degenerate than if i booted up skyrim right now.
>don't do what you like, but what i tell you you should like
Nothing wrong, let people do whatever they fucking want.
>people complaining about vidya on Jow Forums
I don't even
Gaming is a tool, it's not inherently degenerate. The problem with most of these children who are addicted to games is that their parents are too lazy to actually teach and be around their children so they let the children play whatever they want unfiltered and become raised by the electronic Jew.
Video games CAN be a great tool as to help reinforce certain themes to children, along with many other activities. I can say personally that I used a game that I used to play when I was young to help reinforce masculine and traditional behaviors as opposed to the kike nonsense that video games now produced to my younger family members.
>What's the general consesus on adult gamers
Who fucking cares? If you need the approval of anonymous strangers on a Latvian beekeeping forum to justify your decision to participate in some activity or you are actually wasting time worrying about something others do that does not effect you whatsoever you should probably take a good look in the mirror and sort yourself out.
Also this is /b/ tier garbage, here's your (you).
Yeah I wanna make this region first though.
>I swear that lake is for luck, ITS AN ANCIENT SYMBOL
Nice damage control. Normal kids (read: not autistic ones) can do all of those things. You see, there's this interesting thing called Day and Night. There's also RAIN! SNOW! All sorts of things that would prevent you from doing your cherry picked 'normal kid things' ... lmfao. Face it, you built up some shitty argument in some attempt to save face but the reality is you were just too low-iq and making excuses.
I gave examples of real person activities.
Ive all but stopped playing video games over the course of the last year.
When I do play its mainly to talk to my friends that live too far away to meet and hang out with.
The games just dont interest me anymore.
>you will never play MW2 on Christmas morning of 2009 again
Not worse than spending more than a few minutes shitposting on pol
retro games - acceptable
modern games - kys
I feel like a complete autist for playing them at 22 but then I remember I was never anything but a social outcast.
my uncle used to game a lot, he played with me when we where young. nowadays he has a doctor in medicine, his own house and is currently working on his own praxis. he has two ps4's and two tvs in his living room where he regularly plays diablo and other coop rpgs with his wife. he also has a gaming pc.i would consider him successfull by every metric. he is 36 years old.
I read, my father taught me to build things. He taught me skills. If it was raining, we'd be in the shed working on a project. I've started my own projects while raining or in winter.
You played fucking jew games on a television and you're talking down to me. Funny.
I had a PS4 bought for me as a gift and desu I wish I didn't, I was totally disinterested in gaming and would only have an occassional game GTAV now and then on my 360, and then all of a sudden I have this console and honestly it just doesn't bring me joy like it used to, so I'm not playing it often and of course I'm feeling guilty considering it was bought for me and everything.
But I don't really think there's anything wrong with gaming at any age, really. But there is such a thing as wasting time with it, playing it too often. Half of the people who mock gamers on here, are spending just as much time on Jow Forums.
Obvious bait thread. Let people enjoy things.
MW2 Christmas break '09 was comfy
Dont do it, it is addictive
>What's the general consesus on adult gamers Jow Forums asking for a friend of course
before gassing them all smash their gay ass gaming consoles with a sledge hammer
??? You're the one saying you "GREW UP" playing FF7. But you "NEVER BEAT IT" because you weren't "AUTISTIC"
Never beating =/= Playing for 1 hour and then never again. Can you at least stay consistent with your bullshit?
You must be over 18 to post here
I climb mountains much higher than Everest.
>2009 was 20 years ago