Ireland will have a referendum on the 25th of May to decide whether or not we Repeal our 8th Amendment (equal right to life for mother and unborn child). If we vote Yes, abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks will be legalized and unborn children will have no rights. If we vote No, abortion will remain illegal and the globalist politicians will be humiliated. If Ireland legalizes abortion our birthrates will drop and (((they))) will push mass immigration. It will also push more degeneracy and destroy our country. Save the 8th and save the Irish Future.
babies are not human until they are at least 8 months old. Until then kill the fuckers.
Change my mind.
Carson Howard
Morning after pill. Don't be a tard and handle your problems.
Landon Gomez
It's funny because if you ban abortion and your birthrates take a dip then your government will import niggers to fill the gap and then abortion will be more necessary than ever as Mbongo and crew rape their way across the Emerald Isle.
Ian Powell
>white women commit suicide if they abort
This probably explains low white growth and high growth of non-whites, since non-whites don't usually have the moral compass to consider suicide
Liam Roberts
Why don't you think they aren't human what is the difference between them and us.
Kayden Morris
What's the fastest way to get registered to vote?
Nolan Ortiz
t. omar soufiane from elgeria
William Hughes
Inquire in your local city/county hall. Deadline is May 8th.
Probably wont vote lads. On one hand I want to be a dick and get a no vote to upset everyone but that seems a bit childish. On the other hand I want to be able to abort my kids if they have downsyndrome with seems a slightly better reason to vote one way or the other and lastly im lazy.
Ill leave it to the gods.
Cameron Miller
5% black going on your figures - 'not stated'
And Ireland's black population skews younger. What is the black % for 18 & under? Ireland is done put a fork in it.
Noah King
Repeal are campaigning for abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks not for extreme cases only.
Angel Flores
Someone told me that black numbers are actually decreasing. They dont like it here, they cant have super large families with the prices of houses here and the inflow was largely stopped with the referendum.
Dont know how true it is. I dont want to be a dick to black people for no reason. I dont wish them harm but I also dont want Ireland to end up like the US with its massive social problems. I couldnt stand living in a place like the US.
Brandon Reyes
>Let us kill your high birthrates goy. There are already 6 gorillian blacks.
Ryder Martin
He means Irish They consider anyone with Irish citizenship to be ethnically Irish and a bunch of Nigerian non-humans have Irish citizenship
Logan Lee
Yeah but, downies. Im not raising one of those.
Angel Morgan
Opposing mass immigration isn't racist.
Lucas Ramirez
Could always go to England to abort. You are perputrating the distructio of the Celtic race.
>there are people on Jow Forums literally to lazy to save the future of the white race
Carson Turner
>not stated equals black. Retarded. >meme flag Well that makes sense.
Christian Collins
Just don't fuck your cousin
Samuel Edwards
I am racist. I just dont wish harm on them. That doesnt mean I want large numbers of them here either.
Michael Young
An amendment for hard cases should be put forward instead.
Levi Thomas
>killing a baby >freedom
Nathaniel Ortiz
Ryder James
Arnt women free to use contraception or to just not have sex?
Christian Sullivan
It is racist to tell a woman to use protection or to try and stop her from having some fun.
Jeremiah Wright
Yes. They just won't accept actions have consequences.
James Murphy
I'm a burger and I've never been to Ireland. How can I help you guys avoid the plague that is abortion?
Josiah Nguyen
No legitimate doctor should be allowed to do abortions (except in extreme cases) and if caught both the doctor and the slut getting the abortion should be sterilized
Jacob Perry
And jailed for murder (if the child is white)
Connor Rodriguez
Read the OP. Start getting to work.
Easton Cooper
They're banning anti-abortion protests here sadly, but literal ISIS supporters are allowed to protest
No, i dont think its a good thing for women to be free to fucking murder babies you ape-like carpet shagging limp wristed feeble willed inveterate coward.