my arab brothers, why wont we unite and purge this world of jews once and for all ? why don't we set our differences aside and focus on the fact that we are all arabs and we all hate kikes and israel ? why don't we all attack at once and kick the jews out ? WHY

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Get out of Europe and fix your own fucking problems, then we can talk about an arab union.

do it sandnigger

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>north africans and levantines are arabs
not by a long shot at all, dont lump me in with these degenerates especially nafris

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Destroy Israel and we will consider allowing you to stay. Make Semites Great Again.

Aren't you being a bit delusional friend ? who are you to consider allowing us to stay, we will stay with or without your permission, and if you don't like it i will introduce my boots to your face.

Dude, your country helped Israel since 1948

You have literally tried that several times and lost each time lmao.

Your resistance only makes my conviction stronger

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you guys are too buzy destoying your own country and shooting alah akbar for the camera for 25 dollars

the only "arab" thing nafris have in common is islam. take away the islam and you get niggers in north africa.

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i am really happy to not be an arab, failed race.

Hopefully with turk and french ancestor i can be proud of their history

It all ended with this man.
Press F to pay respects

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Because you tried and lost dumb sand nigger

Arabs aren’t American gtfo

North africans aren't arabs. Arabs are from the Arabian peninsula.

Great idea, it's about time we expend our territory again

who said they were american?
im a saudi currently working in nyc.

Because arabs are literal low-iq subhuman savages, only a notch above niggers

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alliance when?

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If you want to move war against Israel change country.

not above , lower

Great Idea you get rid of the jews for us and then we get rid of the sickness called islam

Tell your American lords to stop bombing Arabs them

the shills are scrambling to slide this thread, the very thought of arab unity terrorize them.

nukes and amerimutts

Dont forget that the US is forced by law to fight for Israel to the last white man, woman and child.

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Dude, your country is sucking the cock of Israel 24/7.
What the hell.


Jews only live by dividing us.

North Africans / Levantines are descendants of Arab conquerors and their concubines. There is no shame in this.

You however, are descended from those who were simply too weak, too cowardly to seek glory in Jihad.

If fact, they are, mostly.
North africans were, before the islamic invasions, very different. If you want to know how different, look at berbers or other natives. Blue eyes and brown or even blonde hair were not common, but not rare either. Their skin tone was lighter too. Most nowadays are arab rapebabies.
The question of polygamy in islam doesnt come from nowhere. Its based on what islam was at its beginning : a band of raiders, who took lands and cities, and slaughtered the men, taking women as sex slaves. Some wanted to marry, so it was permitted, but if you look carefully at the treatment of women in muslim countries, the more islamic they are, the more they are just sex slaves and kitchen operators. Of course, it had a terrible impact in term of inbreeding with the combo of marrying relatives.

Not going to happen as long as Israel has its AIPAC claws in the USA.
Maybe in a distant future when/if China is the global power.

soon inshallah

If Arab unity terrifies people imagine what global white unity would do.

If you Europeans stop bombing their homes, they'd really be better off

>Jews only live by dividing us.
They divided themselves from the Arabs as one of their first tricks. They're all the same really. Islam is just goblins as Judaism is to orcs.


Yes because Egypt throughout Morroco being 25% to 6% Arab is more significant than the Saudi, Yemenites, and Bedouins who are pure arabs.

If anything nafris got fucked up by the subsaharan niggers more.

sudanese are arabs

big LOL

I miss this guy so much

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Arab armies are trash. Have you seen Arabs shoot? They don't even use the sights on the gun? Remember the Six Day War?

Their culture fits in the "Arab world".

Arabs are dumb. I'm not exactly a Zionist, but the State of Israel has whupped your ass a million to one. Y'all kind of suck. Plus, you're retarded Muslims. I'm looking forward to Greater Israel, which will be ushered in by God Himself. Forget the machinations of the Mossad et al; God's gonna come back and finally make a Land between the Nile and the Euphrates for His Chosen Believers. :-)

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>Arabs are dumb. I'm not exactly a Zionist, but the State of Israel has whupped your ass a million to one. Y'all kind of suck. Plus, you're retarded Muslims. I'm looking forward to Greater Israel, which will be ushered in by God Himself. Forget the machinations of the Mossad et al; God's gonna come back and finally make a Land between the Nile and the Euphrates for His Chosen Believers. :-)

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plus nafris outnumbered islamic invaders so i dont get why people think nafri niggers are 100% arabs

Not really because you are never united. Your faith is so contradictory and prone to purity spiralling than you spend your time killing each other when you cannot invade other people countries.
Fact is, the real awesome thing to save arabs was arab nationalism. Less islam, more sanity. No wonder the islamic sects were then sponsored by colonial powers to put you down again, when they simply didnt attacked the secular governments. You need to understand that the main problem of arabs, levant people and other, are not the jews or the christian or anything. Its islam. Your countries were, in the antiquity, among the most prosperous, civilized, and prosperous. While the spirit of your ancient cultures survived for a time, islam finally killed them slowly. Europeans had the same problem, but the brainwashing power of christianity is lesser, and the cult is based on compassion, while islam is based on domination. If you want to grow as people, you need a new set of values. Stop all islamic traditions except a few (like not allowing usury or sodomy). It was a set of rules that once worked, for a time, but had terrible long term consequenses. Embrace your roots and nationalism. Islam is just something the ancient arabs imposed you by cutting the heads of your ancestors and raping their wives.

Saudis are traitors to Arabs.

>meaningless green dots and red circles
at least give a source you kike

You tell me, Arabs are united against Jews.
Your country is united with Israel.

shut up subhuman

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After Arabs wipe out jews they would come after whites

Arabs are just semites too

would rather have israel then more sandniggers, btw these sandniggers lost to a country the size of NJ

>Arabic-speakers = Arabs

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>be arab
>start shit
>get bombed
>"clearly you need to give me reparations"

West cuts off aid, millions of poos starve, they all knock on your door pajeet

As much. You can mess up your genetics in many ways. By breeding with another inferior subspecie, but also by having silly customs imported by barbarians, that led to a thousand years of bullshit, aggravated by a religion full of contradictions that, literally, make you a schizo. Both are bad ameribro.

muslims do consider Christ a prophet and Mary a saint.... but the Jews..... wow do they fucking hate Christ and his followers.


Checked, I'd like to see Israel nuked just as much as the next guy, but arabs are too subhuman to accomplish anything

Can you send more arab bulls? White women are becoming restless since they havent been given their dose since the old ones arent enough.

>would rather have israel then more sandniggers, btw these sandniggers lost to a country the size of NJ

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>>start shit
what shit?

> Better to be 100% sickly inbred desert dwelling troglodytes than genetically admixed moorish master-race.


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You guys tried a bunch of times. Israel kicked your ass each time. I hate kikes but Arabs are literally pansies who can't fight to save themselves. There's a reason 50% of the world's refugees come from 5% of the world's population. You're even worse than niggers. At least niggers uniting could possibly destroy a tiny fucking country that they surround.

Again weakest most cowardly race on this planet. How tf you gonna put your boot to anyone when your people haven't even figured out how to have a government.

a genetic distance map from eurogenes k13 my anglo.

and since you're an anglo, do you call irish people englishmen because they no longer speak their native language and got conquered by you?

no? then dont call nafri niggers arabs.

>If anything nafris got fucked up by the subsaharan niggers more.
There's no nigger Y-DNA in North Africa unlike in Arabia

>Saudi, Yemenites, and Bedouins
You're mulattoes

Attached: Saudi and Yemeni Children.png (1089x496, 1.13M)

The master race failed to exterminate these parasites, doubt that a bunch of retarded inbred Arabs would be able to manage it, though I wish you luck anyway.

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I must have hit a nerve. Good.
Explain why people in the antiquity in north africa and the levant were among the most brillant and prosperous, and slowly turned into inbred goatfuckers ?
Explain why the more secular is a muslim country (aka the less islamic) the better it is ? Explain, i am curious.
Protip : you cannot.
Islam destroyed you. It worked as long as the warmasters could plunder other nations, rape your women and kill your forefathers. You are like a beaten dog who defend his tyrannic master. Saudi, qatari, etc ? I understand. Its a success for them. But the other ? Its licking the boots of your conquerors. Conquerors who, unlike the romans, weakened your civilization and your blood. We, french, are descendants of 3 people who greatly contributed to the advancement of our people. Each one bringing power, values and technologies. And now we are sending sattelites into space. What muslim arabs did for your people ? And now you are reliant on OUR knowledge and technology, because islam prevented you to advance for a thousand years.
Embrace arab nationalism, or be conquered, once you will be nothing more than an empty shell, after 1000 more years of obscurantism and inbreeding.


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They tried and failed several times. They're literally at the point of allying with Israel.

All of you stop using names. We are all anonymous .

Yes, why don't you? Because you're fucking useless. That's why.

Depends of the country, but yes, there is. Up to 20% nigger blood in some population in Morocco.

Their prophet is a literal rapist pedophile and you expect good things to come from islam? No nation has progressed under islam. Nations went from being great to becoming utter shitholes. Muslims are only obsessed with the afterlife. They're happy enough spending their days as cave dwellers in this one.

>implying you're not wearing sandals.

Sudanese, Djiboutians and Somalis niggers, Mauritanians are semi niggers.

You have no arguments, and i have all of them. You are even, at the moment, typing on a piece of our technology. Never stard a fight you cannot win. Because, like here, you lose.

Arabs are the most racist fucks in the world.
At this point they've become the scourge. They abandon all of their Muslim brothers for degenerate projects in their desert.

The only "union" should be one of Islam and likely in the form of a Caliph.
But until Ar*bs can get their act together the holy cities of Mecca and Medina should be taken from their Jewish royal family. Maybe in the form of a city-state or international zone under the responsibility of all of Islam.

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Arab nationalism was undermined by the jews and supplanted by (((wahhabism))).

>country size = military power

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you are mad though

Yep. You turks understood this. While you stayed muslim, roughly, you understood too than being you, turks, were important. Thats why you dominated them for centuries, and were considered as significant by european colonial powers.
Blood and properity come first.

Cuck alert.

Nope. I am sad actually. You may not understand but i am trying to help you get rid of your biggest enemy : misplaced pride.

Sudan, Djibouti and Somalia = Nigger countries

t. buttblasted

But Steve jobs was raised in an Arab Muslim household

>oy vey let unite against the jew
>t.someting with less than 10.000 troops
fuck off


It is not an argument. Your three last posts were not argument. Come with one, and i will seriously consider it and study. Until then, you are just making a fool of yourself by posting like a 9yo.


A syrian very moderate. Proof being he wasnt a muslim himself. And its a bad example, since he had the career of a jew...

The peak of arab contribution to civilization was when they were muslim, the golden age of islam etc... we made huge advancements in many fields, very influential, you are sputtering garbage nonsense just because your mom likes brown cock too much.

You don't understand how idiotic you sound and pathetic you seem when you take pride in the achievements of people that don't relate to you in any way other than occupying the same land you do. It shows self hatred and lack of any meaningful traits or achievements.

Those niggers have done more for """Sauds""" than the Sauds themselves for hundreds of years.

A decadent nation with a Jewish royal family proud to hire expats for all their labor. Truly a sign of the end times.

Funny how their contributions was brought to a halt by Islam as well. Islam provided stability for scientific development, but as soon as philosophers and intellectuals started questioning the validity of religion, they were persecuted and slaughtered.


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