Why’d he do it?
Looks like Sminem's cousin or something, look at him
Pancake supremacy man
Looks like a mutt to me
What do I know
Where the hell is he?
He went to IHOP
It's Sunday Morning
He was probably on drugs or drinking
But of course the Left are going to make this about the NRA and gun control...
>He was probably on drugs or drinking
>of course the Left are going to make this about the NRA and gun control...
You say that like that disqualifies it from being discussed or something.
well if we had common sense background checks maybe he would never had gotten the gun to do this
Meanwhile last night in Chicago...
Chiraq is a YUGE mess
You don't know anything, because you're a fucking le 56% amerimutt.
shhhhhh goy, that doesn't fit the agenda...
Mutt detected
hey wait a minute, isn't that the goy who threatened Stormy Daniels??
Interdasting , the name Paddock is referenced as source material for Black Propaganda / MK in Cooper Pale Horse book, under notes page 379.
Was Paddock MK subject or handler ?
Why would they sacrifice a handler for something they memory-holed so much afterwards? Probably a lackey
Scattered, smothered, peppered, and covered. How Bout It?
He wanted pancakes
>B O W L C U T
Every. Fucking Time.
he was obviously mentally ill shooting up a waffle joint naked. and they are professing a heroic effort that someone detained him and his weapon bare handed.
this is the agenda.
We already outlawed beer. It was retarded.
Why did he do it?
i seriously want a whataburger. just saying.
Why does every freaking psycho in America have a bowl cut?
Mass shooting? Must be whitey
very popular hair right now, even old men like me have that style
Outlaw bowlcuts!
" After the shooting, Reinking shed his jacket and was nude when he went to a nearby apartment complex, where police believe he lives. "
Another jew doctor dope issue
Coupons for free Waffle House food when?
A 29-year-old male patron wrestled away the gunman's rifle, police said, and suffered minor injuries. The patron ran to the restaurant's restroom area and watched the shooting. When he saw Reinking looking at his rifle, he rushed him. He got the gun away from Reinking and threw it over the counter.
>be american
>eat waffles
>get shot
yea but it aint a tactical bowl cut like Roofs
good thing because the pigs would hide until he ran out of bullets then "killed himself"
It does disqualify discussion faggot.
Discussion of messing with the 2nd is grounds for treason and therefore punishable by firing squad.
Why are you talking about taking steps to prevent gun violence after another incident of gun violence???
That's not a bowlcut...
Why the Waffle House???? Just get some coffee and breakfast and fuck off, even if there are nogs in there, so what just eat faggot. Ghouls will never vote for d no rats
Reminds me of Jim Carrey
we have plenty of people. shoot all of them you want
Waffles you nigger. We get pancakes at IHOP.
We need armed guards at Waffle Houses
That's why he shot up the opposite establishment you dense retard
Typical NRA member!
based hero move
at least some men still have balls
Pancake pride worldwide
still on the run?
Christ. This is where my dad lives, literal minutes away from him. I called him immediately out of irrational fear he'd been hurt. I hate that he moved to that shithole the very minute he did. Stay out of Antioch.
they stole his clothes
so he shot them up
Wow finally someone with the sense to rush the reload
pull it
Looks like Owen from info wars
>taking steps to prevent gun violence
wtf thats not sminem
Why krispy kreme, why?
Antioch is a nigger town.
lol antioch is all white people and college kids
Satanic ritual. Its sacrifice season (3/22 until May 1st)
I've been living here for years. Never had a problem. I think they are a little more tame here.
20 bucks says he is an ICP fan
$20 says he was high on flakka
>Flakka usually comes as a pink or white crystal that can be injected, snorted or vaporized. The effect on the mind and body is turbulent, often sending body temperatures soaring to 105 degrees and causing paranoia and hallucinations
It's because they're not well socialized, so they don't care about their hair, so they pick the haircut that's most convenient to the way their hair grows.
>another happening that vilifies white people and guns
if any of you faggots are thinking about mowing down brown people en masse and then offing yourself please do the living a favor and just blow your head off alone in your bedroom
Not in Tennessee they won't
>Why’d he do it?
They rejected his Jow Forums free waffles coupon?
It's one of the ultimate I don't give a fuck hair cuts. If you're good looking, and you still look good with a stupid hair cut, it's really fashionable.
he's white and he lives in chicago.
i know the guy. hes been obsessing over niggers for a long time and he finally snapped i guess. i havent talked to him in probably 4 months tho. he also smoked spice regularly so maybe it finally got to him. honestly, im proud of him. i hope he goes for the high score. im not larping btw faggots
Yeah and he killed people at the waffle house...
ok nice proof hes a shiposter
he always hated that resturant because ppl would go there after going to the clubs. he hated those kinds of ppl.
Looks like his sister has a nig kid, no sign of the dad obviously. I wonder if that was part of the motivation.
And the Right are going to want to ban naked people...
>the Right are going to want to ban naked people...
They already do. The religious right is already a huge bunch of prudes. I bet they make their kids bath with a swim suit.
He should have shot her. Fucking hell.
The motive is revealed.
judy a qt
And a nigger fucker.
>Why’d he do it?
Yeah, because sexual degeneracy has never had any implications reflected in today's society.
How old are you people? 12?
how is he still not arrested by now?
You're not a European.
>thermoptic camo
could we see a new wave of commercial shootings? i bet someone who saw this news story thought "damn how long has it been since i went to waffle house? i should go get a waffle." it's only a matter of time before the big companies catch on and start purposefully having their places shot up just for the free advertisement, the only problem is with trying to induce the shootings but i'm sure a big company like waffle house could find a way to mentally manipulate somebody into shooting up one of their stores, or failing that, conduct a false flag operation to get themselves on national news.
Clearly weed related.
I know him too. I also live 40-50 minutes away from where this happened. I'm a friend of a friend of his. Also not a larper. Can concur. He smoked spice back in the day. Also may or may not have gone boating with him once for the 4th of July :^)
Where does a disarmed naked man go?
And how long before "(Literal) Gun grabbing works" becomes the narrative here? the news is still playing up the naked madman on the loose but that'll end eventually.