Brit/pol/ - STOP BREXIT edition

>North Korea missile and nuclear test halt hailed

>Ten killed in Nicaragua protests over pensions reform

>Man, 20, dies in Finsbury Park stabbing

>Scottish doctors' leader warns health service 'deteriorating'

>Rotherham abuse victim: 'All I wanted was to be believed'

>Carwyn Jones to quit as first minister after the 'darkest of times'

>SDLP's John Boyle is chosen as next mayor of Derry

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coalition of wealth are poor

support news link threads desu

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if you want to see extra sources of news or categories you can suggest them here for now until i build a dedicated news suggestion page


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i wonder how many of you have blowjob lips

Who will win? Pachyderm or Pajeet?

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>posting my little onions
Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out.

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"Smell my finger!"

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>my little onions

Brits are niggers

Fucks sake, you're driving me fucking potty.



You mean shallots?

>being anglo in 2k18

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Every time I scroll down hoping you've forgotten and every single time you're there.

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Fuck off gayreek

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I'm lighting a flame that the ages shall not extinguish.

Polling for Corbyn doesn't work because the people who vote for Corbyn always have their mum pick up the phone first.

Greeks are the best because they vote for things and fuck boys

You watch, I've got a plot.

Irish republicanism now

Do tell.

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when you transitioning?

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I'm going to beat you to it.

Well, I might have a quick rub soon so don't leave me hanging too long, pal.

I'll fucking kill you

that's just the hormones talking sweetie x

It sure is hot outside, Eddie. Why don't you have another shot of rum and lime juice?


>americucks 12.1%
>poland 4.9%

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What you going to do, breathe on us?

It's overcast as fuck you faggot

trannys are fucking discusting , would not recommend doing it.

you're overcast as fuck you 6.5% faggot

Pick your gender

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Overcast =/= Cold.

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fucking kek

i keep telling her (male) this but she won't listen



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hey look it's me

hey look it's lil c

This is now a Rik Mayall / Ade Edmondson appreciation thread

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I identify as a Footie Lad

and my sexual orientation is


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"u iz WELL gay bruv"
"Nah u iz a batty boy innit f,am"
"ill stab ya fukkin wasteman"

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show the fag how many people off themselves after going through it because they wanted to turn back.

>niggers being niggers

nothing new here.

>Four """"British""""" people have died in a coach crash in Saudi Arabia, a travel firm says.

And thirteen minutes after that crash, the Islamic population of the UK had already made up for that loss - and more. Unlucky for some.

already did, but she's already suicidal so

then tell it about something these trans activists never talk about, the pills that make you don't won't to transition, those pills are never talked about.

How come there's a "girlfag" but no "boyfag" option ?

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I win again

Do you still love us? Goan, giz a kiss...

Your not voting corbyn???

>pretty normal user
>time running out
>can't stay at zero forever
>need a plan
>comitted some minor white collar bullshit to cyphon a couple K off my motherfucker of an employer
>got enough for the deposit on a house for me and my girl
>family time
>got caught
>prison cell
>Paul Akinnuoye sitting in the bunk below
>never met him before
>can't believe I'm saying this
>"so. what you in for?"
>wasteman callin' me gay innit shank ta movvafukka
>lights out
>time for my first sleep

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Is that 3 so far this weekend? I predicted 5 on Friday

I still can't get over how Trump has defused North Korea.

I wonder what backroom deal was made.

Vote UKIP!

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lads is it better to go to wales or south-west england for a holiday to look for old villages and castles

I'd be surprised if you were cat A or B for embezzlement.

Everyone goes cat a for the first couple weeks

The fuck?

Unexploded bomb in Berlin.

> 0 parties in parliament ever mention the impact of immigration on ARE NHS
> Tories will continue importing a city worth of people every year until it consumes the entire public spending budget and collapses
> Labour are just that retarded

How many more years is this sustainable? I couldn't even find recent numbers.

Wtf is causing this trans epidemic?

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SW England

Wales is nice in the north however, but the south is just boring urban sprawl

I shall haunt Germany from the grave

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Very concerning.
Because it's just a phase for most kids.

>How many more years is this sustainable?
It never was. When you take in to account the national debt and the pensions Ponzi scheme this country will inevitably go bankrupt in the next 10 years unless we import the whole of Africa and indian subcontinent to work for slave wages and in sweatshop conditions

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lol ok, whip me up some baked beans and start playing "Rule Brittania" little man because clearly that's the only thing that """superior intellect""" could actually think up. your country is an irrelevant fucking joke. your people look like legitimate goblins and they're just as smart as them too. your people have never accomplished anything of note, never invented anything of note, never changed the world in any meaningful way. you're only good for being a literal muslim dumping ground because you're too stupid to do anything else. lmao

>Wtf is causing this trans epidemic?

It's still a tiny amount of people doing it, but it's basically like a reflex in the human body. Eat loads of terrible greasy food, you will have a couple spots the next day.

These people are a like spots or a rash on the body of the human animal as a whole. If the human animal consumes all this feminism, marxist delusion, anti male propaganda, socialism, jew TV, single mother households, you will have a mechanical reaction where certain mentally ill men direct their breakdown into fasionable transexualism.

He hasn't "defused" NK. They're just playing nice because they want something from the upcoming talks, and because they don't really need to do any more tests now anyway. That entire peninsula is still a massive powder keg and will eventually explode sooner or later.




have the left accused him of colluding with kim jong un yet?


>microwaves water

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1 year since the terrorist attack

large amounts of emergency services about

several roads closed

>your people look like legitimate goblins

I don't agree with the rest of this but this I have to agree with. I've been to Britain and not to be mean but it's very obvious to me that during the black plague there was a genetic bottleneck of some lucky but very crooked-faced individuals.

What is the answer to the self righteous mid with northerner question

>Vote UKIP
Can't vote UKIP if there's no UKIP

just heard that it there is a suspect package at the premier inn

Someone’s left their bag of dildos by accident

>Wtf is causing this trans epidemic?

Because the idea of women has become this in the modern narrative - Absolutely no responsibility required, utterly prefect no matter how vacuous, worthless, and lazy they are, their pointlessness is celebrated. The nobility of men, the genius, this is all hidden and men are made out to be some kind of evil that has made everything bad in the world.

The fantasy of becoming a woman is like an internal version of the tropical island fantasy. Laying in the sugar white sand in the perfect sunshine, drinking a coconut with a straw, the crabs all lined up playing mariachi instruments, the rainbow fish shoals swimming in colourful circles, it would all just be so perfect wouldn't it? No job, no rat race, a house made of leaves, that's the life. No goals, no stress, no judgement.

'If I were a woman it would be so easy, like an episode of sex and the city or clueless or something. I'd skip around an flick my hair, and just be so beautiful and wonderful. I could sit around wallowing in my random emotions, I'd never have to make a logical descision ever again, or do anything difficult. I wouldn't even have to think, that's the life of a woman today. God I'm such a magical she-being inside. INSIIIIIIIDEEEEEEEAAAAAAH I'M DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE REEEEEEEEST.'

Let it all fall down and then when the rich and powerful are getting eaten by their imported mutts we can skim ahead for when society rights itself

Oh fuck we've become the very Jews we despise

Daily reminder:
>your country is ruled by traitors
>these traitors are behind the huge failings (Rotherham, London, etc.)
>these traitors all voted Remain
>Remain voters are traitors

very relevant
Poos got no recourse now since leaving the Commonwealth. Fuck 'em!

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that's porno according to mods.

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"Officers are currently attending a report of a suspicious package at the Premier Inn hotel on Victoria Bridge Street in Manchester.

EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) are attending and the hotel has been evacuated.

Victoria Bridge Street is closed as a result.

We would ask that people try to avoid the area and use alternative routes."

Being a woman is hell, no kidding, no matter what you accomplish you're permanently mentally scarred about your pointlessness/the idea that a male version of you would have accomplished something more meaningful and therefor earned the right to breath air.

It’s not porno it’s a symbol of British might

coming from the goblins that use the worldwide web that was invented by britain to shitpost

well done amerimutts sure showed us

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I don't think conservatives are going to win the next election, not only with a majority but at all.