Are these numbers accurate?

Are these numbers accurate?
If so you guys are fucked, the only thing that will save you are mass deportations.

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>non native
They are probably majority European but w/e gets the hard right elected

Europe is done, accept it. Move to America.

> mass deportations.

mass genocide***

many of those are slavshits or other western europeans, it's not all nogs and arabs

probably. Have you been to France or Belgium? It is hard to find a native there.

Unfortuantly, yes. These numbers are accurate, at least for the UK.

911k are Poles. Don't give a shit about them.

>Move to a continent that is even less white and has huge amounts of Niggers and Spics in the Southern half of it.
Thanks but no thanks.

Go somewhere other than the main part of the city.

For England I'm assuming it considers Scottish and Welsh as non-natives, but saying that at this point the only difference is accent and the Welshes fondness for sheep.

They're extreme low estimates. Public transport unions have frequent protests over the fake numbers, because trains and busses simply can't take the numbers of people.

Nope, that's including them in as natives.

Maybe you don't have to live with them.

What percent white though?

Maybe it is just a Burger thing, but when a white foreigner moves into the neighborhood I always try to make friends and welcome them as countrymen.

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Does "non-native" include European immigrants or is it purely non-whites? France I can believe but the rest seem a little high

Well then, I just felt a little more of me die inside.

The percentage of children younger than 7 with atleast 1 migrant as parent is 27% in germany. This does not include the ones with atleast one migrant as grandparent

Yeah, 14% for Denmark definitely includes Europeans.

refugee porn will do well, big money

>Does "non-native" include European immigrants

It include European immigrant stupid americunt...

In fact, it doesn't just include all immigrants, but their descendants, too.

Other european nationals might be white, but they're still non-native in our country and should be kept to an extremely low number

Non-native includes every migrant, european and non-european

We care about genetics, not skin color.

It does not matter if african, greek, spanish or pole - either they are all welcome (leftie) or not at all (rightie)

Not true.
Their descendant are born here, it say "non native population" u idiot

The 14% number for Denmark does include descendants of immigrants. I'm not claiming it does so for the other countries, but for Denmark it does.

what bothers me about France isn't only the third world migrants its the high amount of other europeans who came to live there. France will have to get rid of them to be least tainted.

They already had enough foreigners before this modern migration.

>move to 56% and falling quickly land
America's already dead, as soon as the Tejano beaners overrun Texas it's all over.

There is like 5%blacks, 8%Arabs, 2%Portuguese, 3%Polish, 3%Arab Jew, 2%Ashkenazi and 2%Asian, Mauritian, Sri Lankan etc...
Sounds about right.

Non-native not non-white. About half of them are non-white. But non-natives white or not are a problem and yes something needs to be done soon.

What???? The US is 63% white. The worst European countries are in the mid 80s.

Western Europe is not European. Western Europe is not Europe. Only Eastern Europe is Europe now.

Yes it is.

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>trusting government stats
You're from Ontario or BC, aren't you?

To elaborate:
The Danish statistic isn't based on nationality, but ethnicity. The 14% number is "people of other ethnic origin than Danish, including descendants".

It's not the cities only though

Being born a place is not enough to make you native, ethnicity matters as well.

The problem is that accurate numbers on the subject don't exist, especially in France where racial statistics are downright illegal.
So instead, the state gives us extremely low figures by counting the numbers of immigrants with a non-european nationality in the last recent years. However it doesn't take into account the shitskins pourring in from Euro countries, it doesn't count the shitskins that we imported since ww2, doesn't count their children, which are considered as fully French legally speak, It doesn't take into account the mutts either.

I live in Belgium and I haven't seen a non-European minority in years. Maybe it's because I live and work in small towns and cities. I'm sure that 23% includes tons of Dutch who live across the border because of tax reason.

>But non-natives white or not are a problem and yes something needs to be done soon.

I agree. They are just way too many now.

In UK Poles are facing racism that is shocking to behold

It's around 36% for under 5s in my country

kek, when it's convenient they use england instead of uk, eh?

Those are some rookie numbers.

This is bullshit, but it will end up like this if nothing changes.

Thanks lad

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Its far worse than this. The numbers lie.

By whom though.

My god, those numbers are horrendous. How does the average Frenchman feel about this? Do they care much?

Those figures also include large numbers of White Europeans migrants, so although the situation is terrible those figures are misleading.

More White Euro immigrants the better, within one generation they are British or Dutch, that can never be the case for non-Europeans.

literally the only white man left in england rn

Le %25 face?

Scary stuff. Godspeed man. Sometimes I think I'd rather take my chances with our niggers than be stuck in Europe at the moment.

>within one generation they are British or Dutch

No they aren't. How about we fix our own country rather than invite half of Europe in?

I'm not talking about Canadian statistics, but yes the Canadian statistics are correct.

>Buttt all the major cities are filled with chinks
Yes and the country side is 90% white, as well as Atlantic Canada.

Not really, I mean the non-native whites can be integrated my point is just we don't need anymore of them. The non-whites can be slowly sent back if the majority figures things out.

at least most of you guys are aware of the danger

30% with foreign background in 2015 in Sweden

> within one generation they are British or Dutch

This isn't true at all.

oh wait
i read it wrong
the figures actually make sense

At least in Belgium, Mudshits only make up about 5%, the rest are all fucking Italians, and not the fun ones either.

Do it within 10 or 20 years before people start crying "well they've been here as long as you've been alive." Remove the outsider while they are still the outsider.

Give the current situation in South Africa, do most whites down there believe that their days are numbered? Do you think you can survive as a viable community?

Why did this happen?

Maybe they can be integrated in Canada, shitbag. Not here.

>You guys are fucked
He types from white genocide land

White British

It's probably even worse. I'm literally a minority in the area i live.

>USA - 80%
>SA - 96%
What is your point exactly?

>not including spain
lmao based

Probably right but it doesnt matter the slightest
If ahmed is born here or in Moroccock? who cares?

Not sure, we have a lot of Polish immigration but 23% seems too much.

they are gonna' try to put Meghan Markle on the throne in the UK once Charles dies and the laws will be in place to completely silence any opposition...they are indeed fucked.

Did you know there are almost as many Dutch beoble as Turks?

>source: his ass

How "white" do you estimate Belgium?
My guess is around 65 percent.

You wish

Maybe we understand the consequences better than any of you, just listen broeder

>do most whites down there believe that their days are numbered?
I think a lot of people here are ignorant of the fact that they are dealing with sub 80 IQ nogs that can't be reasoned with.
>Do you think you can survive as a viable community?
We sure as hell will try, whether we will be able to is another story. As bad as it is I have not lost hope that we can still create a future for ourselves here.

youre about 82 % I thought (18 percent in this case)

Not really, the bottom line is that everyone must return to true Christianity

Most of them are ignorants about that, the worse is I see many white families adopting black or arab children.

>Implying ZOG in Europe will allow this

Fuck the anglosphere shit, seriously.
At first they'd destroyed Europe and ally themselves with bolshevik underhumans.
At second they'd poisoned the whole world with their degeneracy.
At third they come here and start whining how the Europe is dead and everything is bad.

Seriously, faggots?
YOU did all of these to US and YOU have the fucking nerve to come here and tell US how WE should do something about troubles YOU've created?

Fuck off. Seriously.

>we have the same amount minorities than england


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I'm hoping for Edward and Kate

>I think a lot of people here are ignorant of the fact that they are dealing with sub 80 IQ nogs that can't be reasoned with.
It's easy for middle-class Europeans to remain ignorant, as their interactions with non-whites are very minimal and so it's easy for us to virtue-signal. But you people are absolutely surrounded by blacks. From what I've heard, you're forced to live a high-security existence due to the constant overbearing threat of violent crime. You live on a continent whose chaos and poverty is a direct product of black dysfunction. I honestly don't understand how it's possible for the vast majority of you not to be 100% redpilled on blacks.
>We sure as hell will try, whether we will be able to is another story. As bad as it is I have not lost hope that we can still create a future for ourselves here.
Good luck, I hope it goes well for you. I sadly fear that it won't.

No political party is ever going to float "mass deportations" as a platform.. And even if they had the balls to, they would be hounded down and sabotaged by the establishment until they disappear.
Even mentioning things like population and demographic is off the table.
Mainstream politics will not help us now. We need an organic cultural movement to make the general public as fed up as we are.

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True but let's fixate on solutions rather than be mad about the past

the same is kinda to be said bout here, At a certain point theyre seen as "dutch" and mutts especially. Its disgusting.

>>do most whites down there believe that their days are numbered?
>I think a lot of people here are ignorant of the fact that they are dealing with sub 80 IQ nogs that can't be reasoned with.
I am at a point now where I don't care if a lot of us die. As far as I am concerned it is natural selection. If people are too naive to realize the gravity of the situation then they must suffer the consequences, I will simply look the other way. However, I will stand with those who wish to live and actually take action. This is especially true for the Afrikaner who I considered my own before. I realize now they are just blind sheep. Let them die

Never in european history has there been sheeple so cucked as ours. Honestly i wonder how the fuck we will recover since 80% of the population doesnt give a fuck bcs they live cozy and 40% of that 80% would rather execute us on the spot than fight for the white race.

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Belgium is 11% muslim and 3% African! The more are native Europeans in Belgium.

You are good people.

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source? The numbers I saw was around 6-7%

Go outside for once nigger

If those minorities can take things over then we can easily take them back.

We're a bit above 10% non-European, but honestly the other 10% I also don't want here

I don't live in a degenerate big city faggot. But the numbers are not accurate! it is 11%

Every single liberal talking point is just a deliberate misunderstanding combined with snark