how cucked can these fuckers be? every single fucking whore that marries some fucking cockroach is a race traitor and must be killed like witches back in the day! we need to go back in time, witch hunting was clearly about getting rid of fucking stupid ass bitches!
how do we fix this women problem?
women don't know what they fucking want, why do men give them so much options? women belong in a muslim type of setting where they are forced to submit this is why islam is going to take over europe...
Why do european countries let their women marry non whites?
Other urls found in this thread:
>why do european countries let their women marry non whites?
because white men are weak
56% envy
>rugged brown male
Survival of the fittest.
How many of these threads have we had so far?
this fucking retard whore is going to marry some egyptian shitskin, what the fuck is wrong with white women? and she says in her interview the shitskin really wants to visit germany for some reason...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. fucking shitskin wants those gibs!!!
seriously white women need to be put in their place!
Because we want the worst genes out of the gene pool.
weak? so this shitskin is strong then? he is ugly as fuck, I would drop his fucking pussy ass in 2 seconds...I am 6"6 230pounds
She’s not even attractive. I’d give her a 4/10. She looks like those used up and waddled out skanks you see on backpages. Wrinkly meth’d up face, ugly hairline.