>Hi user!
>I just got stationed nearby to protect you and the homeland
>Want to go out with me?
wat do?
Hi user!
Thats what frag grenades are for
only if you go with me to catch some pokemon
she's insane
did the pokemon guy get Hormone Treatment and join the Army ?
I will crawl in the mud and die for you.
But first let's cuddle.
Kill her in self defense
whose this semon demon?
Is that the trap that posts on Reddit?
I'd find out where they import her food from and go there with a 75-pound bag of americium powder labelled as "fertiliser"
>this is the military that is supposed to go toe to toe against China
Finally get BTFO enough posting this mongrel on Jow Forums? It got discharged stop baiting already
He has a Special list of diseases and he's gotta Ketchum all
I don't fuck dudes, but I'll admit he's kind of cute.
>wat do?
Give cuddles and kissies to qt trap.
>dating enlisted personnel
lmao fuck no
>crazy eyes
>yellowed teeth pointing in every direction
>disgusting freckles
If you're attracted to that thing you need to seek help. or youre just a Brit
Her boots are the only boots I would lick.
You're not worth a damn working for the Jews. I hope you catch STD and PTSD
getting ahead of yourself, honey. finish your badge collection first.
>implying a feminine benis is a bad thing
Let me tell you about the Jews
Gotta Ketchem all. Also military girls are huge sluts and she would probably let you rape her ass
Here's the entity in question before it's facial surgery and hormone therapy.
That's not a biological female is it?
No thanks if you're dumb enough to fall for the army you're probably dumb enough to become an sjw
D-do you w-want to go play Pokemon Go w-with me?
oh boy...
what is wrong with freckles though ?
Wow...love the new uniform. When did that style come out?
for some reason I think this person in the OP pic is a faggot.
I miss Kayla. Sadness times infinity.
I want to say yes, but I don't trust Jow Forums anymore.
She seems like the kind that would enjoy simple shit. Like you could do a puzzle or play cards with her and talk about her family. More a sister type than a fuck. I bet she has a lot of male friends.
Don't worry mate, the Chinese military is absolute dogshit.
Redpill her and get her European citizenship
Yeh but you can,.. like,... Always trust Jow Forums to be Jow Forums
Obama wanted to get rid of the good stock of warriors in the American armed forces. This is his legacy and I will be happy when it is erased.
Discharge this mentally ill fucktard and commit to asylum.
Lol no thanks cannon fodder
They zerg rushed the US military to a stalemate in Korea. And they were way poorer back then.
so you're also fighting to keep us safe then i assume?
sage in all fields
The only honest answer: Not knowing what he was, I would've said yes. As soon as the truth came out, it'd be an instadump though
Women can't throw grenades far.
No women in army.
Would ketchum all
No, they're fighting for Israel and they should be fucking ashamed.
Turn 360 and walk away
what if you fugged it w/o seeing the goods because its pants weren't down far enough?
Exactly, hence the US army needs woman (male)
There are two types of women in the military: Ice cold cunts with concertina wire bushes and wanton sluts who get passed around the barracks like a blunt. Neither are worth your time.
not sure if man or ugly woman
what happened to her desu
I don't have premarital sex.
It would come out through him telling me.
Merry Christmas
OP pic is a trap. Sorry muttbro.
You'd hear it, smell it and feel it as you try to fuck a non-existent vagina.
Nah, I'm gay
>Sure, wanna meet up at my place later that night?
Military women are absolute whores that get fucked by every soldier around them.
what a fag
That's a dude faggot
They're poor now, they've just become much better at propaganda.
Burned coal
My first choice was to join the air Force but the recruiter in their was a girl so as a matter of principle I went and joined the Navy instead
>what if you turned all the lights off and stuck your dick in something strange?
This is why you have an std, faggot.
do you serve on a ship now ?
No girl played Pokemon back then.
Jow Forums not only shatters what little trust I have in society, but even with my own eyes. Damn it all.
> ass ketchum
No she didn't. Neck yourself faggot.
Yeah, he is kinda cute. I see why he fell for the trap meme.
What kind of cuck language does not use variant of fatherland?
Why the fuck are the US Army stationed in Australia?
But sure I guess
Girls in the military are a big turn off for me
>Fuck off spook
She cums on the spot and I spit on her
That's disturbing
Is her first name Ash?
Oh...... oh no....... :(
Yeah he's cute and pretty convincing in these photos.
Why is Jow Forums obsessed with Ketchum?
We wantum him to ketchum when we pitchum
Because "she's" a cutie.
And the future is female user. GET USED TO IT
>male facial structure starting to come out with age
Suicide imminent
same reason jidf advertises on Jow Forums
but it's either half anons jerking off about them or half anons calling ''degenerate, gay, this is the absolute state of fockin america, how are they gonna fight a wor'' etc etc