So, why are we not demanding starbucks release their cctv of the incident? seems to me that would end this bullshit narrative once and for all >demand cctv >starbucks refuses >why >it will promote racism >why >crickets Or >demand cctv >(((groups))) fight its release >why >see above Or >demand cctv >starbucks complies >we see the chimps chimping out >narrative btfo
What would be a good hashtag? #Sbcctv #coffeeandlies
I actually know that slag We were in finance courses together at Uni She dropped out after getting tag teamed by niggers and everyone found out I guess this is what she does now
I doubt the CCTV will show much, other than confirm or deny the young real estate investors’ timeline. We should be able to see it though. Something made two people start recording, and I’d like to see what made them pull their phones out.
Adam Morgan
Could Jow Forums affect their stock? i want to know how being a jew feels like
Thats my point, why havent they just offered it up? If it just shows them in there for a couple of minutes then im sure (((they))) would have demanded it by now. Since they have not.. See my logic?
Jack Murphy
You will fail people on average are stupid and choose not to see the truth. All people want is the illusion of a solution and to carry on doing whatever their vices are. The problem will never be addressed because no one truly cares enough until that problem overwhelms their lives. You cannot wake people up until the problem is so big that there is no civilized solution.
Their stock has already plummitted. (((whoever))) has shorted their stocks has made tons so far
Charles Miller
This. It was all an obvious set up. (((Someone))) made bank
Robert Nelson
Trying to make it bigger schlomo Fucking defeatist kike gtfo if youre not going to help
Benjamin Howard
how is it clever? The starbucks siren has had a similar pose from conception. Look up a montage of how the image has evolved to just her face and a hint of the split tail over time.
Nathan Sanchez
Of corse it could go much further down, once it gets around that >due to Starbucks blatant racism >white neo nazis have stated that they will only buy coffee from Starbucks now.
Ayden Rivera
You cant make it big enough to make a difference. Worst case scenario by some miracle you tank Starbucks and it goes under. If that happens someone will just buy it out and the whole thing will start over. Nothing you do will change the minds of the people creating this problem. The only true solution is violence but our people are to soft and lazy to do what is needed.
There was more than one force at play. Movers were shaking. Niggers were setting honeypots. Cyrptofags were blowing on the flames. Starcucks was even helping at one point trying to guide the narrative that they were being attacked by Nazi's to make black people like them again.
Mason Ward
I thought I saw CCTV footage on something of Ben Shapiro's yesterday "What Really Happened" or some shit. Didn't watch it because I've never darkened the doorstep of a Starbucks and don't GAF 'bout no niggras.
>So, why are we not demanding starbucks release their cctv of the incident? Because the CCTV alone would be the smoking gun about the planned "blockbusting" by the kikes to get rid of the starcucks from their place.
I never said you cant win, I never said give up, I also never said why try. What I said was what you are trying to do is pointless and will only end up creating a money making opportunity for some other liberal shit stain. You cant enlighten people who have been domesticated. You are fighting a solo battle against a mounting wave of stupidity and drugged out zombies this just wastes your resources while adding to the resources of others. If you want to make a difference try to bring down the organizations giving these people a voice just like they are doing to you.
Alexander Cook
The real enemy is Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Google and the people using these platforms.
Dominic Russell
Yeah, but to them that is "justified" chimping because of the perceived slight. Also, is that Paul Mooney?
Henry Thompson
Exactly, either way. (((whoever))) shills against getting the footage will do nothing but further expose themselves
Adrian Torres
Wew fatty
Noah Long
that's because shes supposed to have two tails... although that seems ridiculous
Josiah Bennett
I follow you, but the woke crowd don’t really benefit from demanding that the CCTV footage get released. They own the narrative right now, and demanding proof that the nogs are telling the truth is an example of white supremacy. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if their timeline is actually true and the manager was aggressive about calling the cops. They definitely took advantage of the situation to make a big stink though.
John Diaz
If its true then why has the tape not been released? Fuck I care if we are called racist. They screamed and chimped for bodycams, and that just showed nigs nigging. Then they went silent on it. Let them chimp, just a bonus to see them shut up about it later.
Charles Gonzalez
oh they will release the CCTV, after this whole thing has died down, if the two black dudes don't drop the lawsuit it will for sure be presented in court. But of course at this point no one will be paying attention and starcucks will already have saved face.
The only way to get starbucks to reveal the tapes is to present it as something the black people want.
Isaac Perez
The woke crowd are acting like utter spastics and being laughed at by normies while Starcuck's is losing a day's take so they can pay people to make their staff more racist and resentful. If you don't want to feed this dumpster fire I think you're on the wrong board.
Henry Thomas
Absolutly demanding the tape be released is a net gain for us, even if it shows they were gud boys who dindu. It doesnt obviously, or it would have been on every news station instead of the kikes convenient version.
Jayden Hughes
The bong is woke af Feed this fire from all directions sjw chaos
No, I absolutely want to see the tape, just pointing out that those supporting Tyrone and Daquavious don’t really benefit from having the footage released and therefore won’t demand it. You know leftists only demand truth when it’s in their favor.
Asher Bennett
1. most of us don't care 2. the ones that do want to make SB's pain increase 3. nogs would never be satisfied
>So, why are we not demanding starbucks release their cctv of the incident?
That would imply we care.
Jonathan Peterson
Onee-san is brother though. It should be Onee-chan.
Luke Gonzalez
If you cant see this will increase SBs pain and in no way satisfy nigs bit btfo Then i think you need to take your low iq ass back to /b/ or r9k
Jayden Rivera
That's the face of a man completely dissociating with a lifetime of conditioning. As Morpheus said, it's unsafe to unplug someone who's been in too long.
Juan Gray
Well, that would certainly explain the taste.
Where do you think you are, kid?
Jonathan Bennett
#Whereisthecoffeetape Just posted it, lets get this shit going
Carter Taylor
Nii is brother. Nee is sister.
Anthony Anderson
Is the meme that women stink?
Julian Collins
>leaf try """correct""" right Japanese by making it wrong you fuckin nigger You literally leaf nigger You fuck nigger duck die fuck nigger Fucking pull our your sheb Pull out bothbeyes with a cordsre with two coral screws in it to pull out Borge eyes like tow tcorkz Kill you sabey I follow you, leaf. I find you, leaf. I pay you back, me. I rot you. I kill you, leaf. I kill you filthy.
Nicholas Walker
Joseph Wood
I'm making the graphic for this right now, if this thread dies start a new one and link me in a response
Blake Brooks
Shut up you red button nip monkey, and demand the starbucks cctv tape be released!
Andrew Taylor
Will do #whereisthecoffeetape
Adam Reed
Oh, (you).
Tyler Evans
I like you. You've got the right idea, based JPbro.
>why are we not demanding starbucks release their cctv of the incident? seems to me that would end this bullshit narrative once and for all
Do you me we, or do you mean (((we))).
Cause we all know why (((we))) doesn't want evidence getting in the way of the narrative.
Leo Diaz
>choose not to see the truth thats why we need to eliminate seeing the truth as a choice. We do that with more information.
Jonathan Brown
this girl looks a lot like a half iranian x gf i had that went to a rich ass college and paid for all our shit
>Those times men >Cries internally
Cameron Anderson
Is this ehat Thoth meant when he instructed us to never travel in straight or right angles when projecting through space time in order to avoid detection by the devouring hounds at the end of the universe?
Blake Taylor
>lockness monster
Hudson Ramirez
I've seen worse. You fuckers do some abysmal shit to the language.
Hudson Wright
We, Im perplexed as to why im the first person to really wonder about this. I made a few posts when it first happened. Just shawked no one else has pushed it.