What now Bigots?

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Next time you eat food, remember it's only because white cis men provide it.
Next time you use indoor plumbing....
Next time you turn on the lights....
Next time you take medicine.....

I'm so furious.

click [Catalog]

>next time you eat food, remember it's only because a hispanic farmer picked it

>1 post by this ID

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Well seems how I'm a cis white male, you should be thanking me for giving the world order.

uhh we picked how many day night cycles it takes to complete a solar rotation?

Next time you think about people who did things useful to society, it was never the faggots. With the exception of Alan Turing. There you go. There's your one.

I literally posted twice

>only Hispanics pick food.
That's racist.

>imagine being this delusional

So fucking sick of these lunatics

Hola Amigo!

Me llamo Combine Harvester!

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Now you are telling a strong black women how many times you post as she would have to care just because you are a white cis male? You bigot.

>What is Persia

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How about "next time you are alive even though you are a nigger in a western country, remember it's because white men invented democracy"

Take linguistics 101
Grow the fuck up
Get off twitter

In any order you wish.

So shall we measure time then by how many fags died of aids

LMAO, field hands aren't farmers

Well, yeah, you have to be white or better to recognize that pattern

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But the length of a year isn’t arbitrary, it’s the time earth takes to circle the sun

>3 posts by this ID
>0 useful posts by this ID

>white cis men decided that the earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun
this is your brain on liberalism

That's not my tweet, grow the fuck up, learn english.

Also, I thought humanity originated in Africa, right? Doesn't that mean that blacks decided that a year was 365 days?


It was unironically Jews living in Persia. The Magi.

And a cis white male decided we should measure lengths of time by the earth's orbit.

Moons are a more feminine way to measure time because it corresponds with menses.

How do they know some historical figures weren't closet gays?

>what are the Egyptians
>what are the Mesopotamians

>cis white males decided how fast the earth orbits the sun in relation to its rotation
but science is real guiez

Mesopotamians were white, not sure about Egyptians there's still debate of what they are, probably berber or arabic.

>sand niggers
Pull the cock out of your brain

Social media just enabled dumb people to group up and enable each other's dumbness.

>white people decided that the Earth rotates around the Sun once in the time it takes the Earth to rotate around itself 365 times.
I guess we wuz gods after all

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Drumpf btfo

now that's top banter

The fact that you censored this faggot in the pic, makes me think that you're actually are that faggot just pretending to be stupid.
And for that reason, I'm out.

They were white back then. Evidence shows in mummies that red hair and blond hair was common. They are non-white now after thousands of years breeding with non-whites

Lmao next time you speak English remember it is because a bunch of white straight cis men came up with fucking words lmao

Next time you fuck pussy with a real penis...

That’s what months are for
I don’t give a fuck if you add a 13th month to make it fit the lunar cycle but a year is a year and it just makes since.
It’s the cycle in which life is built around

I just simply don't care what these people think or say anymore.

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Gravity was invented by a dead white male to oppress beautiful at every size xers. It's time to reparations fellow white people.

he is right the sun is bigoted we need to throw rocks on it until it dies.

That's right niggerqueer. And if you don't like it, I'll outlaw the first of the month.

White cis-heteronormalcy is literally everywhere.

Yes what part of Christian Patriarchal White Nationalism don't you get?

17 to 51 people need to be gassed.

>White men are responsible for 99% of societal progress and they need to apologise for it

based slav

>it's white straight cis men's fault that the earth completes about 365 rotations every time it completes an orbit around the sun

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>a year is 365 because men decided it that way
>not because it takes 365.25 days for the earth to orbit around the sun once
It is a troll right? RIGHT?

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Well, technically the Mayan Calendar is more advanced. A real year is not exactly 365 days.

Cis whyte men threw in a leap year to fix it that.


moldy bread
abandon before you rot too

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>next time take take BBC up your loose vagina, remember it's only because white hetero cis men brought niggers here

Why is date and time calculated in factor of 3 but everything is in factor of 10? Is factor of 3 redpilled and factor of 10 jewish trick?

>bunch if Babylonians figure out it takes 365 days for the earth to orbit the sun

Throw this shit into the african jungle. Let it be free of white male's influence.

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>flag of fags
Not even surprised.

Yeah. Who let them in to have a better life? Who gave them the opportunity to pick it for money?

This thing has infinite meme potential. Unleash your autism, guys.

They illegally immigrated

>years are 365.25 days long because I said so
>not because that's how long it takes the Earth to orbit the sun

Nah, I'm not buying it. This isn't subtle enough. You're trying too hard to make liberals look retarded. They do this well enough on their own. It's less funny when you try too hard.

>Odin's day
>Thor's day
>Saturn's day


hi im columbine harvester

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>non-whites can't have red hair or blonde hair

>Hispanic picker

You do know there's a difference in the farmer, who nurtures the soil, breathes life into the seeds, and tends his babies 65-100+ days thru weather events, drought, etc. and the filthy, squatty brown goblins that walk along and pick the fruits of our toil and throw them into baskets, right?

What do you bet all the AZ Romaine that's just been recalled has a filthy spic's fingerprints all over the contamination?

TIL we whites are strong enough to rotate the Earth around the Sun

I spay my diahrrea on all the spinach sent to California.

Why did you edit out the identity of the person that wrote this? to protect their privacy? These kinds of pills are supposed to expose and verify people immediately so that people can double check quickly and so that their name and identity can be documented.
This person is openly hostile to the White race, they need to be identified and put on our databases so that when the time comes we can deal with them.

This type of shit is hate speech a lot of the times and depending on the country the person lives in, we may be able to report the person to the authorities.

>inb4 "wah wah (((they))) would never allow this"
Wrong. It works, we just need to be more organised about it.
For example the Charlottesville doxxer that was trying to get people mamed and fired and stuff, he got his twitter temporarily locked down, was told to stop doxxing people and his patreon got shut down because he was violating the terms of service (trying to make money from harming people). It never quite went as far as reporting him to the police but I know there were a lot of people going after him.

With the right research and organisation we could topple a lot of people, get courses shut down and people fired by using hate speech and anti-racism laws against the anti-White left.

So please, in future, do not hide the name of these types of people.

I don't want a witch hunt and ...

>hate speech

Seriously, you're sounding like an SJW.

Han vet.

Stäng ner det!

>I don't want a witch hunt and ...
You don't want to witch hunt the witches that are attacking us?
>Seriously, you're sounding like an SJW.
Yes, it's using SJW tactics against SJWs. It's an amazingly effective strategy. I know this from extensive experience.
The way normies faces change when SJW's are forced to admit that they don't believe that White people can be racially abused is a wonder to behold. Soon as that bomb lands they are like "hey, hold on a fucking second" and start behaving completely rationally.

This is what we HAVE to start doing in order to resist our enemies.

>straight cis white men are the reason the earth's rotation around the sun takes 365 times longer than a rotation around its axis

Next time I use a street, I shall remember a white man came to my country and built it.

how dare the assume gender

The lesson to be learned is that your own people are incapable of building basic amenities.

Dats rite!!!

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Statistics, mathematics and reason are white privilege. You sir are a clear white supremacist for using logic. Jewish defense organizations have been noticed, you sir, are a nazi.

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You gave these things the vote.

I didn't knew that the ancient mystery schools of the Babylon, also known as magi would qualify as white cis scum

Someone has to do it. Race IQ difference existed.
But since we are all racemixing now, average IQ is being distributed well. See the scientist and mathematicians from India?
Thanks to white people. But niggers would take another 100 years.

Lol earth rotates on its axis ~365 times a year thus 365 days in one year. Dykes and Fags can make the same observation too.

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I feel sorry for you if you believe that.
Things won't always go well in white countries you know.

When another great depression hits, and whites have to start selling their children again...the old European inside them will return.


Wow straight white lady, your revelation on who created things was so thought-provoking and amazing! You should totally write a book. It will DEFINITELY sell well in the black community. OH I mean POC community!

Actually we decided a year was 365 days because that was how long it took the earth to go around the sun. These people are fucked in the head.

>start selling children
What do you mean?

Fuck all these bait threads and fuck OP

No it's because there ARE 365 days in a year this is like that video of the black girl who denies the existence of gravity because a Newton was a white male.

We should just kill stupid faggots. Then we wouldn't have to hear this stupid faggotry.

More patriarchal oppression on mother earth that. But that is what cis-men do. Make allowances for women always being late.


Anyone got the fucking name of the guy that wrote that tweet? I can't fucking find it.


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IDK i just found that posted somewhere. I dont know the person

Whoa are you saying all Hispanics are farmers? That's racist pal