Hillary: '(((They))) were never going to let me be president'

What did she mean by this? Wtf is going on?

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Hillary continues to blame everybody but herself.
Ignore and move along.

She means white males.


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She meant that (((they))) betrayed her. They promised her to be president and after they saw how unpopular she was they went for Trump. They are both kike puppets.


The MSM is in full damage control.

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Back in 2008, the Rothschild family was split; one faction backed Hillary, the other backed Obama.
Since 95% of the time the candidate with the most money wins the election, it was simply a matter of their picking who to fund, as they have all the money.
The head of the Rothschild family, Lord Rothschild, settled it and decreed Obama would be backed and Hillary for 2016.
But ... She blew it, even though they funded her with 1.5 billion bucks to Trump's 0.5 billion and they put all their controlled media into high gear propaganda mode.
The Rothschild's now call her damaged goods.
She's bitter about it and blaming her masters.

>They promised her to be president and after they saw how unpopular she was they went for Trump
literally didn't happen though senpai

How about the elections being rigged and Trump made president to take unpopular decisions.

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woke bruv

She's a liberal woman
Of course she's a victim

>both talk about their love of Israel and are in contact with the same kikes

Ye, sure thing senpai

She did nothing wrong. Your stupid backwards country is just terrified of their leader having a vagina, and instead of making history, you elected a stupid orange racist

>Hillary pretending to be the underdog

The people of the USA. Yes, "they" you conspiracy tard.

No, the American people were never going to let you be president.

you haven't read anything the media writes about trump, have you?

>Wtf is going on?
She's rationalizing her failure by pretending she never had a chance in the first place. Fellow leftos are buying into it because it also lets them wallow in self-pity.

Hi obamaleaf how have you been?

>She did nothing wrong.
She's a factually corrupt candidate.
Your entire argument (and probable attempt at a troll) is invalid.

And we got to piss off the leafs, don't forget that part

She was too anti-israel.

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Pretty much this.

The kike media comes in two colours. Breitbart and Fox love Trump.

as a leaf your PM has a vagina and obviously identifies as a literal teenage girl, hows that history making working out for you?

fucking retarded piece of shit. Must have aids from fucking bill clinton all those years.

>I just hope she lives long enough to see another woman become the first Madam President of the United States.

I hope for this too, possibly Ivanka Trump for maximum lulz.

she means Jow Forums obviously

>1 post by this ID
What did Jow Forums mean by this? Wtf is going on?

Imagine selling out as hard as Hillary and becoming a Deepstate stooge and never receiving the payoff.

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>She did nothing wrong.
the clinton body trail sure makes a convincing argument to the exact opposite, worthless leaf.
day of the rake soon.

> have the combined support of
> all news media
> all hollywood
> nearly all celebrities
> rothschilds
> huge portions of wall street
> most of the worlds multinational megacorps
> still complain about being the underdog

the absolute state

this is some advanced levels of faggotry right here

Yeah well "they" were never going to let Bernie be the nominee, and she seemed fine with that.
Hillary had the easiest election possible but she fucked it up by running an entire campaign around her vagina. If she just ran a normal fucking campaign she would have won in a landslide but instead she pushed away millions of male voters by telling us to fuck off.

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Since you couldn't be bothered to read past the attention-grabbing headline (like most boomers), you'd realize that she was talking about white males.

Nothing in the article ever suggests that (((they))) turned on her and decided to support Trump.

How is it that your cucked country is able to be such shit and you still have the nerve to talk? I really don’t fucking understand it. We don’t want to be like you leaves, we’re already the best of “peoplekind.”

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naive boomer. your kike in chief wont do shit

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Do you ever think about her vagina like I do? Hell she is a milf I'd definitely fug.

“Hillary goes full 1488“

The white Christian patriarchy that runs America has had it out against Hillary FROM THE MOMENT SHE ANNOUNCED.

She was the true underdog, not that male chauvinist Bernie or the rapist literally Hitler Trump

Hopefully that (((Debbie))) is going to get added to Clinton bodycount soon.
What if the Awan brother's Mossad operation was the source of DNC emails?

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DOTR soon shareblue monkey.

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go back to /td/ you mental retard. this isnt your hugbox where your kike in chief is free from all criticism

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For the record, she is emotionally unstable and as the recent months show, IN DENIAL.

Her dementia has really taken it's toll and she can't even walk anymore. Nobody cares what the senile old hag says.

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Drop the meme flag then faggot

Literally nothing wrong with supporting a Jewish ethnostate

>falling for the CIA data-mining operation
you poor mentally disabled mutt

The Jews should be exterminated.

She got cucked by Obama's backers.

this. Democrats are retards. They thought the Iraq war and recession killed the GOP.

It only took 2 years of Obongo to revive them.

If Hillary would have been president in 2008, the Tea Party would have never happened. Trump would have never ended up running for president.

Trump was 1% chance of winning until the very end.

t. so᠌yleaf

///They ///

This kek

Sure thing brah.

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>cuck and cheat bernie
>cry after losing fair and square
do you think she even believes in what she is saying?

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The military. Trump was pushed into office by the Pentagon

>tfw hillary will be the one destroying the deep state pedophiles because they took her presidency from her

what a timeline

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you're glowing faggot.

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Is Hilldawg so deranged she could be pushed to name the Jew? Would (((they))) be brazen enough to suicide a Clinton? There’s potential here.

Oh yes, the "clinton had people killed" fairy tale.

The Rothschilds and the Globalist have NEVER been this blatant against one of their operatives.
They've had their media make death threats against him and his family, for example.
They spent more money on Hillary than any other candidate. That was almost sure to win if you look at the history.
That, and Trump is fighting against two of their most important objectives: Driving the Jews out of Europe and into Israel, and dumbing down the European population with 3rd world IQ 85 folks.

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She was the actual savior for the US and Trump is the real jew puppet

She just can't convince that nobody likes her, she was simply a lesser evil compared to the pure evil of Trump.

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They fed her campaign 1.5 billion bucks.
They put the media on full shill mode for her.
She fucked up on her own.

wow! it's almost like Jow Forums retards just read things in whatever way relates things to Jews
surely "they" can't mean anything else here like "men" or "the GOP" or "Russians" or "Deplorables"
no I only understand the would through the lense of Jow Forums and ((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))))) can only mean one thing

Actually not bad, but the Anglos were the Rothschild's Orcs before us.

>plebit image name
>posts like a plebbitor
>supports a kike
checks out

this, amongst other things she revealed they were helping isis. big mistake

>Her kuru...

the world*

The Feminist cries out in pain as it strikes you.

Black Teens are the Master Predator!
Hillary said it, Blacks voted for her.

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Hillary was actually /our candidate/. But Jow Forums fell for jewish tricks and elected orange zionist clown.

boomer posting. you're both kike slaves

cuz she dead soon

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>le making history meme
I hate leafs and liberals.

Nothing, she's just still doing damage control over being a shitty politician that ruined her career. Shes probably eluding to it being white males to blame.

She means the american people were never going to let her be president.

Typical Clinton narcissism. I mean the Clintons give any Jew a run for their shekels in the narcissism department.

Eat shit obamaleaf

Imagine if Trump had had absolute control over the media like Hillary did. She would have been lucky to get even 20 electoral votes. Trump needs to find a way to seize that kind of power.

Stupid thread, Hillary is old news. She'll be dead in five years if she doesn't start eating 10 fetuses a day

Pure woman speak. "Let me", as in "I am not in control and other people should give me stuff."


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play gif and video at the same time

The American people obviously. Even my brain dead democrat friends admit she was the worst possible candidate for their party.

Dare I say, Hillary is /ourgal/ ?

>MFW it turns out Hillary actually is the one who brings the whole goddamn curtain down

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I've always thought that the only reason she isn't in prison is, she has enough dirt on DC to take almost everyone down with her.

You just ignore a criminal like Hilldebeast. That's like ringing a dinner bell for wild commies and Jihadis.

Oh, she finally figured it out, didn't she? She was deemed unworthy by the (((Kikes))).

I remembered predicting long ago about "Based Rothschilds" and asking a question like "Would Rothschilds be based during Trump's term?" and "Rothschild is the right's Soros"

If the kikes don't want a candidate to win, that candidate does not win. Period. Kikes need conservative support right now, since they aren't going to lose their liberal base anyway.

And they know she's spiteful and rotten enough to do it even after she's locked up.

This why hanging is indeed the only option.

Well, having your dynastic political family BTFO would probably piss someone off to the point they're going to go full Samson option. That would be a 11/10 hilarious tweest in this timeline.

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I know you didn't mean that

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That's gold, poorfag.