China hate/stories thread - Wechat edition

What do you hate about China? Prostitution? Gutter oil? Their treatment of dogs? How about their shitty floor toilets?

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I like their crispy duck and pancakes


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I had Kung Po chicken last night. It was fucking good. Chicken and nuts.


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i hate commies and cantonese

>rare flag

holy shit!


The way they say "What's the problem? I can pay!"

You can't buy my respect. You can't buy my country. Go the fuck home, yellow menace!

I've lived in China for about a year. No questions about locations or occupation or anything will be answered.

Anyway, China is a terrible place. It's the fakest, superficial, artificial country in the world. Nothing is genuine. Nothing has true substance. Everything is a facade. Everything is fake. EVERYONE is fake. Chinks are the fakest superficial "people" in the world. They're the most disloyal, scheming, lying, shallow, dishonest scumbags I've ever had the displeasure of associating with (and I've lived for extended periods in 6 countries and have visited too many countries to count, so I've gotten around). Everything is a game to them. What I mean by that is that everything and EVERYONE is nothing but a pawn on a chess board, meant to be used, abused, exploited, and discarded. You need to understand that about the chinks and ALWAYS watch your back around them. NEVER consider a chink a true friend. They are really good at putting up a facade. A chink will act like your long lost brother and then back stab you the next morning and pretend like he's never seen you in his life. Happened to me.

1) Chinks have no morals. Everything is a game to them. Chinks prize cunning, lying, trickery, and deceit. As long as you get rich and never get caught.

2) Chinks are ridiculously arrogant and smug and think they're above everyone else. Which is absolutely ironic and hilarious considering that they were nothing but slaves to a northern horse-riding clan called the Manchus for 300 years.

3) Chinks will never admit they're wrong. They are masters of excuses and logical fallacies. Point out something less than favorable about their country and you will be barraged by endless whataboutisms. Their pride is actually based on a massive inferiority complex toward Westerners that is disguised as a superiority complex, but dig inside their arrogance and you will find the most insecure, thin-skinned, self-hating, fragile egos known to mankind.

>No questions about ... anything will be answered.


I unironically enjoy WeChat and enjoyed fully being able to drink alcohol in public while window shopping at malls. I did not enjoy the retarded levels of pollution, insectoid crowds, or the smells. Kind of a wash, really.

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You can drink in public in Japan, just go there instead. BYOB bullet trainz.

I love China because they trigger American mutts

My Chinese roommate just moved out and I celebrated by cleaning the disgusting mess of a kitchen that he left behind and then cooking something for a change. pic related

My best friend is another Chinese guy. We are both working toward PhD. He is very smart and creative but is a complete coward. Every week we talk about business ideas, and when I try to go concrete and talk about the first steps to reality, he flips and accuses me of being arrogant for trying. He spends so much time learning but doesn't have the balls to create. It's pathetic, but I assume he's that way because entrepreneurship is discouraged in China.

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how to get qt wechat chinese gf??

>Sadly speak very small amount of mandarin (that's an orange)
>Forced to go to China
>"It's a paid vacation why are you so angry!"
>Constantly having my picture taken
>No one asks for a selfie they just do it
>Old men slapping signs and gesturing me to come
>The whole place stinks in a magnitude of ways
>Aunties pinching my ass and trying to dump one of their millions of daughters off on me
>The food is basically bugs and chicken feet and gross shit
>Thank fuck I didnt see any dogs being killed I would have went caveman
>Toilets are holes in the ground
>Everyone tries to scam you even when the price is fucking on the item
>If you turn down some ugly roastie they scream at you and make a scene
>Was almost pick pocketed twice walking back to the hotel in one night

It sucks dont go.

I met a Chinese qt in a local Christian club. Chinese college students in the US are drawn to them because church groups are very welcoming and give them a sense of community that they are lacking when they arrive here.

this post inspired me to want to get into international trade

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download the app from
use a good photo of yourself
use people nearby function and set it to female
ask for chinese lessons
meet at starbucks etc

I wonder what does Jow Forums thinks about me ? Hope I'm not get called cheap chink-knock-off by an Aussie