>The global economy is more deeply indebted than before the financial crisis and countries need to take immediate action to improve their finances before the next downturn, the International Monetary Fund has said. >The IMF said a prolonged period of low interest rates had stimulated a build-up of debt worth 225% of world GDP in 2016, 12 points above the previous record level reached in 2009. >China was responsible for much of the increase, the IMF said, but noted that developed, emerging market and low-income countries all now looked vulnerable. >The Washington-based institution used its half-yearly fiscal monitor to single out the US for particular criticism, saying that Donald Trump’s fiscal stimulus – a package of tax cuts and spending increases – was leading to a bigger budget deficit at a time when it should be on the way down.
>countries need to take immediate action to improve their finances before the next downturn to what? Maintain the debt economy? It's a bad structure. It's collapsing. When a structure is bad, and collapsing, you don't stop it. You demolish it safely and rebuild.
Serious question: how does one prepare for this? Stockpile food?
Brandon Martin
so when you impose a debt based economy and it starts to collapse you blame the people that were forced into it and not the ones who made it?
interesting choice IMF, we know where you live :^)
Noah Garcia
Yes, it needs to be tanked. It's all a lie, illusion reflecting illusion. Money backed by nothing but speculation and the threat of military action, debt pretending to be capital, interest being paid on itself.
Adam Hernandez
That's what's going to happen.
Xavier James
So? there's no value in the market, it's empty
Oliver Taylor
Yes that will help. But without have a firearm to defend yourself you are most likely to be stock piling food for the biggest baddest guy in your neighborhood.
In other words buy a gun, and maybe do a few over nighter camping trips to find a nice place to ditch out that has running water, and learn how to live out in the woods.
Jaxon Ward
charismatic leaders would sweep in revolution and there would be a lot of conflict. the way the world has always worked.
Be state employee and a reservist like me, we get the first priority if shit goes down and mobs get angry.
Alexander Smith
Every world banker needs to be exterminated.
Robert Ortiz
Own things which have value regardless of what the currency does. Gold silver, property etc. And have a means to defend it. Food is good. A source of food is better
Landon Morales
for some reason most people don't understand this.
James Green
feels good to be a cryptofag tbhfam
Hudson Taylor
Head on back to /x/ you faggot.
Kevin Young
Why don't they just make an agreement and cancel eachothers' debts or something?
Aiden Adams
>world economy tanks >power grid stops working >internet infrastructure dies lol dumb shit
Aaron Gonzalez
Definitely. I'm well aware of the ways of the chinks.
Because of all the unfunded liabilities that have been promised to people. Joe burger has been promised a pension when he turns 65. He's not going to say no to that. Nigger single mother has 6 kids with 6 different dead beat dads. She needs food and housing. Lots of debt is internal to the country and can't be just written off without imploding the entire system.
William Cook
Be friendly with your neighbors. Grow some stuff, get some iodine, you'll be alright m8
Jackson Lopez
>when the market collapses crypto is going to have any value whatsoever. lmao.
Samuel Gutierrez
People in cities would be the ones fucked, that's about it.
Elijah Martinez
what did anyone expect? the economy collapsed and then we bailed out the culprits and let them continue doing the same banking practices that got us into the fucking mess in the first place. our society in it's current form is not sustainable and we just pretend that nothing is wrong.
World finance runs on debt, and what debt is is a promise to pay money in the future. Debt is traded like it's a commodity because nation state's debt is treated as a certainty. The reason it's treated that way is 2 reasons. The first is they'll always be able to pay. A nation state has the ability to turn churn its own people over into more cash to pay the debt. Worst case scenario the world bank will pay the debt in exchange for the nation lowering prices on exports or giving multinaitonals special permissions to operate in their country. This model really put africa in a tough spot. It's why you can buy roses in the middle of winter for a dollar at 7-11.
So the OTHER reason state debt is treated as cash is because there is an understanding that if a country does not pay its debt the consequences would be inhumanly catastrophic. Economic sanctions if you're a good goy, war and regime change if you're not. The threat isn't really real though for any country capable of supporting itself and with a military that can put up slightly more than no fight. That's why the US took over Iraq but there've been no bombs dropped on greece.
Greece is that turd in the punch bowl. Because they called the international community's bluff. They can neither exploit their people to pay the debt, nor are they at all intimidated by the consequences. So now, their creditors are supposed to go to war with them to seize assets and take over the state. But they're not because it wouldn't be accepted. The whole system became dependent on everyone just pretending it works. As long as people act like it's working then it is. Every nation, or just a lot of them, all defaulting at once would be bad for the health of the system, but what would kill it is the sun coming up the next day and the world continuing as if nothing had happened. It reveals that all these promises being traded like tangible commodities arent backed up by anything.
Owen Bennett
So you're saying population control/reduction is the only way to fix the world's problems?
it used no part of the current mess to build itself it has no CEO and no bureaucracy forcing others to participate or you could pretend its all a coincidence that bitcoin was only a dollar and it will never be that low again because magic
Brayden Stewart
>people are uneducated
News at 10
Hudson Fisher
Banks live on debt. They take out loans to get cash. Then loan that cash to you. Suddenly the debt they gained from giving you the cash is worth more than the cash. They then sell it, like it were a car, for a profit. They take a slice of that profit to pay their minimum payments on their own debt. They credit improves, so they take out more debt, get more cash, make more loans, sell more debt, """make""" more money.
Oh did the dumbasses they lend to default on their loans? So what? the bank got its money back when it sold the debt.
Brandon Jenkins
oh no it's just like when kingdoms went bankrupt and became massively indebted to shifty jews and neighboring kingdoms. how did they solve this problem? oh, they just killed everyone they owed money to? sounds good to me.
Learn karate. buy a crossbow. get maps tattooed on your skin. raise a bunch of owls. basic stuff. common sense is what will save you
Ethan Peterson
We march on Basel, Switzerland TONIGHT!
Landon Richardson
Pretty much this.
Ethan Price
Fucking nigger cattle
Hunter Walker
WW3 this 3rd June, be ready lads
Joshua Allen
>COLLAPSE IMMINENT I've been hearing this for years now and I am always disappointed JUST LET IT BURN ALREADY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Daniel Thompson
Why wouldn't you just by a bunch of atlases? Why the fuck would you tattoo a map on your again body
Jason Robinson
How is there more debt than money? I don't get it.
Levi Davis
Wyatt Walker
let me get my schooner ready
Isaiah White
no that's a redherring. The problem isnt that there's too many people. The problem is that banks leverage state power to allow them to create more debt. If the banks didnt have the state on their side they wouldnt be able to afford to give loans to shady people. Civilian or government.
The big housing crisis was that best example of them. The state makes a program where people with bad credit can get mortgages for homes. The banks are incentivized to give the loans because the state will co sign the loan. Instead of the banks keeping that debt, and stting happy knowing the government will pay it off if the worst happens. They instead sell the debt, using the government guarentee as a selling point. >This 30 year million dollar mortgage is guaranteed by the government. I'll sell it to you for 1.1 million because its guaranteed to 2 million Now that they've sold the debt for cash, they have more cash to make more loans. They just never stopped. People were being granted loans, and the debt was being sold at outrageous prices all because the government said "yeah it's ok" And of course, who is taking their mortgage payments seriously when the bank guy convinced you to take it because "if you default the government will pay for it"
so what happened was all these people, who would not have gotten loans were it not for the state, defaulted on their mortgages. The creditors who bought their debt at an outrageous price, now go to the government to get their money. Turns out they dont have enough. They were expecting the banks to operate as if the loans were not guaranteed so that only quality consumers were given loans. Consumers lose homes Banks get an enormous bailout Government is mysteriously not overthrown
we always save it at the last minute. And every time we do, we make the consequences of a collapse more dramatic.
Adrian Morris
Why would the people who control and own everything through the processes of slow inflation and rapid deflation ever allow this beast to fail? Banks only get stronger and do so through this mechanism. It will never die, just mutate to something more usurous. Hopefully we correct course and slough off this parasite.
Elijah Ortiz
Buddy, the worst that will happen is 5 to 10 % people will lose their jobs and we give them gibs as it happened in 2008.
Better than famines.
Jayden Morgan
You better be stockpiling on guns,ammo,canned food and fuel burger
Josiah Mitchell
Let's say you and I are the only people in the world. I loan you my entire 100 shekels at 9% interest. The sum total repayment amount after fees and compound interest is higher than the amount the world started with.
That's basically it. Those with might make the loans. Those who are meek take the loans.
A bank takes out a loan to fill its vault with cash. Instantly they owe interest on that cash. Right away there's more debt than cash. They give out loans with that cash and the debtors have the same problem. They have X number of dollars but owe 1.5*X to the bank. As long as the interest rate is above 0 there will always be more debt than cash. There will never be enough money to pay all the debt. The best we can hope for is for the system to keep chugging along like the treads on a tank. >You pay off the debt you can. >Use your credit to take out another loan >Invest the cash >get a return >use the return to pay the debt you can
As long as it's allowed to do its thing it works. But there are lots of people exploiting the system and this puts it under strain. It's already a delicate machine, and nay hiccup in this investment-debt cycle causes a rippling affect of damage. The damage gets too bad and the state steps in and makes some decree that it needs to work again. Some people suffer austerity. Bankers get richer, because they win even when they lose. It's not indefinitely sustainable and the number of actors shaving off profits for themselves is huge, and the whole thing wont last that much longer. What happens to us after that is very concerning because there are billions of people in the world who want to institute communism to address the problem.
Kayden Clark
nothing will happen relax
Hudson Jackson
08 wasn't a collapse. We specifically averted a collapse by giving all the banks free money. We had to give them free money btw because we already promised them free money and then we didnt have enough. Ponder that.
Jackson Kelly
usury and fiat currency
Gavin Rivera
>be bankers >Inflate bubbles >crash economy >People get angry >learn to spend less because clever >Bankers don't line not spending money >makes them obsolete and poor >try for many years to open new markets in other countries >Most other countries outside of the west are poorfags of hate Western nations >Not enough success there >massimport.exe >Just bring the new consumers to the ready developed countries >reinflate bubble >Ignore problems
Matthew Adams
>get assraped by shitcoin markets >get assraped by stock markets >get assraped by housing markets >get assraped by demographic replacement >get assraped by pension scams >get assraped by taxes >get assraped by job markets >get assraped by student loans
the crapitalist system makes the Soviet system look like utopia in comparison
China hasn't had a single recession for over 25 years. It's probably one of the most stable economies as of now. It's not gonna crash.
Jacob Johnson
this nigornorant nigor gets it
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists) >massive layoffs every 5 years >import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off >impoverished natives get health issues >get bankrupt by medical bills >go homeless >get on heroin >overdose white genocide was never as easy as this
meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme
Blake Walker
Well what the article is talking about is a scare tactic to get regular people on edge so they'll support the state seizing more power so they can protect the system as it is.
The reality is that the system needs to collapse, and that's the best thing we could do for ourselves. Unfortunetaly we're so ruthlessly dependant on it, and the problem has been ignored for so long, that the collapse will be very uncomfortable for billions of people around the world. But the threat only gets worse as we try to duct tape the damn thing back together.
Carter Wood
Fuck the IMF and the World Bank, they'll just use the money they have for the US like they always do.
How many times has your shitty country gone bankrupt and got saved by the jews? I can't even begin to count.
Cameron Butler
That's antisemetic
William Reed
Looters can steal your atlas. The hooters have to sleep in the day.
Brody Kelly
they have a planned economy. There's only a recession if the state says there is. But that doesnt mean its working well for the majority of chinese. They have all the same problems the west does but many time worse.
Jackson Ramirez
Quite the contrary. Chinese are unprepared for recession because most adults have not experienced it. Look at how their government freaked out in 2015 because GDP growth rate declined slightly.
An actual recession would result in anarchy over there. Screencap this because it's coming.
Hunter Jenkins
They kicked the can down the road man. They amassed a ridiculous debt. There employment numbers are a farce as they throw money at anyone who provide jobs even if it doesn't make money.
Easton Barnes
they really need it
Xavier Wright
>thinks communism is an alternative to anything the largest political and economical institutions in the world has been (((communists))) now for 50 years.
You fuckers stepped on the working class, you think we'll agree to your fucking champaign socialist ways, go to hell faggot
>i want USSR back! Move to North Korea and stop fucking up countries with your shit ideology.
>The reality is that the system needs to collapse, and that's the best thing we could do for ourselves you know you can always boycott the system plenty of banks here offering interest loans and no one takes them
Aiden Thompson
Here's your (you), since you wanted one so badly.
Michael Sanchez
t. shlomo
Zachary Miller
Stockpile food for a few months, have some cash reserves on hand. I dont think we are going into a complete collapse scenario but some self-defense training could be useful.
Austin Bell
Don't all economies decline slightly when the country reaches a certain level of development? No way they could maintain a 14% growth rate.
Jack Stewart
>Peaking optimism >World peace on the horizon >Rates certain to increase over next few years WHY PEOPLE TAKING DA DEBT?!?
Liam Moore
What you suggest?
Benjamin Nelson
the issue with crapitalism is the crapitalist is preoccupied with offloading the burden of enslavement onto the next goy. the entire society is built on a pyramid of offloading enslavement onto someone else.
instead of having stable shelter with no risk, the crapitalist allocates risk into living necessities (shelter, food, etc) that is burdened onto the renter. the entire system is preoccupied by transferring risk to others.
the communist model does not allocate risk into living necessities (shelter etc..) and guarantees a stable shelter, food, and frees the population from preoccupation of risk and fear.
with the emancipation from preoccupation of risk allocation of the crapitalist system, the communist population focuses on solving space colonisation and real world issues, instead of the basic shelter issues
crashes are artificial and happen when the oligarchs decide its time. no modern technological society can stop the supply of food or labor, but certain trade and financial policies and laws can make people unemployed, homeless, starving like much of the US
Brandon Sanchez
The imf is evil You can't do that when you are trapped in the house supporting two kids and the debt ceiling. Will come true Thats what we call war The final solution Most are intentionally misled on finance Centralized banking at its finest Yes but dont just go rwanda on the afrikaans and cut doen the tall trees. Those white farms will be the saving grace of a lot of starvin marvins until the northern raiders torch em. Germany defeated the roman empire of jesuit jews. Both are governed by the rule of 72. Except 7 billion people is harder to manage than 7 trillion dollars. Money burns easier in the industrial ovens of war. Census is critical to the process as caesar knew.
Anthony Roberts
>crashes are artificial
It's one the few things that aren't, always.
Eli Edwards
This is the best explanation of the whole thing that i ever seen user. Saved and have a (you).
I'm going to screencap this later.
Kayden Bennett
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
After WW2, Europe and Japan were rubble, so their economies grew very rapidly in the 50s and 60s. Building physical infrastructure is actually very easy. But once that rebuilding process was complete, they settled down to a normal boom and bust cycle, where even the boom times were only 4-5% yearly growth.
China started in the 90s at basically where Europe was in 1945. Now they have done the easy part, building physical infrastructure, and they have to somehow shift to the hard part (building intellectual property, like AI and algorithms). They will converge on the state that the West is already in, boom and bust cycle, because innovation is sporadic and unpredictable.
Matthew Diaz
>the crapitalist system makes the Soviet system look like utopia in comparison >>free stable housing >>free and awesome education >>guaranteed stable jobs >>guaranteed stable pension at 50yrs >>no yiddish stock market tricks >>no shitcoin scams >>no housing scams >>no taxes >>no demographic replacement >i want USSR back!
And cabbage water two times a week. No more wasting bodily resources on that pesky chewing. Where do I sign up?
Gavin Ward
sok they will just rejig the balance book and add a few more zeros... all financial markets are contaminated by QE and wealth that does not exist is merely added on a computer balance sheet...
nothing can collapse unless they make it, which is likely but so what, its not real to begin with anyway.
Robert Miller
>Screencap this because it's coming
People have said this since the early 90's and literally every year after that. Nothing happens.
Nothing. It's unsustainable, and it's obvious it's unsustainable. But too many people benefit, or think they benefit, from it and are in denial. When things are bad enough. The system will change. If that doesnt happen before the collapse, then the system will have to be replaced anyways.
The le epic Ron Paul "it's too late" memes are real. We missed our chance. It's a tire fire now. Have a plan for you and yours.