If there's an unlimited amount of universes with an endless amount of possibilities...

If there's an unlimited amount of universes with an endless amount of possibilities, does that mean there's an universe where god exists?

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piggle rig xdDDD

But user, that's not true An infinite universe would have a white sky, not black.

There's also a universe where you're not a faggot.


god is the multiverse.

God is within, a higher consciousness

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BASED, FPBP, give that man a cookie

Some people aren't about that life, famalam. Being with God is a choice, Praise Him.

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If there's an unlimited amount of universes with an endless amount of possibilities, does that mean there's an universe where other universes don't exist?

The other universes died until one was left.

God would need to exist before anything else, even dimensions or other universes, could exist.

You can't play a video game without an inventor.

You didn't think about other dimensions and other universes before someone told you about it.

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Then is there a universe where only two other universes exist? What about one where it is the only universe in existence and there were no other universes before, after or during the existence of said universe?
Also checked.

Multi verse theory is impossible as there is a possible event that has the conditions that it happens before all other events and will stop all other events from happening.

OP is a faggot in all universes

The universal constant

God exist in all universes and in all dimensions at the same time outside time
Lel how knew are you to the concept of a infinite God?


no, because god (in theory) exists outside of 'the box' that contains the multiple universes. god is the only entity that can possibly exist outside of that box, and is thus unknowable by man except through what charlatans and conartists have dubbed "revelation."

I don't buy the multiverse theory. Quantum coherence is only possible across a vanishingly small frame of space-time as the demands to create even the smallest of "multiverses" increases.

In other words, they all eventually collapse and that is what we call reality.

>Endless amount of possibilities
Any kind of god can exist and not exist within this concept, because every possibility is played out within it's own universe everything does technically happen within its own sphere. However this theory does not term itself to be tied with any meta-universe concept of fate and thus it is only under the free will of the participants within each universe using their respective means that the possibility of traversal and consequences of such exists between worlds.

Was that enough pseudo jargon for you?

English is not a formal language. You can describe all kinds of impossible things like a white black person or a baked ice-cube. Don't make the mistake of believing that "infinity" means everything - there are "Infinity" numbers between 2.5 and 3.5 but 3.51 is not one of them.

define God

Yeah. Also there is one where rick and Morty go to church and believe in that God

infinite =/= infinitely populated

There's got to be one where the Confederacy winning the Civil War causes Anne Frank to become pregnant.

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God exists outside of dimensions. If one universe had God, then all universes will have God (the same God too). If God created other universes (that we aren't aware of or were told of) then they'll also be praising God.

>There are endless dimensions

Full of nothing, you're in the right dimension you HAVE traveled between them and this is where you are supposed to be for now.

Going outside of a dimension without a way to influence is probably the closest thing to hell there actually is.
>We aren't equipped for it anyway we are fueled and chained by life
>Just be happy you cant hear how loud it fucking is.

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Then I take it that same fact goes for all of the other possible gods? How do you reconcile the existence of two universe in which one has the traditional christian god and the other has some as of yet unrecorded god being the creator?

infinite implies infinitely dense. or do you not understand the concept?


Some individuals can travel between these universes. Not physically, but psychically. We are looking through the eyes of an alternate version of ourselves when we dream, all the bizarre thins you see in a dream are real. The only way to end up in another one of these is death. Its all a game

Then there's a universe with the one true God that created all others. That God is the ultimate creator who BTFO the rest in all other universes. Since God is truth and logic (or it can't exist), something resembling the Christian God is that God.

it's so white it turned black like a nigga

no because a) infinite possibility does not require the realisation of every possibility
(so it is possible that there are fifty foot ong cats with rayguns and bad breath, but no such cats may exist in any universe just as a matter of chance)
b) God is not a logical possibility in any case, so (like a universe where 2+2=5) no such universe can exist,

user, you illiterate idiot, didn't you learn in Math classes that infinite equals always zero.

checkmate atheists

Even if such unprovable mathematical gibberish as muh muttlivrass could happen God would still not care about you let alone consider your existence.

You are very dumb my friend.
First op is talking about the many world's interpretation which is an explanation of how quantum mechanics functions and suggests that quantum results create splits where both possibilities happen.
Second, what you are describing is a confused misrepresentation of the idea that the big bang would leave behind a white sky as we should be able to look into space and see the light given off by the big bang. The explanation of this is that as the light travel, it shifts in spectrum and by the time it hits earth, it is microwave radiation, which is observable as background microwave radiation and is observable throughout the entire sky
So please educate yourself friend

The amount of retards in this thread sickens me. Go back to your video games children. /pol is a place for discussing real politic issues.

The multiverse theory is Autism.
>Multiple universes so far away that ever reaching them is an impossibility.
>No way to verify their existence or non-existence.

At least parallel universe have theoretical significance. The multiverse theory is pointless.

Like trump for the 18 gorillionth time. There are no real political issues here in America. The government is for sale. You have the right to believe you have rights and it has been like this for 100 years on a loop.


There is an infinite amount of possibilities within a boundary.
There are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2. The infinite amount of universes can produce anything in-between 1 and 2, but they can never produce 3. So if we are too assume that god does not exist in our universe (in the abrahamic sense), then an argument can be made that God is not within the boundaries of 1 and 2 and could never exist.

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there's not

>how many then?
a random number
>who decided it and on what bases?
nothing and none.

>taking the bait

okay smartie explain this one: why on average blue things are further away than red things.

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>If there's an unlimited amount of universes
There isn't.

yes... and if there's an infinite number of universes I'm God in one of them. Unfortunately in this universe I have landed in the mortal NEET vessel. Better luck next time I guess.

Not true, OP is always a fage

No, universe in multiverse theory merely refers to causally disconnected patches of space-time

Furthermore, an infinite amount of universes doesn't mean everything you imagine must exist. An example: the set of natural numbers in infinite, but it still doesn't contain the number 1,5.

if there were multiple universe there'd be one where I'd have the technology to travel to all other universes and give each and every single one of my alter egos Godlike powers. Since I don't have Godlike powers right now... my conclusion is... my alter ego with Godlike powers is an asshole! I hope my alter ego reads this and gives me godlike powers. kek.