White man shoots up waffle house

>white man shoots up waffle house
>is stopped by an unarmed black guy
Well, got anything to say Jow Forums?

Attached: DbYfAfVU8AAL5T_.jpg (718x663, 101K)

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What is white? It's just a social construct. He was attacked by the black guy and the gun went off accidentally. His name is Emanuel Sampson

Let's not give them traffic user



It's still 10:1 for nog murders of whites over vice versa.

Is the Audi S3 really just a prettier Passat? Ugh

I thought Ar 15s were unstoppable

wtf i hate white people now

I thought it wasn't about race tho?

Too bad he didn't kill any niggers

hogg an& co. fails again

>Well, got anything to say Jow Forums?
Courage isn't a color

Nigger must have had somebody read the gun violence stats to him. He knew damn good and well he was more likely to be struck by lightning than shot by a White man.

Attached: donthandgunstomonkeys.png (597x441, 25K)

He’s one of the good ones. Sure they’re vanishingly rare, but they obviously exist. No lesson to be learned here.

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la creatura...

Waffle House. I recall Waffle House being memetically seeded but can’t pinpoint where.

White trash Trump supporter goes nuts and shoots up a place. This barely qualifies as news anymore. So ehh.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2018-02-21-10-58-29.png (805x1022, 810K)

Wannabe Nigger guns down a crowd of people. Sounds like Chicago, New York, LA, insert liberal run City here. Kill yourself, schlomo.

We should have picked our own cotton instead of using the Jewish slave racket.

>weakest of strawman
yawn, this is an 18+ board autist

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