Conservatives really did a number on the south huh?
Conservatives really did a number on the south huh?
Nah they just have way too many niggers and spics to become first world.
idk about everywhere else, but most of the red places in Texas are just sparesely populated countryside
Niggers and spics are only a majority of a couple counties spanning the black farming belt, and the cities, the latter of which have the highest HDI rating in those states. Guess all those white trash conservatives are shitting it up for everyone
>people in concentrated areas forced into liberal indoctrination
>people in rural areas raised to think for themselves
are they really saying that all of New Jersey has reached perfection?
Where do you think most of those red zones are located? I'll give you a hint: it has the same name as the highest standard rank in Karate.
Also, this. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
>Conservatives really did a number on the south huh?
Socialist think tanks like the UN that are really interested in pushing their agenda really did a number on the facts huh?
Ever interest you why all of these "global happiness indecies" spotlight countries in north europe with the highest incidents of suicide and the lowest ammount of economic development and innovation in the western world? (and by that, I mean look at the amount of inventions the US has created, versus what they created - nothing and nothing)
Bingo!!! We have a winrar
only basedboys want to be a well rounded person
fucking sᴑyboy mods
Really Makes Me Think.
Conservatives may suck....but the problem with the South's development is blacks. 100%.
It's almost like forcefully removing the sole driver of pre-civil war slave states' economies had long lasting effects.
next time pick your own cotton you dumb fucks
>High human development
Fucking kike lies
Hawaii is filled with pot heads, homeless people and shitty tourists.
south should've never been populated until the air conditioner was invented. fuck us for convincing the morons to go down there
The human development index measures life expectancy, education level, and GDP per capita.
It was the biggest fucking mistake ever. We need to drive them out like how you and Spain drove out the Moors
All of which are lower for blacks than whites.
Came here to post this lol
America must be balkanised.
>Almost all of NJ including Essex and Camden county are medium to very high
lmao bullshit, who is behind all of this?
It already is.
>look at my charts!
>your chart is fake!
what the fuck qualifies as human development?
god I need to spear a mexican loli on my dick
fuck you soibois
Iowa, Wyoming and Minnesota seem to be the best based on this chart is this true? They are mostly agricultural?
>Thomas "Gimme Some Of That Brown Sugar Sally" Jefferson
See:In the US, the regions where Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians, Irish Catholics, and Indians live are very advanced.
The regions with blacks, mestizo Hispanics, and rural Germans are poor and backwards.
love of money is the root of evil
Thanks, didn't see that.
Also all 90% white
>Imagine having to think for your self all the time
Not just the thought is making me sleepy, maybe the government should have a study on the negative effects of independent thought.
Man look at all those comfy northern states
No, we should work to preserve the Union, we just need to remove some pests
He didn't fuck his slave, it was his brother
There are decedents of Sally Hemmings that are genetically proven to also be direct decedents of good old TJ
I like how they made the bad areas red and the good areas blue
This. Those macro statistics are nothing but the final answer in an equation, the products of the input variables. Our "variables" definitely skew that data.
>Mexican's aren't taking our jobs
>Why is the former agricultural class so impoverished?
>Mexicans working for $5 an hour is why we are trailer park trash
This. Lincoln's assassination was the worst thing to ever happen for the South. It's doubtful mass deportations or expatriation would have occurred, at least not to completion. But there would certainly be fewer blacks in America today. Remember in the third grade you started doing long division? Remember how you would sometimes have a remainder? That's what blacks are in North America. There some sort of historical remainder that we never sort it out.
Are you blind or just retarded? The Northeast and New England are the best region.
It is being sort out due to all the interracial marriages and kids that result from it. We're turning into anglo brazil at this point
MN is a pretty great place as well, disregarding snowstorms in April
>be democrats
>run the south into the ground
>blame republicans
>ignore the south is having an economic renaissance
Racist, bigot, xenophobe!
Uhh... yeah...
A fuck load of bachelor beans come here and shack up 5 dudes in a studio apartment.
they're willing to work for absolutely nothing because unlike an American family man, they actually can.
>I stand for the working class
>lol mexicans took your job
typical liberal
>ITT: muh niggers
>Be republicans
>Convert from democrats when they picked up civil rights and Nixon started his southern strategy
>Destroy local schools and colleges to the point companies are hiring pajeets and other immigrants to fill jobs here
>Oh, those companies only came because you literally used tax payer dollars to fund their relocation
>Only jobs native people can get are construction and mc burger flipping
>Tout this as high rates of job creation
Nah, couldn’t be all the blacks, could it?
Fuck the "working" class. America will be paradise when these parasites all die from diabetic ketoacidosis
Neither. The South was rekt during the Civil War that it never really recovered. Plantations supported the whole South. Ripping that out so fast without an alternative destroyed it.
lol i think i see a trend with being retarded and demographics.
No niggers did
New England master race checking in
We need a return to segregation, white students preform much better than niggers and most whites have better paying jobs. I’ve lived in democrat run California and they did a great job running into the ground
You don't have to be the majority to bring down the statistic you literal retard
>The UN
Cotton did better after the civil war and that would have happened with or without slavery.
Yeah, the "UN Method."
I doubt they've made any attempt to measure cost of living vs. earnings in a meaningful manner, or account for how much of that big city wealth is fake and derived through parasitic meme industries like government, education, and finance.
I mean, Texas should be indepenent as well as a lot of other regions.
Maybe the United States have to die in order for America to live.
ah so you do hate mexicans
>TFW the south is full of niggers and spics
>TFW the yankees are destroying our history and culture
>TFW the south may never rise again
Teal is "people" of African decent.
Blue is German.
Orange is Mexican.
Whites need to become tribal and see nature for what it really is. No Christianity, no Judaism, just tribal nature.
>using a UN METRIC for anything
fuck your mom, she will be still warm when you find her.
>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit
>Maggie Nix
>look into NIX
shes a child STARlet......
>Obama the horseback rider
>Broward county deputies being murdered
Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL
>My county is dark blue on the map
Dude, I'm from Jersey. Maps like this are literal fucking propaganda to try and turn southerners to vote liberal. I have no idea what data they are judging or who is collecting it but something is off about it. Up here our power lines are still above ground, our sewers are from before WW1, our public tranist other than the Raritan valley line is practically non-existent, there are scores of spic families housing illegals, the roads are near unusable from wear and tear etc etc. Blue states like NJ are in horrible God damn shape. These maps are horseshit. What ever human development means, it's not anything you want.
what's the difference between britich and gmeran?
(((Human development index))) is just newspeek for how mnay third worlders are imported to the areas
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.
What a (((coincidence))).
What a (((coincidence))).
>we're too busy blaming niggers and spics to become first world