Blacks Are 25 Times More Likely To Be Suspended

I just saw these stats in my local paper:

At Urbana High, 228 black students have received at least one referral to the dean's office this school year, compared to 81 white students. Fifty black and two white students left the dean's office with out-of-school suspensions. Eighty-five black and 20 white students received in-school suspensions.

>Blacks are 25 times more likely to be suspended from school.

Is this because of racism, or are niggers just no good?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks are also 200 times more likely than whites or asians to physically assault you, pic related.

Attached: Black on White Crime.jpg (650x2018, 375K)

Also, I should say that blacks are only 14% of the population here, while whites are 67%. But the article says white students are 36% of the schools, while blacks are 34%. I'm not sure how that happens.

Sounds like you've been on this board long enough to figure that out for yourself.

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Blacks are also 250 times more likely to do something worthy of being suspended. Just like crime. It isn't racist, they just are far more likely to act like animals.

I know plenty of decent black people, but I see countless more chimp'in and nig'in all day.

because they act like monkeys

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>Is this because of racism, or are niggers just no good?
Worse than that bitch, you forgot to account for population size. Blacks are 15% of the population, so it'd be real funny if its actually not 25 but 75 or a 100-200 times more.

>blacks are only 14% of the population here
>whites are 67%
>white students are 36% of the school
>blacks are 34%
>not sure how that happens
The remaining 19% of your local population are mostly spics (with a sprinkling of gooks and 56% mutts) -- spics have lots of kids, that's how they make up the other 30% of the student population

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One important thing, because it irks me to no end when this nonsense gets perpetuated:
Subsaharan blacks are NOT our ancestors!
Today's garden variety nigger is what anthropologists refer to as a "Bantu".
Those are a quite recent development, originating about 4000 years ago around what is today's Ivory Coast.
From there they literally looted and mudered their way all over Africa.
The oldest surving branch of human subspecies are the San people, who once were to be found all over subsahara Africa - you know them for their clicking language.

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Mississippi reporting in. I can confirm that blacks have severe behavioral issues action result of their culture which holds trauma as its primary feature. Most blacks undergo trauma in early childhood and they psychologically never recover.

>Blacks are 25 times more likely to be suspended from school.
Good thing Obama enacted legislation that punished schools for practicing these racist policies, right?

> The federal directive, issued jointly in 2014 by the US departments of Education and Justice, warned public school districts receiving federal funding — including New York City — that they could face investigation and funding cuts if they fail to reduce statistical “disparities” in discipline by race. On average, the administration noted, black students are suspended at three times the rate of their white peers.

> The directive also discourages student arrests and holds districts liable for the actions of “school resource officers … or other law enforcement personnel.”

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Get your kids out of public schools.

enjoy getting your ass beat by a feral nigger at school, then being suspended for that privilege

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White parents who care about their children home school or send them to private.

>blacks are 25 times more likely to act like niggers

I remember that. Here's an excerpt from a letter Attorney General Eric Holder sent to all US schools.

Attached: Holder Letter to Schools.jpg (536x239, 42K)

It's a mix of niggers being niggers and whites reacting to their niggardly behavior.

anybody who doesn't get suspended in high school is a fucking loser or a retard, so i don't think this stat is much to brag about.

I went to a 98% white small christian high school
We had 2 blacks in the school.
Both were expelled for stealing stacks of hot lunch tickets.

It's because

1)Every time niggers fuck up their own schools, they move to predominately white schools and lower the quality there too. School officials TRY to civilize them, but you can't.

2) Niggers are another species. We literally force them to be successful like us, but more times than not we fail because the reality is they are tribal, village mentality animals that are more interested in displaying force to protect their shitty village and way of life than to contribute anytning positive to those outside of their race.

>Just because you house train a dig and teach it to sit, it will always be a dig and act like such. The same with niggers.

3) We waste our time and money on niggers. The only reason they go is to MAYBE succeed in THE WHITE MAN'S WORLD.

Imagine for a moment when there are no white people. Would they EVEN TRY anymore? Why go to school when there is no "oppressive" whites that they have to compete with?

It's all a sham.

Until we segregate ourselves again, or preferably EXPEL them all, we're just wasting our time.

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Bantu are the missing link between humans and chimps.

Chimps -> Bonobo -> Bantu, all three along the congo river in central africa.

In that sense when they walked from there about 7 millions years ago, they could very well be our ancestors.

Pygmies and Khosians are then basically the missing link between bantu niggers and other races.

There's evidence that bantu expansion happened because they learned farming from north african steppe. But like bushniggers they were, they used slash and burn farming which was not sustainable in central africa, triggering their massive expansion once their population exploded with and lacking suitable farm land - and genociding everything in their path with sheer numbers.

quite easy to figure out, white students sissy out at the principals office, after the referral, whereas , the blacks dont pussy out in the face of authority and chimp out

of course this affects the end result (demonstration of remorse)

>25x more likely

It should be double that number but the PC police need to make sure Obama's sons don't end up in prison due to getting kicked out of a school for being niggers so they look the other way.

>anybody who doesn't get suspended in high school is a fucking loser or a retard,
found the nigger

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>4000 years ago

Is that the flores hobbit meme? Genetically, these people are asian, like all other SEA shitskins. There's much less sensationalist occam razor: What they found was just a dwarf. Kind reminder the island is already populated with tiny negritos, so dwarfism in such a population can look a bit funky.

Low IQ, they are also 13 times more likely to attack whites unprovoked and consistantly account for over all of half of the violent assaults and murders in the country. But muh racism, more like they are homo erectus and we are homo sapians


>If you get bullied your a pussy! Fight back even if you'll be suspended

>LOL blacks get suspended more, look how inferior they are

Make up your damn minds.

>Is this because of racism, or are niggers just no good?
OBVIOUSLY it's racism. It's not like niggers are inclined to criminal behavior or something.

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This. This so much. I know it's hard but find a way. Please. Public schools are indoctrination centers. They're traumatizing young impressionable children.

No one believse what they're told in schools about that tho, if your kid has an IQ above 90 he won't be indoctrinated, if he has an IQ below 90 then hes going to live a shit life either way.

>blacks are 25 times more likely to be suspended
>oh but it couldn't possibly be because they are causing more trouble
>its because schools is racist!

The mental gymnastics liberals have to perform in their day to day lives must be exhausting

I dont understand, are you saying kids basically know the school is a place to force conformity and destroy critical thinking? That would give me hope. I didn't know when I was in school, but that was over 30 years ago and it was different then. But present day, just being locked in with the Emily Gonzales and David Hoggs of the world. I would definitely go postal. How do kids stay sane through it? I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be. When I talk to teens about life and what not, so many seem totally defeated. It really sucks. I want to tell them, you don't have to let people control how you feel about yourself. Sometimes I do say things like that if the chance arises, but the feeling of loneliness is tangible coming off the younger kids. And basically I'm talking about white males. I notice in all my encounters with teen girls they're fucking jazzed about life.

I got out of school 8 years ago but even by the time I was in 8th grade a large chunk of people I knew figured out school was more of a bootcamp for getting up early going to a shitty job and listening to people you dont like
Especially since half the shit they start teaching you around that grade never gets utilized outside of school

The whole notion of the "school-to-prison pipeline" myth that leftists so readily believe in is unbelievably insulting to one of the groups that leftists pretend to rally around: teachers. They essentially are saying that teachers are horrible racists, who discipline black students more than whites for no reason other than their skin color. It's such an unbelievably ridiculous notion that it deserves no response, but just to flatter them, these people clearly have never been in a multicultural school district. The reason blacks are more likely to be disciplined is simple: BLACKS ARE MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT SUSPENDABLE OFFENSES. Period.

So instead of admitting that obvious fact that is clear to anyone who has spent any amount of time in any school environment with a high proportion of negroid students, these brainwashed leftists from Vermont and fucking Massachusetts are putting the blame on Little Miss Williams, the kind, liberal, open-minded teacher who suspends Tyrone for punching another student in the face while she's trying to teach long division. They are literally calling the least racist group of people in the country, elementary school teachers, horrible racists because they don't want to consider the possibility that black students and white students aren't committing crimes and offenses at the same rate. It's fucking unbelievable.

From Greenville, SC:

>Deputies say the resident fired at least one round before going outside to call law enforcement.

>Officers responding to a reported burglary at the home found the subject dead in a closet.

>Quentin Ramon Oliver died from a gunshot wound to the chest after what appeared to be a home invasion.

Also this:

>A woman in Greenville County, South Carolina, had just returned home after dropping off two kids at school Friday when she caught wind of an "unusual smell, an odor, cologne or whatever," the woman’s uncle told the Greenville News. She suspected someone had slipped inside her house, the uncle said, so she started looking around — but only after she had grabbed her gun from her car.

She could smell the nigger and that saved her life.

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This letter that Holder/Obama sent to public school teachers actually led to the Trayvon Martin shooting in a very serendipitous manner. So when this letter was sent out, liberal superintendents were directing their principals and teachers to essentially "ease off" minority student discipline. Charles Hurley was the superintendent of the Miami-Dade school district, and he was a liberal former politician who took Holder's policy to heart and was even commended later on by Holder personally for the drop in suspensions of minority students during his tenure. Trayvon Martin attended Krop High School, part of the Miami-Dade district, and in November of 2011 Martin was caught on security camera "tagging lockers." The security officer brought Trayvon in, they searched his bag and found what the security officer described as "burglary tools" and 12 pieces of women's jewelry. Because of the policy not to punish minority students that Holder sent down and Hurley eagerly supported, this was completely ignored. The report from the security officer was pushed under the rug and Baby Tray-Tray, the future Aeronautics-degree holder (posthumous) was given a light detention sentence for graffiti.

Had Trayvon been kicked out of school and arrested for robbery, like he should have been, then he would never have been in Sanford Florida on February 27 the next year, when he picked the wrong fight with the wrong Mexican.

Also were it public knowledge that Trayvon was a burglar then maybe people wouldn't have questioned why Zimmerman called 911 that night. Zimmerman reported to the 911 dispatcher that Maritn was "looking into windows" so it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility that he was casing the houses so he could break in later on.

LOL when father doesn't translate into nigger.

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>The mental gymnastics liberals have to perform in their day to day lives must be exhausting


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>when you stink so bad it literally kills you

they are also 25 times more likely to break the rules

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how many different areas can this same farce play out in? These people are unbelievably fucking retarded about this issue.

fucking clown world

The first time in Human History that nigger stench saved someone's life.

>Well, we all knew it would come in handy some day

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>At Urbana High, 228 black students have received at least one referral to the dean's office this school year, compared to 81 white students. Fifty black and two white students left the dean's office with out-of-school suspensions. Eighty-five black and 20 white students received in-school suspensions.

Those numbers don't mean much unless we have information about frequent fliers. One kid who consistently violates rules but does not ever commit an expulsion level offense can appear to be a wave of misbehavior on paper.

>Blacks are also 200 times more likely than whites or asians to physically assault you

Holy shit. Niggers are worse than even I thought.

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>228 black students have received at least one referral
>at least one

I would certainly be interesting to see numbers on repeat offenders. My guess is that those stats would drastically magnify the black-white discrepancy.

One piece of evidence we have to support that is the difference in the discrepancy between referrals and out-of-school suspensions:

Referrals: 228/81 = 2.81
Suspensions: 50/2 = 25

Blacks are only 2.81 times more likely to be referred, but 25 times more likely to be suspended.

This suggests that the referrals for blacks are more extreme, and possibly that they are repeat referrals, which would account for the suspensions.

Niggers are no fucking good.

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I've always wanted to see the rest of this video. Like is there a massive chimp-out?

At my old high school, they stopped suspending blacks because they thought it was racists to suspend them. White kids were suspended day after day for stupid reasons like not going to class, while black kids ran around school literally dealing drugs and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. It's bullshit and it needs to be stopped.

>It's bullshit and it needs to be stopped.

Trump said he would stop it.

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>blacks have severe behavioral issues action result of their culture which holds trauma as its primary feature. Most blacks undergo trauma in early childhood and they psychologically never recover.

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Woefully underrated.

whatever niggers don't get punished for, they repeat.

Niggers have no morals.

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>teacher takes phone away from Donell because he's disrupting class
>Donell knocks his honkey white ass out
>Did you see that? This teacher is racist!
>Teacher gets fired

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

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It’s because blacks act like chimps, I was fortunate enough to go to a majority-white school, must just be a coincidence that I’ve also never seen a pack of animals dancing on desks.

these are really interesting, does anyone have more pics like them?

>Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

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similar people behave similarly

niggers are hard wired to commit crimes

Imagine what those numbers would be, if they knew where their schools are.

Because black people don't back down when you tell them to stop chimping. They just keep chimping until you have to call the cops. White people back down more quickly and you don't need to take extreme measures.

White classroom

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>Because black people don't back down when you tell them to stop chimping
so kinda like dogs, eh?

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What a wonderful world that would be.

Yep, and because it wasn't treated as a crime the jewlery sat on an "unclaimed items" shelf, rather than the evidence shelf, so the victims who trayvon (or his crony, as traytray claimed he was "holding it for a friend") had robbed were unable to get their property since the cops told them no crime had occurred. Because of investigative journalism into this program, the true location of the jewlery was discovered and it was returned to its rightful owners.

Your ancestors brought them in and then decidet to let them stay.

You have only yourself to blame mongrell. Now baby$it them until they are mature enought for this civilisation or kick them out.

Whatever happened to that guy anyway?

Because they're 25 times more likely to act like a nigger. Play nigger games, win time in prison/suspension or expulsion from school/bullets shot at you.

Ah yes, our trusty News-Gazette, who feel free to write stories like this with absolutely no examination of any other possible causes than the one they put forward since they killed the comments section. The same comment section where members of the community were constantly calling them out for this sort of bullshit, and the bullshit of the lenient "punishments" handed out to our Chicago transplant niggers by the leftist judges here.

This makes an easy case for normies to actually like jews.

>25 Times More Likely To Be Suspended

Jawan and Dante visit a South Carolina waffle house with bad intentions.

Dante is in pic related, in his cap and gown. Clearly he a good boy.

See video in link, below.

A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.

Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats. Family upset at the white man.

>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.

>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.

>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.

>"They're yelling 'everybody get down, get down' and I'm not getting on the floor. I am not going to be a victim," Harrison said.

>Harrison said while the men terrorized other customers and staff he was deciding when to act.

>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."

>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.

Citizens kill niggers, too, in self defense.

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It is a girl and I don't know I remember when this was first posted on vine and all the SJW's came trying to dox the person and someone found out it was a female then the vine got deleted because of personal information

White kids act up by saying disrespectful things and acting like little shits on occasion. Black kids act up by getting out of their seats/sitting in the wrong seats, visiting their bros in other classes, talking loudly (this includes shamelessly hitting on any moderately attractive girl), fighting in the hallway, but mostly ignoring requests to sit down/return to their seats/stop talking/go back to their class etc.
And there's an NGO in my city hiring teachers, they're mission statement is to retrain teachers to be less discriminatory to black students. Threw that flyer in the trash.

>It is a girl

A credit to the white race.

She will make strong sons some day.

Blacks are forced to abide by white rules and regulations, made by white people for white people. If we all can agree that tribes are different then we can also agree that it is unfair to expect equal outcomes in environments at best not fit for certain people and at worst designed to create an underclass.

The comments section was just recently deleted, right? I thought it was there just a couple of weeks ago.

PLEASE. LEAVE. How many times do we have to tell you.

Are you trying to say that niggers are stupid and poorly behaved to the point of criminality?

Then we are in agreement.

Niggers should ALL go back to Africa and enrich it.

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>blacks are only suspended for defending themselves against evil YT
kay... nice memeflag tho, schlomo

Stop breaking the law, asshole

Oh buddy.

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Within the last month, yes. I don't recall the exact day, as I only check the site occasionally. I wouldn't mind reading all the news there, but I won't buy a subscription to a paper that is so consistently and blatantly progressive.

Fucking niggers.

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Blacks have higher testosterone present at all times in general and are very quick to fly off the handle because of it. Even "based black guys" and "chilled woke guys" aren't chill the split second they're not.

They can't do anything about it, it's their nature. Just like how Pitbulls can be fine and then completely snap out of nowhere.

They don't belong in our civilization. They should never ever have been included and it's all Americas fault for doing so. In England initially when aristocrats had negro helpers or slaves it was looked down apon and other wealthy people didn't feel safe in their presence especially with children.

But the American's helped normalise the bullshit of having negro's in the home.

Send them back to Africa where they belong.

You see differences and immediately jump to supremacy of your own kind. What black people need is an environment suited to their needs, just like the current one suits yours.

So you're not denying it? At least you're somewhat honest.

>What black people need is an environment suited to their needs,

Niggers are stupid, lazy and criminal.

Exactly what kind of environment are you talking about?

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I'm guessing the two killers got six months' probation.