At Urbana High, 228 black students have received at least one referral to the dean's office this school year, compared to 81 white students. Fifty black and two white students left the dean's office with out-of-school suspensions. Eighty-five black and 20 white students received in-school suspensions.
>Blacks are 25 times more likely to be suspended from school.
Also, I should say that blacks are only 14% of the population here, while whites are 67%. But the article says white students are 36% of the schools, while blacks are 34%. I'm not sure how that happens.
Adam Richardson
Sounds like you've been on this board long enough to figure that out for yourself.
Blacks are also 250 times more likely to do something worthy of being suspended. Just like crime. It isn't racist, they just are far more likely to act like animals.
I know plenty of decent black people, but I see countless more chimp'in and nig'in all day.