Jow Forums btfo

Jow Forums btfo

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>But there were a few categories in which rates increased

nice contradiction there lad

Rape and murder skyrocket, less resources to arrest jaywalking...... "CRIME IS DROPPING!!!"

>Jow Forums BTFO
>posts photo of a pro-Erdogan retard getting arrested
kill yourself

The crimes that went down were probably white color crimes. And the few crimes that went up were obviously rape, and theft. Maybe murder as well.

There was this case in one town a few years back were the police didn't had enough resources so they would stop going after some category of crime
The result was that the crime rate dropped almost to zero.

It's so helpful that we live in a world where criminals publish reports on their activities so we can create accurate and realistic statistics on crime.

Shoplifting decreased by 6.6 percent, to 353,384 cases, and pickpocketing by 22.7 percent, to 127,376.
33,263 cars and 300,006 bicycles were stolen — down 8.6 and 9.8 percent, respectively.
Burglaries fell 23 percent, to 116,540 cases, although 80 percent of burglaries are still not solved.

>stop arresting migrants for petty crimes since there's too any of them
>Still have to arrest them for the bigger crimes like murder and rape, which are up
>Headline: Crimes dropping overall! LET THEM IN!

>"Crime dropped"

More like there are so many no go zones now that a lot of crime isn't even reported anymore.

Yeah crime increased among the mentally ill populace. Mentally ill = wahabbi muslim immigrants.

>Jow Forums btfo
Non-Whites don't belong in White countries regardless of how "good" they might be.

Stupid argument like gun-related deaths in USA. If you itemize it the biggest amount of deaths come from suicides.

Child pornography cases rose 14.5 percent, to 6,512 cases. (mostly Germans)

The number of non-German suspects fell 22.8 percent, to 736,265.

>don't arrest migrants for crimes
>don't charge migrants for crimes because they didn't know better
>don't report migrant's crimes because das raycis
>don't go into areas of town because they are no-go, sharia zones
>Crime is dropping! Migrants improve society for everyone!

the crimes which are easily prevented dropped because everyone grew less trustworthy after crime surges in recent years.

Our Stats aren't Doctored!

Probably the same issue as over here, police is so fucking useless people no longer report anything unless they need a police report for an insurance claim.

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crime stats are easy to manipulate. it's almost an art form for police departments that want to show results.

Attached: finna boutta get dabbed on.png (264x191, 6K)

Sadly, heritage isn't tracked, only what passport they were given.

Here we go:
>2017 ist gegenüber dem Vorjahr dieZahl nichtdeutscher Tatverdächtigerbei „Mord, Totschlag und Tötung auf Verlangen“ (von 1137 auf 1140) und bei „Vergewaltigung, sexueller Nötigung/Übergriffen“ (von 2512 auf 3483) gestiegen. Die Gesamtzahl der Delikte ging bei den Tötungsdelikten von 2418 auf 2379 zurück, während sie bei den Sexualdelikten von 7919 auf 11.282 zunahm.

>more rape (40% more), by non-Germans
>slightly fewer murders, but more by non-Germans

What is its definition of "Crime" tho? Do the gang-raping of new years count as a single crime when 20 men do it?

At this moment i have no reason to trust german statistics any more than Swedish ones.

How likely are New Germans to report crimes?

t. merkel

Yeah, right.

Attached: germans.jpg (478x350, 30K)

Fake as fuck.
They find ways to "lower" the crime statistics, like erasing rape cases, etc etc.. from the statistics. The swedish government have been doing it since like 5 years back.

rape crime and terror went up

>Burglaries & theft dropped
>Rape went up
>Murder went up
>Child porn went up
>The chairman of the German Police Officers' Union, Oliver Malchow, told Welt am Sonntag a large part of the drop was related to the fact that fewer asylum-seekers have come to Germany
kys OP

Germany is simply sweeping crime under the rug like they tried to do with those mass rapes on New Years a few years ago.
Reminder that they were nearly successful. It was only because of social media and Jow Forums that this became widely known, and not for almost a week after it happened.

>>Burglaries & theft dropped

You can do anything with statistics, from downright lying about to number to remove statistics from context and everything in between.

Right of the bat i identify a problem with this, in 2016 there was a massive and chaotic influx of brown bio-weapons so of course that has this chaotic influx is reduced the crime rate will go down.

Nah.. It went down compared to 2016, where there was an explosion of crime related to refugees.

pic related, from the article

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They obviously aren't counting crime caused by refugees. Probably put them in some other stat and only count official citizen crime

>white crimes went down
>non-white crimes increased

I mean crime overall went down so that's a good thing, right?

yeah great, goy.
I doubt the article and the official gobberment statistic

>Osmanen Germania
Germany literally being overrun by Ottoman invaders.

Slide thread. SAGE

compared to 2016
in 2016 crime skyrocketed and murder rates almost increased by 30% - what could be the reason for that? did something happen at the end of 2015 / beginning 2016?


>he doesn't pay tax on his criminal activities
bet you don't own a telli license either

Same Jewish media scam they have been running in the USA since the 60’s.

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Oh and before you fag go
>whyyyyy, trust your government

>For example, shoplifting is often not tracked even if it is a repeat offense and has been damaged.
Police has so much more important stuff to do. Like people killing other people and so on.

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>crime stops getting reported due to overburdened police and shitty policies
this is some ministry of truth shit
>chocolate rations reduced
>Chocolate rations higher than ever!

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Article says that murder still rose 3.2%

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I doubt the amount of "German" criminals who were "German" 5 years ago.
>Can't call them foreigners when they've already been granted citizenship

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Reported crime, you mean. It wouldn't do to have those innocent refugees looked at in a bad light

they evacuated rock am ring, does that even count as 1?



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That hasn't happened yet for the new muds.
There are tons of other muds though, who are considered "German".

The reason why some crime rates went down is because the police doesn't give a shit anymore.

>Be German police
>Arrest mudslime for stealing
>Judge says "no no no, you shouldn't do dis"
>Judge lets mudslime go otherwise it would be muh raycism
>Mudslime steals again
>Police arrests mudslime for stealing again
>Judge says "no no no, you shouldn't do dis"
>Judge lets mudslime go otherwise it would be raycism
rinse and repeat

They only do something when the new citizens rape or kill other people. And I bet they will also stop doing anything about that soon as well.

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Never trust any statistic you didn't falcify by yourself.

The fact that they are trying to release such "news" right now only raises more concern (especially after Germany "willingly" accepted 10K refugees from EU nobody wanted to have)

just means they are being ignored to create fake headlines like this, while they can not ignore rape, assault and murder, which all skyrockets.

over 2 years we have analmost 20% increase of murders.

>Never trust any statistic you didn't falsify by yourself.
kek.. I'm gonna remember that one.

Yah it dropped because they no longer charge people with dark skin for crimes. They were doing the same thing at Stoneham Douglas in Florida

malicious littering, stolen bicycles and offensive hair styles down

gang rapes and truck of peace up

See, clear reduction in crime. You're welcome

He looks black...

>"The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself."
That's also a famous Churchill quote


I heard you can't walk on the streets with a phone wallet or bag visable or some white trash Vespa fuckboi will yank that shit. Plus the only one getting away with rape in Sweden is Wikileaks bro.

That actually makes a lot of sense. Most petty crimes are committed by people because an opportunity presents itself.

Crime statistics only go off reported crimes.
When public confidence in the police goes down, people stop reporting crimes as they know that the cops will do fuck all about it.

>stop prosecuting crimes
>crime decreases

WOW! Just wow! :^)


>Jow Forums btfo
no, the report says the number of "registered crimes" dropped, not crimes. Some areas no longer are patroled by police and much crime no longer makes it into the stats, that's all.

go figure the criminals from 2016 were already locked up

This is mostly accounted for by the decrease in illegal immigration.