Is the autism = highly intelligent concept just a collective lie to make retards feel better...

Is the autism = highly intelligent concept just a collective lie to make retards feel better? Every autist I’ve ever known in my life has been stupid as fuck and before the 20th century would just have been considered the village idiot / dung shoveler.
When did “he doesn’t understand anything” become “he understands the world in a profound different way that’s too advanced for us”? They’re all fucking spastics.

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It’s made up

some autists are smart (typically skewed in some way, like good in maths or languages but shit in other subjects), some are dumb

There’s no difference from the general population, but it’s a complication for people that are stupid anyway so they seem even dumber. Speaking as sperg supremacist.

Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein was a great scientist who was able to make many discoveries and contributor to the world of science, but in real life he was reported to be an odd person. He also developed language skills later than most children. He is rumored to have had Asperger’s or a similar condition on the autism spectrum.

Sir Isaac Newton FRS: He was a great philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician. He made great discoveries in the area of science, and came up with the laws of motion. However, this brilliant man had a single focused mind. Activities and things other than his subjects did not interest him.

Leonardo da Vinci: He created the famous “Mona Lisa" but spent 12 years just paining her lips. This shows that he may have been had Asperger’s. Furthermore, people with Asperger’s are often highly talented in art.

Hans Christian Anderson: He was the writer of many famous fables and children’s books, however, he could not spell well and had difficulties with reading skills. He too, is rumored to have had autism.

William Shakespeare: He has written stories and plays that have been loved over the years by all. However, it is said that he could not spell his own name correctly sometimes. This characteristic is often seen in children with autism/Asperger’s. Thus, they say that he, too, may have had Asperger’s.

Bill Gates: He is one of the famous people of today’s time who have been said to have Asperger’s. He is socially awkward, and also has a very focused mind. However, his ability to think creatively, and his brilliance in his area of work have helped him contribute to and influence lives of most computer users in the world.

>elon musk

thas rite

Sveden iss sou audistic äs always

I feel bad for the NTs actually. They are born to be slaves, to follow direction and not to think beyond what is accepted. They are never the innovators, unable to be abstract and truly original. The NT fears the eternal autist

yes it's a lie to make retards feel better. the term you are looking for is perinatal hypoxia

Autism has no redeeming qualities. Those people drool from their mouths.

The skilled mathematicians that you're thinking of are asperger cases. Such people can function in normal society without being detected if they do enough research on human interaction.

autism is a spectrum

As an aspie, what you say about us is correct. You would almost never be able to figure out we were different. The problem I agree is with the mouth breathing and drooling autists, unlike aspies they have no value. At least with an aspie you can stick them in a room with the interest they love and can expect results, the same can't be said about other autists

There are some. But it's a small contingent. Go to MIT and you'll meet many of them

All of the most intelligent mathematicians I know have mild autism. It seems that thay are able to focus on a particular task for an extremely long period of time, which is useful in certain fields.

Asperger's is kind of an antiquated description these days. Now autism is considered a spectrum and the people that once were considered to have Asperger's simply have high functioning autism. Semantics, but an important distinction to some people.

>Such people can function in normal society without being detected if they do enough research on human interaction.

No.see Zuckerberg.

you're conflating aspergers and autism. a lot of autists have high IQ but most aspies have low IQ

Well I'm an autist and I'm way more smarter than normal people.
Having a brain that deviates a little bit more in its development than most people isn't necessarily detrimental. All depends on how exactly it differed in development, which is different for everyone.

Every autist I knows is a genius in one way like math.

Way more smarter or are you just way smarter?

More smarter of course. That's better than just smarter.

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Autismos are generally low functioning retards. There are few high functioning specimens, but really it’s like an average person who has no concept of interacting with the rest of society.

Jew autism, best autism. See Hiroshima

Show bobz and vagine

You're a mouth breather with glasses and a huge interest for the newest first person shooters on the PC, right?

That's how you gonna get smart.

Most autists fall into one of two categories and your closing line defines this. Either the autist still cares enough about people and the details to make sure they get it right, which might be annoying to normies like you, or people like you have already pissed them off so much about caring and getting shit on for it, that they don't give a fuck about it at all. Autists reflect their environment and the people they are surrounded by.
Spastics happen because they are improperly medicated when they don't need to be. Spastics/low functioning autists are the result of the powers that be getting scared of autists immense pattern recognition abilities and destroying their lives preemptively.

You're going to quote wikipedia in such a rapidly changing & disagreeable field?

Indeed. I like to think of it just as a personality trait even though there are persistent differences. A schizophrenic can't function, but an aspie or ADHD can, despite being the same thing, allegedly. I may be misremembering, but I think aspies and ADHD are on the schizophrenia spectrum, and have almost nothing in common with autists except the way they are perceived.

The mental health field can't agree on anything. Last I checked they proposed retiring clusters and just tagging everything as psychopathy.

What makes you think he's an asperger and not a psycho? He cooperates with dictators to send people to their death and unscrupulously sells everyone's data to all sides. Can't use the word trust without using dumb fucks in the same sentence.

I don’t get the hype for autism the highest end of the intelligence spectrum is occupied by schizophrenics

"That's right goyim, kill the intelligent people in your society that the chosen ones poisoned through your vaccines!"

Einstein was a fraud. He stole work from at least 3 other people and called it his own. He was then mercilessly promoted as a great intelligence by the Jewish media.

That's a lot of projecting, user

I thought that was exclusive to aspergers?

>Einstein was a fraud. He stole work from at least 3 other people and called it his own. He was then mercilessly promoted as a great intelligence by the Jewish media.

he's not the only jew to steal credit from goyim.... I think it's their main tactic, desu.

i invented the doggie bag

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