He wont stop dropping redpills

>he wont stop dropping redpills

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cognitive dissonance on r*ddit

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jesus, I've never been on reddit, is this really, how they handle situations like this?
also why the fuck can they "vote" on contributions? who the hell would want to post something on a board, where your post will be judged by other morons?

He's an attention whore and nigger
>your perfect mate

censorship of argument is an enormous red flag that a community is absolute garbage.

people with 0 self-esteem

Reddit sees they are ripping themselves apart so they just SHUT IT DOWN.

Or insanely high unearned self-esteem

>Please also keep in mind that it's not because one likes some ideas brought up by one person that they support everything they stand for.
Doesn't work like that. Kanye's a fascist and that guy's even bigger alt right fascist scum for trying to explain away his grave transgression.

a fascist wouldn't care if people would "fight once more", memeflagging faggot

> other blacks and liberals don't know how to handle it because he's black and he isn't following their agenda
> mfw the ONLY thing Kanye respects about Trump is the fact that he see's another "playa".

I mean, come on, their relationship isn't about race, it's about the dolla dolla bills and 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.

Kanye has shown enough evidence that he HATES white people, but ultimately they still respect power and powerful rich white guys who do black people type shit are considered respectable if they got the bucks to back it up....which Trump has in spades...and the balls to go along with it.

I may not like Kanye, but even he knows a baller when he sees one.

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So after Tump's second round in office, we go Kanye

Just got a new manager, Scooter (((Braun))).
He isn't dropping redpills, he's dropping a new marketing gimic to sell shit to a different demographic.
He's always used controversy to sell his brand, all the way back to the Bush era.
This new campaign is being directed by the man who made Justin Bieber a thing.

Civic nationalism is a cancer. You can't change genetics.


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>east europe

Probably sex slaves

this should be saved and reposted in every kanye-dicksucking thread

It really is. I notice it with Eastern European camgirls all the time, all with similar camera setups, all sitting around in oddly pre-furnished rooms.

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lol welcome to /nupol/ where when you call out jewish tricks, you're called a shill and bad names :(:(
good luck have fun

so, liberals?

the average redditor is californian
explains why they are almost all retarded

You dumb fuck, that's not necessarily a redpill meme. Liberals mostly think self victimization is bad. (See academics and wannabe academics talking about internalized misogyny or colorism or imposter syndrome.)

The redpill cultists correctly recognize that victimising yourself is bad for you, and project that outward to claim that EVERYONE who claims to have been victimised by patriarchal/white/whatever society is obviously just victimising themselves. (Somehow, of course, it's all society's fault if a divorce court awards full custody to the ex-wife rather than giving the kids to a cocaine addict who threatened to kill them, or if 11/10 virgins don't teleport into your basement to give you a blowjob after your 1000th pedochan post about how women who have sex need to go in camps, or if chicks don't appreciate the political statement made by never wiping your ass.)

No clue if the screenshot's for real, but it wouldn't surprise me - Plebbit's like pedochan, all the boards are created by random users for specific purposes.

Don't you all see?
The difference between the "based black man' and what you call a nigger is personal responsibility.
The one who blames everyone and everything else for his situation in life is full of rage and acts out against a world he feels has done him wrong.
The man who takes responsibility empowers himself and can rise above where he is.
The Democratic party and the media had to pump Travon, Mike Brown and BLM to keep blacks in a state of victimhood that only Democrat leadership could save them from big bad whitey.

>You can't change genetics.

You can change culture, and an awful lot of what matters is culture. The Germans aren't building ovens anymore, even though the overwhelming majority of the German populace is Aryan.

It's reasonable to argue that reparations should focus on RECENT abuses - Jim Crow and redlining - rather than the crimes of Dahomey or the Confederacy, whose victims and beneficiaries are all long dead. That said, I'm happy enough to punish whoever's holding slaves in Mauritania for their crimes as well.

Also the figures for slavery in the US look suspiciously low, and I'm more than a little skeptical of the figures for Poland.

in one of his songs he says the rock is still alive every time I rhyme most people thought he was talking about rocafella his record label but he might have been talking about the Catholic Church which was built by St. Peter

Welcome to /nupol/,
Where the slide threads have 150+ replies and the Jews don't matter.

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Why are some of the other videos that person made bashing Peterson saying he is pro-sjws? Seems like you're mixing red pills and blue pills. hmmmm HMMMMM

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Jow Forums is so reddit at this point there’s no salvation save deleting it again in order to purge the diversity loving cancer

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guess conservatives are all terminal then

Is a white screaming "Jews!" any less self-victimization than nigs screaming "Whites!"?