People these days actually believe that it's part of nature and physics of the universe that they have to be a wagecuck

>people these days actually believe that it's part of nature and physics of the universe that they have to be a wagecuck


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Other urls found in this thread:

National socialism was nothing but a tax slave state. Mind you, Euros have always been cucks to the tax man.

nononononon, it was
fuck you

"Lol people think they have to work and be a benefit to society to live in a society lol"

>time period that everyone looks back fondly on and had the most steady economic growth had the highest taxes in american history

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good thing we got representation for that 35%

I paid 41% this year

The difference is we have representation for that 35%

>*Pay taxes like everyone else after we used our resources and army to protect part of our country
>colonial oligarchs: fuck you hey peasants did you know you're being oppressed you should rebel fo-i mean with us

>he thinks he has representation
We should have just given you a random dude who did the opposite of what you wanted because thats about as much representation as most Americans have today.

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The 35% taxes didn't start that way
It creeped in slowly until the new generations didn't even know what low taxes were
Also fuck off about the Revolution being about taxes. George Washington imposed a liquor tax during his Presidency. The war was about way more than taxes.

It's fun to pretend isn't it user.

pathetic, we pay 55%

if the goyim didn't pay taxes then how would we pay off the interest we owe on our debt to the jewish masters

Every sensible person know that

>George Washington imposed a liquor tax during his Presidency. The war was about way more than taxes.
I was discussing with my dad today if a town decided to not pay federal tax would the federal government roll in there and start killing/imprisoning the population
washington drafted a militia to march on pittsburgh so he could collect on the whisky tax
we were never free just controlled by a new faction

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>we were never free just controlled by a new faction
No, America was free. Property taxes and income taxes didn't exist.
So a person could do as they wished on their own property. Now you can't even do that

325 million Jews?

this is literally all we wanted

You are getting awfully close to saying something "grossly offensive" to that burger user, wouldn't want you getting thrown in jail for that.

If you’d read the Declaration of Independence, you’d see the long ass laundry list of shit we left your scuzzy government for.

I think I’ll go purchase a couple rifles and hand guns this after. And on the way I’ll call someone a nigger. I think only the USA I can do that in.

like what? the welfare state?

Whiskey Rebellion

God damn 1776 has to happen once again then

>people think that working for a corporation and helping the rich get richer helps society
lmao @ ur life. become self employed fuckhead.

Wall just got 3 inches longer Pedro. Oh wait, nevermind.

>Whiskey Rebellion
I literally mentioned it up in the thread
Try to read

People in 1776 relied a hell of a lot less on government services than today.

You don't pay: Jail (death if you resist)
We ALL don't pay: Government stops existing cause they can't pay anyone.

Yes. (((We))) certainly did.

>*proceeds to become the most powerful country in the history of mankind*
What went right?

Like I said, Whiskey Rebellion.

Read up on some Diogenes. You were proven wrong millennia ago.

1. It's not fine
2. We fought a war for representation and to govern ourselves
3. The socioeconomic status of people in the 18th century is nothing compared to that of 21st
4. >A fucking Kangaroo
5. You guys pay at least over 50% of your own income to the state and seem to love it to death
6. Fuck off mate

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You're an idiot.

It was because Britain would not allow the colonies to create their own currency. They wanted them all using British money from a British Central Bank. Therefore keeping the colonies permanently indebted to the UK. This is the actual reason for the war.

All was well until 1914 when in a Christmas lull he passed the Federal Reserve Act, which reestablished the power of rich old Europeans and Jews to control America.

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there's even bartering laws where you're obligated to estimate the value of the barter and purchase USD and pay the percentage as taxes

>Like I said, Whiskey Rebellion.
If you're dumb enough to think a tax on whiskey is the same as property/income taxes
I'll ask if you're Nigger, spic, or woman.

>at least over 50% of income

You're out of your element

You get to pick one of two government-approved """choices""" or you can throw your vote away.

If you want to know what an actual representative government looks like, look at the government of Australia or New Zealand. No government is perfect, but Aussies and Kiwis actually get to vote, unlike Americans and Brits.

Especially looking at you brits, cause in 2012 there was a referendum to have real voting, ranked choice voting, and you idiots rejected it.

I mean, what is their property is considered as part of them, no?

This guy gets it. Watch Creature From Jekyll Island videos on youtube by G Edward Griffin. He does a good job of explaining how the Fed destroyed America.

Just got my first real job at 21 and I can't understand why North America is in so much debt with how much taxation there is.

>work at an auto shop
>shop pays property taxes, making overhead higher
>earn an income, have to pay taxes on that
>whenever we buy a part have to pay taxes on it and then pay taxes again when we sell it to the customer, then add tax on the labor as well
>go home and pay tax on a place to sleep


Dude you aren't even listening. I said Whiskey Rebellion.

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You're an idiot, faggot. This info graphic was made for normies and follows the official history book narrative. Saying all that bullshit you said is just confusing to a brainlet.

Take off the fucking meme flag. We know you aren't American.

Corporations are the only "people" being represented in this country.

are there any free countries on this planet?
I'm sick of living here but people are so medicated and under surveillance 24/7 to do anything about our oppressive government

Explain then faggot
Compare and contrast a tax on a good with a tax on income or property
Enlighten me

you wrote
>So a person could do as they wished on their own property
Whiskey Rebellion is my counterpoint that disproves your statement. Thanks.

>Whiskey Rebellion is my counterpoint that disproves your statement. Thanks.
>strawman doesn't know he (probably she) is a strawman (woman)

in 1776 americans were sheep that followed their "representative" government to a bloody war that did little for anyone that wasn't rich, and it's the same today.

the dicks dont lie and buddy let me tell ya they're dry!

lizard country = you

>Aussies actually get to vote,
ALL our politicians are dual citizens. Not only that, but we go to jail if we *don't* vote.

Nothing strawman about it boy.
>farmers protested a tax without local representation
>farmers put down by Federal Government
>same farmers had fought in Revolutionary war against taxation without representation
That doesn't sound like a free country to me. You'll get it son, just stare at it for a while and let it sink in.

I mean the government did come down on the farmers distilling their liquor on their own land
it wasn't like there were liquor distributors being taxed, it was just farmers with bumper crop trying to make a little booze

Another interesting point, when the government decided to make liquor illegal in the 1920s it fucked over farmers using ethanol to fuel their equipment

>such low expectations of OP

why didn't germany get their gold back?

The complaint wasn't taxes are evil. It was taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is evil. If we can vote on representatives that tax us, it's less bad. Taxes are still too high but it's not the same.

Is this your personal experience?

No they make corporations pay tax to . Hence the corporate media disdain for them. Stop being dubbed by capitalist media.

What is jewish privilege?

Someone's still mad lol

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So if there was no booze ban there would've been no New Deal?

Nigga please!

Are Brits really still salty about this after 242 years?

Those Brits in Australia are still mad!

>48 star flag
This isn't 1950 you fucking abo.

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"Pay 3% taxes as subjects of the crown with zero representative voice in your governance"


"Pay taxes and in exchange we will provide you with a large number of representative rights to effect your governance"

There I destroyed your shit meme. Go away.

>yeah, don’t be a “wagecuck”, just own nothing and have no power
>that is how we’ll defeat the jews

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that 3% didn't include sub 5 minute emergency car response times.

Maybe, who knows

I don't know too much about that, but the government fucked a lot of stuff up with the federal reserve act of 1913 too

Another thing is the US government confiscated all the privately owned gold from its citizens in 1933 the same year they funded those programs

I dont understand why so many people think the level of taxes we pay in the west is acceptable.

Wow, 35% would be nice.

Europe imprisons people for being "offensive" Mr. Wetback.

that's a wild connection them repealing alcohol prohibition that year and ethanol fuel being used to power farm equipment
maybe there's something there haha

No we don't, there's literally one senator speaking for me who wants to end the income tax.

rand paul?

>I can't understand why North America is in so much debt with how much taxation there is.

>government takes money
>wastes it
>asks for more

In the uk, the left definitely realise that the 1% are Jews... I've always wondered why they were unable to figure this out in burgerland.

(OP) :

bc we in the 1st world hav learnd taxes are the price o civilization.

Dont like that, mov to Somalia :

no govt, no taxes, no govt "intrusion," like gun laws,

full auto welcome !

What representation?

Personally I have never experienced a rabbit biting my penis off, but I have seen how terribly it affects others.

I think it makes your country not worth defending. It's proof you're the bad team.

Pathetic desu, when will they move on?

What the hell is the Federal Reserve you ask? Well, it is a private bank that has enslaved you and your family since its founding in 1913 under the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Did you know before 1913 there was no need for an income tax? Did you know that after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the IRS was established to forcefully take your tax dollars through threat of death or imprisonment?
In 1913 a plan to enslave the entire United States was completed. The act allowed the treasury to give money creation power to the Fed and also created the system which is called Central Banking. The people who crafted the Central Banking scheme are called Keynesians. Remember this name, they are traitors that need to be shot. For the past 100 years over 6% of your life’s income, the proof of your talents, your sweat and blood, your life energy, has been siphoned away. The real kicker is that none of it goes to roads, social programs, or even govt. It goes to pay imaginary debt that can never be paid back. It is pure unadulterated insanity.

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This is one of the most important things you can ever learn in your entire life. If you want to fight the system, well, this IS the system, the system of enslavement. Through the creation of the Federal Reserve, the government no longer needs to vote on raising taxes either! Isnt that great? Instead they print more money which causes the value of YOUR dollars to decrease. Theft.
I have compiled a few very efficient educational resources to teach you all and wake you the fuck up. Are you tired of being a slave? I hope one day enough people are, it’s going to take war and blood to change this. It’s time to start finding people who will stand up to tyranny. 1776
The Death of the American Dream:
The Central Banking Enslavement System revealed:
The detailed story of how the Federal Reserve Act was created:

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>doesnt understand taxation without representatin

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The Representation isn’t really doing mucht to benefit you

There are more people paying -35% than 35%. Do you not understand democracy?

I'm a wagecuck because it's the only I can keep food in my stomach and a bed to sleep in. I'm getting my GED next month and hopefully going to a trade school soon after

I love how people talk about sky high tax rates of the past without realizing only homosexuals and spinster roasties paid those high rates since tax deductions were calculated to promote marriage and children by heavily penalizing useless drags on the nation.

Lmao, that's cute
>Pay 55% taxes or die

this is a great meme dude

says the ChiNada, who can't buy a house in Toronto or run a business without paying the Guanxi extortion tax

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>muh 90% income tax that no one paid
>muh correlation is causation

Ya, we fucking know, Okay?!
We're working on it.
It's fucking hard to go up against the JWO.
We cant just start wafflehousing our own people, we have to wake everyone up to prevent the unnecessary civil war, so then we can band together and kick the foreign sabatuers out of gov and destroy the federal reserve.

and hawaii never agreed to your rule. also you lose a star because illinois is so shit.

>muh strawman
So what did we have from 1776 to 1917? Was that not civilization?

>a brit talking about representation
My fucking sides
>bin that knife
>hate speech
>Brexit still hasn't happened