Trump gives tax cuts which primarily are for millionaires and corporations

>Trump gives tax cuts which primarily are for millionaires and corporations
>middle class get crumbs in comparison

Why does Jow Forums support this?

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So what if companies get tax breaks, this affects you how?

who is pol?
you are talking to a website?
you're a brain damaged mutilated dick'ed retard ahahahahahahahh

>>You know what a ratio is, kike. Stop pretending.
The effects of the tax cuts for the middle class are more significant than the rich. Hence why all of you faggots like to talk in total numbers instead of the ratio.
But keep going. You're showing the people that you would destroy the world just to go after your supposed enemy. Irrational and fucking stupid.

You know what a ratio is, kike. Stop pretending.
The effects of the tax cuts for the middle class are more significant than the rich. Hence why all of you faggots like to talk in total numbers instead of the ratio.
But keep going. You're showing the people that you would destroy the world just to go after your supposed enemy. Irrational and fucking stupid.

she's mexican size.

>going in trillions of dollars worth of debt to give corporations are 15 + % tax break

Let me guess you believe in trickle down economics?

How did that girl in that photo manage to adopt that gorilla

I get $147 extra each month and am getting over $700 back in taxes, normally I don't get anything or pay a little because I do it that way. What have the democrats ever done for me except destroy my health care? What are the democrats even going to run for?

You need to file special forms and have a habitat large enough to house him comfortably.

That is how tax cuts in a progressive tax system works. The wealthy pay more taxes, so their taxes get larger cuts. You also have to remember that the middle class hold stock in 401ks and pensions, so they will also benefit from corporate and small business tax cuts. The ones who are left out are the indigent who don't pay taxes outside of sales and property taxes that are local to their communities.
Paul Ryan originally wanted to do something like a vat, but retailers were getting buttmad over that so it didn't go.

fuck off Shareblue

I'm sure they'll all just take that extra money and burn it. No one will ever see it again.

Haha yeah I mean it's not like rich people spend progressively less in relation to their wealth, making money in their hand useless compared to the same amount of money in poor people's hands. Oh wait, that's exactly how it is.

No, they build a money thrown and have parties with lots of cocaine.

Because triggering libcucks is our priority

>Jow Forums
>supports (((Trump)))

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>Hurrrrrr why isn't drumpf taking money from better off pepple and giving it to me
>How dare you demand I give all my money to Africans who have nothing!

I'm starting to get bored of LARPers like OP

Rich people put extra cash in stocks like Lockheed. Poor people upgrade to Marlboros. Do you want fusion reactors or 2nd hand cancer?

They invest their money into other money making ventures. It is a market multiplier. I understand if this concept is too complex for your yorepean style socialst mind.

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Because the wealthy are the ones paying all the taxes retard.

They're not getting anything from the government, the government has agreed to take less of the fruits of their labor

>the government has less money and I have more money
>this is bad for me because someone else also has more money

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Why do corporate taxes even exist? You’re taking away from an organization that employs people and builds infrastructure. Just raise the income taxes if you want the CEO dollars

OP is obviously a demonicRat. They have no fundamental understanding of economics (ie. Illinois, Connecticut, California).

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Or we could stop spending trillions of dollars to pay interest on debt that we're taking to pay interest on previous debt

Nigger logic dictates that, no matter how well-off I am, if someone has more they better gibsmedat

Socialists are not motivated by their love and compassion for the poor but for their hatred of the rich.

>supports tax cuts

trump isn't a policy. This shows the failure of yourpean politics. You can only adhominem your leaders and not criticize their policies.

Open your own company and also become a millionaire faggot.

>shifting money from one swiss bank account to another creates the same value as millions of consumer products bought

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Nancy Pelosi posting on Jow Forums?

Legit, I have an extra $400.00 a month from the tax cut. That ain't crumbs.

Because the taxes paid by the middle class are crumbs in comparison


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Because I'm still getting more. No, it's not in the millions, but more is still more than less which is what I get whenever Dems are in charge.

Trump is just serving his master, the Jew.

Imagine the utopia North America would be if not for the eternal jew.

Precious metal backed currency, government ran banks, media made by the people, smart immigration policies....

Attached: 1%Jews.png (600x600, 197K)

>that ugly ass kitchen
confirmed that only trash, poor white girls date niggers




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>Druggie look in morning sun
>Single hotpot
Absolutely degenerate
Need I mention the coal burning, I'd like to see how many carbon credits that took

>poor person keeps 2-5% more of their money
>rich person keeps 1-3% more of their money


Why are white girls so obsessed with blacks?

No such thing as middle class. Youre either rich or poor. I know millionaires who are massively in debt but I know people who clear 1500 a week and live in comfort.

Banks hold low reserve of deposits and lend the rest to businesses and consumers.
Jeez mohamet you really don't understand anything outside of central planning.

statistically theyre not
quite the opposite
nevermind the occasional roastie with the dead-inside look in her face like op's pic

>Why does Jow Forums support this?
because it doesn't matter if Trump can get the US economy up and running again, which is what he is doing right now, while the lefties are shilling the internet, raising awareness about their disgusting gender fluids and their cuckold tranny friends.

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My deduction (for a “officially” middle class single man) will go from 9,000 to 21,000 next year due to the tax cuts. FUCK OFF LIBERAL CUNTS


>Haha yeah I mean it's not like rich people spend progressively less in relation to their wealth
what asshole not spending all their money on stupid shit like Tyrone does!
>making money in their hand useless compared to the same amount of money in poor people's hands
wow fuck those guys for not giving me there money!
sweet lord abdul not everyone is on welfare like you, chill it.

>Doubling the standard deduction = crumbs
Admit that you've never paid taxes.

Exterminate the nigger race.

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Getting taxed less on each check by hundreds and my tax return was just south of 10 grand. Annual bonus was another 10k

TL;DR would vote R again any day

it has been proven that every dollar given to the lower class improves economic stimulation far more than every dollar given to someone of the upper class.

Also, ratios included, they still received the biggest cuts.

>Being a literal kike

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Is this actually a serious question or are you retarded?

How does it affect me? Well....lets' see...
If companies aren't paying their fair share of the tax burden, then the shortfall in taxes has to be made up elsewhere. guess, genius...who do you think covers the shortfall for taxes that corporations aren't paying?

Millionaires are better than us. That's why they are rich. It's natural selection. We should be thankful they are charitable enough to give us their crumbs.

You were saying?

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A fucking leaf

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its over white bois

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The crumbs I am getting add up to another car payment per month. My tax return next year is already predicted to be double based on my current withholdings.

t: Construction worker.

>If companies aren't paying their fair share of the tax burden, then the shortfall in taxes has to be made up elsewhere
Or you could cut wasteful spending profligate.

>literally a tax break

>if middle class is paying crumbs in comparison to the wealthy, then how can they "get back" (as in, stop paying) more than the wealthy?

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I'm not sure you could compare momey being immediately spent at Walmart versus money invested in a cure for disease that takes decades to return dividends.

Funny because socialists pay more in taxes than americans living with those evil rich people. Hehehe

I'm getting 300 more dollars a month. LOL, I'm neither a millionaire or a corporation. I'm pretty happy with him.

And how does that change anything? The bank still has to pay a shitload of interest to Mr. Goldstein in order to make him stay with them. In the meantime, anyone that isn't part of the top 1% gets a few cents a year while paying like ten times as much for the interest rates that hide behind literally every consumer product there is.
>hurr durr u don wanna give tax breeks too da hard-earning jews so u must be a socialist blabla bootstraps boomer bla

Money is being given to the lower class in forms of jobs and tax cuts. Taking money from the rich is a bandaid solution that leads to catastrophe down the line if that what you are implying.

People tax make up the difference and they take resources that you can't out back

It's hilarious.

Mostly out of spite for you, at this point.

>thinks Jow Forums is one person

yeah if you could just kys that would be great

>The bank still has to pay a shitload of interest to Mr. Goldstein in order to use his money.

If you want to use someone's property, then you will have to give them some form of compensation for it. Interest rates are very low at the moment, but banks often give higher interest rates for high deposits then they do for small deposits because high dollar deposits carry more risk of loss than lower. Even though small deposits losses will have a harder impact on someone's life.
Islamic finance is too complicated and doesn't work because they can't compensate people for their risks.

Is that the british nuclear family?

>The crumbs I am getting add up to another car payment per month.
haha! Plebs take it up the ass and say thank you.

33% to 37,5% was a retarded tax rate for corporate income.

That’s why we call them English island monkeys

Almost eveey Dumbf droogie here is a JIDF troll farm shill

>implying his trailer park trash base can even afford / use the Internet and / or are literate

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I can't blame OP for being a fucking idiot. He's same type of person who thinks increasing INCOME taxes has any effect on Billionaires or millionaires. Billionaires and millionaires do not HAVE INCOME, they have capital gains.

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>fuck you dad

The middle class deserves crumbs. They produce crumbs compared to people producing 10,000s of jobs and massive technical advances.

Not everyone is equal, life isn't fair. The answer isn't raping the success of people for the failures of others.

You arn't special.

People are getting more of their own money back.

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>Anonymous crying about Federal Debt like Americans should want it paid off even if it could be.
Running up the tab giving people their own money to keep is worthwhile because Congress would spend every penny on gibs for a few million people if they didn’t cut taxes.

Even if you would get twice the interest for a low deposit than for a high one, that still wouldn't make up for the amount you lose on "hidden" interest rates.

>that pic
The childish left


The reality is the middle class is just pissed Trump is taking away their entitlement programs. They could care less who is paying for it long as they were getting freebies.

You're totally fucking retarded.
Even the DEMOCRATS said they'd have cut it by at least 10%, they said they'd only raise it back to 26% you god damn fucking idiot.

Also the other tax cut was FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS.

The only people it hurts are places like Commiefornia which were using the property tax loophole to subsidize their state spending on the backs of other states. You fucking communist pieces of shit, fuck you. We should sue you.

don't buy consumer products then. Currently yuropoors are being compensated by just holding their money and not spending it anyway. No risk and negative interest rates.

wealth has to trickle down onto my face somehow


4D chess

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>what i get back is the same as free gas for a year

The middle class doesn't receive entitlements, brainlet. We are just paying ever more income taxes because you faggots don't understand the difference between INCOME Taxes and CAPITAL GAINS taxes.

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>2 posts in 2 hours
you clearly are interested in getting your question debated and answered.

>opinion discarded unless you can define your argument
>define the middle class
>define crumbs.

My 401k is invested in the success and profitability of those corporations, you subhuman communist vermin.

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You are paying more income tax due to the rules cutting deductions. Trumps tax plan is a stimulus for the working class and corporate America on the backs of middle class.

Just like it should be.

>People who pay more get more back.

I'm shocked OP, shocked.

>You are paying more income tax due to the rules cutting deductions
Most people don't have a high enough agi or enough expenses to justify those deductions. You are only talking about a small number of people that are affected by this. Plus they get an increased deduction that makes up for it. so the effect is negligible.


Doubling the standard deduction does nothing for the middle class and millions of middle class are seeing increases due to high property taxes.

Buy less expensive housing profligate.

idk if anyone has noticed this
But the white mudshark whores that defile themselves with niggers are the ones who appear to have big asses.
They go with niggers because White Men are biologically not attracted to big nigger asses.
So they only get attention from Jamal and Tyrone.
White girls who have big tiddys don't mudshark since they get more attention from us wytbois.
Chestlets have decided to settle down with nigger savages kek.

Holy shit you're fucktarded, it means they have an unfair advantage over smaller businesses, and now the average citizen has to foot the bill
>duhhh just cut spending durr hurt pffff
. A nation as large as America needs a lot of money to stay afloat, if there's one thing that should be cut it's the military.