Jow Forums basically army

I figured out why I keep coming here. Never found anything like this place except when I was in the Army. Men have a sense of camaraderie that's totally foreign to women, and that's the appeal of this place.

People give shit, take shit, call each other faggots, aspire to strength, greatness. Guys will make fun of you for any shit you do, but teach you the right way to clear a building, or break down the conspiracy du jour. Women can't understand getting together with the guys and building a shelter or even just getting together. I like vagina and boobs and all, but women really suck sometimes.

I've been here way too long. I keep leaving to live life, but then I'll break up with a girl and fall right back here. It's sad that I've probably been calling the same Aussie a faggot on-and-off for the last decade, but there's something kind of reassuring about it too.

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For all the similarities between the Jow Forums community and the military community it amazes me how much some of these guys hate the millitary.

It's like getting paid for IRL shitposting, cept with dead brown people and alot of alcohol

They're probably just lazy, I think. Don't want to get up early and do push-ups and such.

I use this place because it’s the only anonymous place where I can sperg and shitpost. I don’t think the military would like that too much.

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I don't know, I remember in OSUT, the black guys all stuck together, and we were practicing raiding houses, and they were going in really sloppy, hadn't even made it close but were just all kinds of bad. We were all making fun of the situation, in a "you'd think black guys wouldn't have such a hard time breaking into houses," and having fun.

I mean, yeah, it's a structured environment, but it's a bunch of guys in it. Maybe it's different if you're support, but who joins the military to work at a desk?

>I like vagina and boobs and all, but women really suck sometimes.
It's kind of suspicious you have to reaffirm that to yourself, closet faggot.

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Or user doesn't want to die for s small foreign nation who is labeled as our greatest ally.

>Don't want to get up early and do push-ups and such
Literally nobody in the fucking Army wants to get up early and do pushups except E-8 and above. Everyone else hates that shit

This. That's probably the only thing stopping me from joining the military.

only the guys who didnt pay attention throughout training, got complacent, or were just unlucky get killed.Stop being a cunt and go kill dunecoons.

Do it goy, you won't die unless it's your own fault! Guaranteed!*

How bout this: we don't want to kill innocent Syrians to further the imperialist agenda of others. Syrians are white than our greatest allies.

>*not guaranteed. Schlomo schekleberg holds no accountability of you die.

Gay and sad. So you'd rather not work out, shoot thousands of rounds getting trained on all kinds of weapon systems, and drill with your buddies, because you're worried about the minuscule fraction of a chance that some sandnigger might get off a lucky shot.

No because I don't want to fight a war I don't believe in. Drop (((your))) argument tactics lad. I have a far higher IQ than the average kike.

>I like vagina and boobs and all, but women really suck sometimes.

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Jow Forums still has a lot of potential, like 2016 showed to undertake large operations not just arguing all day.

Or maybe he doesnt want to kill people that are 0 threat to him because jews tell him too.

It's mostly /leftypol/. The rest is bantz.

reminds me of my fraternity days

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The only thing that sucks here Is that I can't LARP as several people in the same thread.

>tfw when you can't LARP as several characters for the sake of elevated shitposting

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It's more against the govt
Which btw needs to be overthrown at some point.
Wink wink nudge nudge

>it amazes me how much some of these guys hate the millitary.
two things, the first ZOG and the second being an order follower. Only an idiot dies of Israel and an idiot filled with fear hands over his moral decision making authority to ZOG. The military does not protect the people it protects the machine that keeps the people in bondage.

Does anyone here really think this is a nice place to be, relatively? I feel I wind up here because I can't into socializing IRL.

As non-combat personnel for 6 years, I can tell you that my life as military is easy. I collect a paycheck every 2 weeks to.. look professional and do paperwork.

Of course, I have it better than others and I have no complaint about my work conditions. I've come to realize that I can't do this for 20 years. Life is more than collecting 2 week paychecks to be someone's paper monkey. What about being a productive member of society, who legitimately contributes to the human condition in some meaningful way?

I'd rather try and fail than to play it safe for my best years.

That's exactly why it's fun bro

Ever hear of the word "bushido?"