I praise Him everyday.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i did a shit in your moms toilet



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Why are we not more outraged that schools allow their curriculum to be corrupted by this protest culture garbage? If you can ban gang colors, sports jerseys and revealing tops because they distract the learning environment, then what is the place for this troublemaking under the guise of Civic duty? They are too young to formally participate and are not legally adults. This is so beyond wrong.

> Parkland
> again in 2 months

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enough is enough #NeverAgain. Nobody NEEDS a truck, they are a danger and are deadly weapons of white supremacy.

Use to live in that area, cool kids try to cross through the over pass because they think its cool.

Unfortunate situation.


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Teachers staged protest,
they should be charged!


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The school is responsible and they will be sued for a ton of money.

These walkouts will end as a result.

I hope the family sues the fuck out of the school, the organizers, the entire movement clear to goblinbitch & hoggfucker


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checked and kek'd

How does an 11 year old walk out of school on his own? They better have had permission slips.

What an absolute estrogen lad.

All gun grabbers and their kin should be completely wiped out. Next time, make sure that the organizers of the march are hit rather than kids.


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>being happy an 11 year old died
Huh. I can’t figure out why so many people seem to hate you guys.


related youtube.com/watch?v=Bbien7qwxNI

David Hogg did this.

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Better dead than red.

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>guns are made of metal
>trucks are also made of metal
>therefore, potential guns killed this kid
>proceed to reeeeeeee

I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if these liberal clods mental-gymnastic'd there way into this retarded line of thinking

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I bet it was John Podesta who drove over the kid too....



>dumbass grown woman blocks traffic and beats on cars in Charlottsville and dies
>relentless media coverage about a Nazi murdering an innocent young girl
>11 year old kid takes orders from David Hogg, walks out of his school, gets hit by a truck and dies
>RADIO SILENCE from our mainstream media

I wonder why?

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They really don’t have to though. See

That is the definition soiboy

too many basedbeans

Why the fuck are middle school students involved in these walk-outs? They clearly didn't think to do it themselves. Middle school kids don't give a fuck about any of that shit. They were clearly led out by teachers. The blood is on the school's hands.

the walkouts aren't condoned by the school, they're protests students over age 16 are entitled over through the First Amendment

Wait, the walkout was organized by school?

>mah morals

Hmm I can't figure out why nobody cares about moralfagging.

>so worried about getting killed by a gun at school that you're willing to walk out of class
>get hit and killed by a truck instead as a result of your walkout

Is this what they call irony?

The palindromes say yes.

Link about the cunt blocking traffic?

My dad:
>when I was a kid, if we wanted to skip class we just pulled a fire alarm.

one less soiboy

I see what u said there...

Top Kek

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he was probably high on marijuana brownies and dabs

I bet my ass, the shool FORCES them!

kek this

S. Kid got what he deserved.

Yup. Back during the first round there were quite a few reports of schools threatening to suspend anyone who didn't participate, and even more who lied to both parents and students and told them that the event was an apolitical memorial, not a protest.

>three bus captchas in a row
What did they mean by this?

>be American
>Walk into school
>Get shot
>Walk out of school
>Get run over

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Assault truck strikes again


Holy fuck it's real. My sides.

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We're reaching levels of irony that weren't thought possible.

>Walk out of school
>Get run over
hey, that's supposed to be our stuff

I hope the family sues the fuck out of the school district for allowing this shit

For future reference to maximize humor you would finalized the verse by finishing with "get shot". So if you switched the walk out and walk in order it would have been much funnier.

Ya dumb gook.

>be Japanese
>walk into school
>buy plastic women's panties from the vending machine
>put them on your anime robot gf
>lose the state mandated Kankore tournament
>family respects it as your right

Me too user.

They should sue Hogg and Gonzalez as well. Just for teh lulz.

shut the fuck up leaf. nothing you say has value. go fuck a moose.

>Parkland Florida
>Parkland high in El Paso
Are they even trying anymore user

>>three bus captchas in a row
I have this with captchas as well. But it's with bridges, not buses. And I only started getting them after that bridge that was built by feminists fell...

They should sue the fuck out of every organization that is supporting these walkouts also.

He was 11 years old, that's not funny (unless he wasn't white).

He is dressing up as Alfalfa? Or is that just his natural look?

You tell me

Wow. palindrome

Wow. Palindrome.

its basically a controlled chimpout, same as police ignoring blatant drug frenzy in the hood when public assistance checks come first of the month. there are very few options available other than let masses walk off some of that energy.

Search for “Heather Heyer.” CNN and other leftist outlets make it sound like she was brutally and deliberately rolled over by Hitler himself. What actually happened is the driver’s car was being attacked, they panicked and hit the gas, and struck another car stopped by Heather and other protesters. She then had a heart attack and died from that.

I like to think he got isekai'ed by truck-kun to another world and upon waking up, happily realized there were no guns in this new fantasy world.
Then shanked in the kidney for his fancy clothes and thrown in a ditch.

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gungrabber btfo

He chose his fate.

I remember this kid

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The schools do condone. In many cases, they are organized by the admins. Schools send home permission slips and everything.


>that estrogen cannister
I can smell the sóy from here

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That kid's family should sue the shit out of the Hogg.


Don't take my Fucking guns!!!!

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Press B to Bazinga young sheldon



Remember when baltimore shipped their kids to washintgon for that last protest? The schools are directly responsible.

My sister goes to that school there's rumors another kid pushed this kid then took pics of the body

you jest but he's already boycotted Ford, Chrysler, and GM

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yeah im sure they noticed


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Oh, her! I thought it was a different case. She was so fat that the EMTs tried do CPR and it was useless, no?

Don't be a stupid fuck, bin that truck.

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t. El Paso fag

quit making shit up ryan

I am offended by your comment, therefore you are a criminal and shall be punished accordingly

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Yep. That’s the one.

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Leg day is for straight men

My only regret is I wasn't driving the truck and didnt hit more protesters.

Say it with me Jow Forums...


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Man, fuck these NEA public school teachers for leading their students outside to be their political props. Elementary school-aged kids don't participate in political rallies unprompted.

Hahaha, saved it!

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>Goblina has blood on her hands, as she admitted to bullying the shooter
>Whole Hogg now has blood on his as well

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Enough is enough, BAN TRUCKS.
Where's that bald Mexican lesbian??

>Why the fuck are middle school students involved in these walk-outs? They clearly didn't think to do it themselves. Middle school kids don't give a fuck about any of that shit.
yeah but the kids think "hey, great, less class time" and go along with it
standing around doesn't take any fucks at all


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