It's not fucking hard Jow Forums

It's not fucking hard Jow Forums

2nd graders can do it

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This marks the end

And why are 2nd graders being taught about this?

children didn't write that.

I'm going to ask you what I asked someone else. Did you have crushes at that age? Because most people did and those are definitely related to sexuality.

The reason why I will never send my children to public school.

wait am I queer? I thought queer was gay

Did an actual male inseminate this gargoyle or did she hit the sperm bank?

cant wait for this tranny shill to go kill themselves like the rest of his/her/zhxter mentally deranged suicidal kind and stop clogging up Jow Forums

Most people don't have crushes in the 2nd grade. It generally takes to the 4th grade before that starts.

Other, older people might see it as a crush, but the child doesn't because the child hasn't got a clue about sexuality.

I wish.

holy shit i remember those cards and that plastic thing shit

but why the fuck are they teaching this degenerate shit at 6 years old???

>That handwriting
>2nd grader
Ok love

>tfw you will never smash sweet loli pussy with your shota dick

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Don't question it! Are you a bigot?

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If you put your children in public schools these days, you are insane and cruel.
Private schools or don't bother.

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>kids being taught fag propaganda in school

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queer used to mean gay. But it's like so many other words that were redefined in order to win arguments and to make every feel like they're special in their own unique way.

Checked and fpbp

brainwashing is most effective on youth comrade! Just you wait! Soon your children will come home and report you to the community hate-thought prevention officers :)

Fucking disgusting. These fucking parasites are targeting our children they need to be dealt with!

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none of it is real, it's just something they made up

Nothing about it is confusing. You want to control the way I speak, so you can go fuck off and die.

The war for the mind begins in the cradle

>Teaching 8 year olds about sexuality
There must be some way to sue for this

being an indoctrinated good little goy cunt after being brainwashed as an impressionable kid isn't hard, i agree
the path of light isn't an easy one

get the fuck out

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We don't about your Marxist filth.

Because children confused about their identity are easier to groom for sex by lesbians and homosexuals.

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Step 1) Find the school district.
Step 2) Tell parents about it so they get pissed.
Step 3) ???
Step 4) Profit!

because the government is a terrorist organization

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We need to kill these people. This has to stop.

>someone is teaching 7 year old children about LGBT terminology instead of important shit
How you coming with those nukes Kim!?

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Send your kids to private school.

Away from these evil cultists.

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You're are filth and deserve to be euthanized like animals.

How is this even legal ?

not in 2nd grade no, all i cared about was figjting, music, and vidya
that hasn't changed too much, replace vidya with gassing the fucking kikes and that's about the only difference

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Make sure you tell them your name is (rare earth metal)+Stein. It'll give you credibility

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>listening to Jessica valenti

May ovarian cancer take her poison womb and life.

Why does she have children? I thought shitlibs only liked cars.


These Sodomites don't bother teaching cursive, or penmanship, or American history, or English, or most things of value to society, but they have time to indoctrinate an entire generation on their faggotry and recruit for their perverse lifestyle. Sick fucks.

Attached: cursive.png (650x400, 63K)

Queer means fag.

>another "Literally Who with a (((blue checkmark))) tweets something stupid" episode
I hate reruns.

Shithead converted to eco bullshit.

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>How you coming with those nukes Kim!?
He just announced that all testing would cease because the program is complete, so there you go.

sadly this is truly the case, only physically removing the kike scum will put a stop to their terrorization of the people, they will never give up their seditious behavior and goals

It's not written in cursive so it probably was written by a 5 year old or a severely mentally disabled person

Homeschool your kids or expect them to come out like this.

>Second grade
Funny. That's the nicest penmanship of any 2nd grader ever.

because they forget nearly everything they learn if they don't get a few hours of physical exercise every day. a directed attempt at actually reducing brain mass, in every sitting school generation since the start of education. it's physical and mental torture.

This when i was in elementary school we were not taught anything about marriage, relationship, straight or gay. That was left for parents to discuss. We were busy learning reading, writing, and math.

>cursive, or penmanship
l m a o

I guess you could just stop paying tax and having children until conditions improve

No idea.

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that's an adult's print, without any dought
a child isn't that consistent with things like kerning and letter size, the angle that they're writing at, the shape of the letters, basically anything you can fuck up in printing, a child is still figuring out each of them as they go

This is like thinking homophobes are actually scared of gays.

When I was in school, about 1000 years ago, they didn't teach social issues; at least until the 6th grade when they would separate the boys and the girls and show them "the film" about the differences between boys as girls.

Even then the movie didn't tell you anything. It was just some guy whose voice is changing and he's sweating a lot whenever mary walks past him.

I'm sorry about your two dads, Chang, but I would rather children learn an actual lesson and discipline in school.

>he's sweating a lot whenever mary walks past him.
Because he knows Mary is onto him.

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The kid is taught by mudslimes to take the pad where his mother wipes his ass and put his face in the remaining fecal matter. So progressive!

Common core. No joke. Look it up.

You have to teach them sex ed, they said.
It's just the basics, they said.
You want them to know about birth control and how babies are made, don't you?
You're not one of THOSE parents, right?
You think there's a gay agenda lol.
Like the teachers are literally going to teach your child how to be gay.

I identify as whatever is the most economically or socially advantageous for the situation -- that is, a straight, white 6'4" man.

Anons, well the few that are Chad enough to get a wife, and have star children, don’t send ur kids off to government school... homeschool otherwise they will turn into tod pod eating fagots

Where's the plus you bigot?

Not all of Jow Forums is Stormfags

>two dads
alright mongrel i'll bite, how is cursive a 'value to society' then?

nice to know that our tax dollars are indoctrinating your children into our way of thinking

t. flaming faggotoid

It allows them to read this

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White liberals need the rope

Teacher here, this is not a second graders handwriting...

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She has a daughter.

Like most "feminists" she married a wealthy connected guy. Consider everything she writes to be utter bullshit.I hate these people more than I hate the deluded gender confused.

From wiki

In 2009, Valenti married Andrew Golis, at that time the deputy publisher of Talking Points Memo, but as of 2016, General Manager of Vox Media.[4][35] The couple have one daughter, born in 2011.[36]

Soon... civil war is coming and it’s not too far down the pipe

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>So precious

And this is why my kids are in private school.

Yeah I know I was just shitting on print writers

It’s not. It’s a word wall. The way this fag can do this is because it can be considered teach to standards.

I teach history for my English standards.

Most virtue signalling libs put their own kids in private school. They promote public schools because it puts other kids that are not theirs at a disadvantage. Which means less competition for their own offspring. Her girl probably goes to a school that is 98% white with many one or two Asian kids.

No it’s not hard at all. Just call them faggots and you will never be wrong.

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The teacher obviously write his own lessons on the board thingy...

You're an hero, user

It’s a word wall

I knew a feminist in college who had armpit hair, quoted Feminists, insisted on never wanting to get married... a year after college she has her useless degree and wines to me. Find out shortly after she marries a chad with a good job and she completely relies on him for her lifestyle. She still probably is too retarded to get it.

During the Trayvon Martin case people started unironically debating whether adults should be able to read cursive.

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Every shitlib dreams of being able to wield 100% control over other people. Having a child helps make that fantasy real.

das reel retarted thir