Is anime used to push pedophilia?
Is anime used to push pedophilia?
How do we stop them?
looney tunes is the only way.
anime makes a ridiculous amount of money so i guess the way to do that would be make the money intangible in such a way that they do not peruse this avenue of making money IE breaking legs and other niggerish behavior.other than that yuh got me verne
Are you a gay?
Make entertaining western shows.
People in other places simply don't have that much of a stick up their asses when it comes to sex, and it bears no associations to sin or evil, as it was warped in the west.
Poking fun at pedos and sexualizing child-like characters just isn't that big a deal.
WHY should we stop it?
Because if anyone has spent more than 5 minutes with children, they'd know they dont act at all like lolis do in anime.
is pedophilia used to push anime?
>anime is real life
No, the Japanese just aren't cucks who want to marry roasties who settle at 30.
pedophilia is the driving force behind anime not the other way around
Not because "hurrr durrr degeneracy" from my perspective, but from what I saw once when I caught a girlfriends kid using her computer for anime-porn.
The characters in this porn looked like kids too.
Now I'm not a stuffed shirt, but there is already legal precedent set that any porn depicting children, even if it was not real, or was computer generated (hence no kids were actually victimized) will still land you in prison with a pedo stamp on your ass.
Not anymore.
There's still a fuzzy area, but loli won't put you in jail
What is pedophilia? It's the sexual attraction to children. What crimes is that related to? The molestation/kidnapping/rape of children. Do you want to know how pushing pedophilia is really done? By telling people there's no objective difference between right and wrong. If an anime is doing that, then it's pushing pedophilia related crimes.
Bigger tits, wider hips, and Thiccr thighs.
Can't wait for season 3, it's gonna be a gud summer hell yeah